Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1552: Earth remnants

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"He escaped!"

Three seconds later, Pablo, who was sober, changed his face so much that he did not dare to look at the fact that the other party had fled! He escaped from the blockade of his space, and in particular broke the yin and yang rope.

This yin and yang string is made by an adult himself, and even he himself cannot break free.

But why can Ning Tianlin do it?

What measures did he use!

Not even three seconds.




When the void shattered, Pablo searched Ning Tianlin like crazy.

Three seconds.

He must not have escaped far.

He is not a star-strength strongman, and cannot yet traverse the void arbitrarily. He can only run through black holes in space with brute force. This speed is much slower than it is.

He must not escape!


In shape, the divine mind shattered the void, and even collapsed countless spaces. After searching for half an hour, he gave up completely.

None of this was found, definitely no longer.

Even stealth will definitely be forced by him.

All space is under his control, even if it is invisible, it will definitely be broken by the body.

"Transfer array?"

"Only the teleportation team can teleport him directly!"

"How is this possible? This is how he arranges the teleportation array that Ning Tianlin understands, but how can he accomplish it without tens of minutes or even days!"

It can't figure it out.

Even if the other party really breaks away from the yin and yang, they cannot escape!

But he didn't know. When Ning Tianlin came, he spent a lot of effort to arrange a teleportation array inside his body, and his entire body could be regarded as a teleportation array.

At this moment, I have returned to where I came from.

And not people.

Hiding in a secret place of the mech family.


"what happened!"

"My yin and yang air rope, how can I lose my breath!"

Just then, a huge bug in the void shuttled, looking down at the sky, and asked Pablo.

"Sir, I don't know."

"Ning Tianlin fled."

"Yin Yang Yi Qi can't trap him at all."

"I ... I was stunned by him and I don't know what he did."

Pablo didn't say anything about it, he was a star warrior and was even fainted by a star. Although it was only three seconds, it passed out and was not laughed to death by other bugs.



Pablo's huge body flew out, rolled heavily on the ground, and flew for a long time before stopping, his mouth filled with blood.

"None of this can be done!"

"What did you ask from his mouth?"

"Is there any news on Earth?"

This adult is most concerned about this.

Because until now, he also wanted to know where the earth was.

The remnants of the earth have come out, and this is the second.

Especially this second one, who is only so young, but has star-level combat power, if he is given time, will he not turn the sky?

At that time, who can stop him if he wants to avenge the events of ancient times?

He even faintly felt a little uneasy. If Anan quietly lets this young man develop, will he become the master of the universe?

At that time, they are really in trouble.


Pablo shook his head flushed.

All the strategies he just made, in fact, have only one purpose: to find out where the earth is today.

Unfortunately, neither Qin Shihuang Zulong nor Ning Tianlin got the answer he wanted.

To this day, he has no trace of the earth at all.


"You waste!"

"That's not all that good!"

The huge bugs were furious, and they all had the urge to kill Pablo directly, but I thought that Pablo was an astral-level warrior. Even among the Zerg, he died one less.

He just let him go after a bit of hard work.

"Come down and announce the news that Ning Tianlin is the remnant of the earth!"

"Especially among the human race!"

"I would like to see now how the strong people of Terra will react!"

The giant bug ordered Pablo.

"Master ... do you not tell the people that the earth has reunited and reappeared?"

Pablo asked.

He felt that this matter was also a major event.

It was they who also learned from Qin Shihuang that the earth had reunited.

"What about telling!"

"You don't know without telling them?"

"We don't even know where the earth is. What about the news that the earth has reunited!"

The giant bug snorted, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

In addition, this Ning Tianlin was originally the target of the human delusion hall. If you let the no delusion hall know, this Ning Tianlin came out of the earth and see what he would do.

It is estimated that at that time, he will turn the universe upside down to find Ning Tianlin or Earth!


Pablo nodded.

Now that everything was ordered, he did just that.

Moreover, the remnants of the earth's veins are coming out of the universe, and many people's jaws will definitely be taken aback.

"Also, not only the human race, the wood race, the stone race, the elven race, the beast race, the mechanical race, etc., have spread the news. I want to let all races know, Earth people, come back!"

Finally, the giant bug added.


Pablo nodded.


Now that the human race has spread, it won't be long before the entire universe will definitely begin to spread.

The resurgence of the earth's sins is a major event for the entire universe!

"Also, to launch the power of the Zerg, you must find out Ning Tianlin!"

"Only he knows where the earth is today"!

The giant bug added.


Pablo nodded, then turned around and started doing things as the other party ordered.

He just didn't know what Ning Tianlin used to escape.

. . . . . .

Soon, the entire universe began to spread the news of the rest of the earth.

And all in the range of the Xeon.

After all, ordinary warriors are powerful warriors. There is no concept of the word "Earth" at all. Only those who truly survived the ancient times and knew the existence of the opponent's tyrannical power would be quite fair to these two words. Value.

"Earth on Earth!"

"This Ning Tianlin turns out to be the rest of the earth!"


No delusional hall.

No more than three days.

The Zerg let the high-level officials in Wudian know this through special channels.

One of the old men with three eyes suddenly stood up from the seat of the hall, listening to the report below inconceivably.

His eyes flickered, especially the third eye with his eyebrows upright, exuding infinite coercion.

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