Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1553: Sky Fox Family

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Quickly find out the truth of this matter, and the source of the news!"

"The most important thing is to assemble this Ning Tianlin's information and infer where he came from!"

The three-eyed old man ordered.

The owner of the temple is not here. He is the person in charge here.

It is also the strongest existence except the Lord of the Universe.

He didn't think of Ning Tianlin as one thing at all. What about genius? A genius who has not grown up is not a genius at all! For millions of years, he has seen so many geniuses.

But which one has reached where he is today.

Therefore, when the Mu clan handed over Ning Tianlin, he only knew it and nodded too much.

With the current trend of the human race, it is not easy to fight against the Mu race.

They have no delusion hall and need the support of the Mu clan.


The conveyer below focuses heavily on what he needs to do.

The three-eyed old man, however, had heavy eyes, and his mind was pierced through countless voids, and returned to the war of ancient times.

The world is broken, blood flows into the river, the universe collapses, and the earth is broken.

How terrible!

If that's the case, the rest of the earth is back!

Still in this genius way!

at the same time.

Human holy land.

Deep in the endless void.

A body full of muscles, like a man like an iron tower, sat in the void, listening to the report of a servant, the eyes of the half-opened eyes suddenly opened, full of energy raging, countless spaces began to collapse.

Above his head was a pagoda.

But if you look closely, you will find that the nine-story pagoda, only the second one is solid, and the rest are blurred and formed by ideas.


"This matter, be sure to find out!"

"If possible, bring this Ning Tianlin personally to me."

The iron man commanded.


"My Lord!"

The other nodded.

He also knows the seriousness of this matter. Otherwise, he would not bother him when the Lord closed.

After that, he turned around and left this world.

Mu family.

"Earth on Earth?"

"What the hell?"

Mu Zeshu is a star warrior, also in the capital city. He who smashed the physical body of Ning Tianlin and killed the owner of the capital city is dead. At this moment, he heard a report and was puzzled.

Earth's Remains?

What the **** is this "Earth"?

How has he never heard of it?

But when he thought about Ning Tianlin, he was upset about the idea. After all, this is a star cave warrior who can escape from himself, not to mention other, this means of escape is not bad.

In particular, the news of the "remains of the earth" was circulated from the high levels of the human race and the zerg race these days.

The spies of their Mu clan also captured the news.

Subsequently, the news, through his hands, began to report to the Mu clan layer by layer.

More than half an hour later, he was forcibly opened up by the real leader of the Mu clan and summoned to him.

This is an extremely huge tree with roots connected to the void, the top is boundless, the end can not be seen, a transfigurated face appears in the trunk, the voice is soaring, it is truly heaven and earth, "Tell you what you know about Ning Tell me about Tianlin's affairs. "

"Especially his origins!"

"And everything you know!"

Isn't it?

Patriarch also cared about this?

Is this "remains of the earth" really so powerful?

What the **** is this earth?

How has he never heard of it?

He has lived hundreds of millions of years, and he should know everything.

But no matter what, Kisawa nodded solemnly and bowed, "Yes, ancestor!"

Speaking, began to talk about Ning Tianlin in detail, including the wooden ancient abyss.

at the same time.

Mechanical family.

Stone people.

Elves and so on, all began to spread the news of "Earth on Earth".


"Be sure to find out Ning Tianlin!"

"Even if we have killed our lives, we must protect him! We must not let him fall into other races!"

This is an extremely difficult and sinister territory.

Although it is in a planet, volcanic eruption, magma raging, flooding, and even meteors falling to the ground, tearing the earth and ravaging the entire planet will happen from time to time.

As soon as outsiders saw it, they knew that living conditions were extremely difficult.

It's a common thing to eat and not to save one.

But there is a race hidden in this difficult planet where slave owners don't want to come.

The tribe has men and women, handsome men, and enchanting women. They all have tails and have white wings on their sides.

Sky Fox Family.

Although it is not a rare race, there are really not many ethnic groups.

It's full of calculations, and there aren't 100 million existing clan members!

Not to mention that in the entire universe, even the earth alone, it is nothing. It is distributed on this planet and gathered together, just a little shadow.

At this moment, a woman with a phoenix crown on her head and eight tails, suddenly got up from her seat after hearing the news of "Earth of the Earth", and then said to the guard who came to inform.


The guard nodded.

He has heard of "Earth".

Because in their clan, from beginning to bottom, from ancient times to the present, they are telling the story of them and the earth.

They were friends of the Earth. In ancient times, only Earth people were willing to help them.

Although the ancestors died, the fall of the fall, the loss of civilization, but even the rock is engraved with their friendship with the earth.

Originally, I thought that the earth was broken, but there was no future generation.


Be sure to find out the posterity to protect their safety.

Although they are not the top forces in the universe, they must not be underestimated. They have endured for so many years. At this time, the outbreak should also erupt!

Especially the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox, who is now in power, goes one step further and is the level of the Lord of the Universe!

As long as they are not the master of the universe, they will not be afraid!



At the same time, news about the "remains of the earth" began to spread throughout the universe.

Some are shocked, some are scared, some are excited.

But no matter how much, everyone seems to acquiesce to this fact.

If I knew that after the earth was broken, we still had to make a comeback!

It's just that few people are willing to face the news at this moment.

. . . . . .


A hidden place for the mech.

Ning Tianlin's figure flashed and appeared in the void.

As soon as it appeared, he controlled the Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower, and wiped out the red worms of the star-virtual level brought from the Zerg, replaced them with Qi.

As for the King of Sleep, he did not move, and was ready to take it to the family of the Dai.

Ten days away, there are only ten days left.

He should start too!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, eight thousand years of Jingqi has been obtained.

The combat system sounded loudly.

"Three years left, the rest are all redeemed"!

Ning Tianlin ordered.

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