Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1557: Are you Dai people?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"This is the Lord of the universe, a space that is broken open!"

Although there was nothing, Ning Tianlin knew that there was an extremely mysterious void ahead.

Want to see, especially want to go in, in addition to the blood of the uncle's family, is to let the people inside out, bring yourself in.

Moreover, with the exception of the Dai people, other creatures who want to enter this space must have the lowest combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, if you rush in, you will only fall apart or be eroded.


"Someone is coming outside!"

The Tatars who are guarding the other space of the starry sky are two young Tatars who have reached the starfield. They did not believe that someone would appear here today.

Because when the Lord Green and the Lord talk to them, they just pay attention to them.

The probability of that person appearing is less than one in a billion.

That is almost a trillion points of probability, it is simply impossible!

Now, I don't think anyone is actually here, and he is still a young man of ethnic origin.

Ning Tianlin can't see them, but they can see Ning Tianlin through space.

"Hurry to rule Lord Green and Red!"

The two young Dais looked at each other, quickly dialed the information device, and began to send messages to Lord Green and Red.

"Here it is!"

The green hairs and red hairs were shocked in their hearts, and they looked at each other in an incredible way.

Then Ning Tianlin, really came!

And just outside the clan!

When the guardian passed on their message, he also passed on the appearance of Ning Tianlin. There was nothing wrong with it. It was he Ning Tianlin!

Just because there is no way to enter, but can't enter for the time being!

"Oh my God!"

"How could he really be here!"

There was a big shock in their hearts and it was incredible.

Don't say how he found this position. The distance between the Dai and the location at that time was simply beyond the reach of the Lord of the Stars. He just kept running, and it was impossible!

Not to mention ten years, even a thousand years!

That involves layers of folded space. Without the combat power of Star King or above, it is impossible to break through!

"Did he really become the king of the stars and chopped the zombie slumber?"

It was difficult for them to calm down for a while, and they were guessing at every possibility inconceivably.

How could such an impossible thing be done by the young people in front of it!


"Can't let him enter like this!"

"Although I don't know what her relationship with the Lord is, she must not be allowed to enter like this!"

"Maybe, the Lord's mind is unstable. Will he leave the Dai people with him? Or he brought a shock to the Lord and affected the cultivation of the Lord. No one can afford this responsibility!"

"The patriarch repeatedly emphasized to them that the Lord should cultivate well and spend all his time on cultivation!"

"Anyway, he cannot enter without the guardian's leadership!"

Green hair and red hair started to send messages to each other through the information device, and said their conjecture.

They didn't take it as a thing at all, but now they have to be cautious.

At the very least, this young man cannot be allowed to enter!


The two kept communicating, and soon got the answer, passing the message to the guardian at the door, "don't care about him!"

"Let him die at the door!"

The two did not believe that the other could come in.

Because no one leads, but the blood of the Dai people is needed.

And how precious is the blood of the Dai people, how can it be given to anyone. Even when they were separated from this young man, they did not notice any small movements from the Lord and gave him blood.

As long as he can't get in, the ten-year contract of that year was when the young man lost his contract.

I missed it, but I can't blame them.


Two young janitors looked at each other and decided to comply.

A human being, they are too lazy to take care of it.

They are one of a kind and do n’t have much friendship with people. Sometimes, they do n’t know how much humans eat as food.

"This is the power of the Lord of the universe!"

"Stiffly in the void, it splits up another layer of stable space, and specifically makes the surrounding environment suitable for the Dai people to survive."

Although it has not been seen what the other space in front looks like, the darkness in front has made Ning Tianlin feel a bit.

The starry sky is dark, this Ning Tianlin knows, but the darkness in front of it is not a matter of light, but it is covered by a strong dark attribute. Ordinary people stay here, let alone life. When they first touch, they will be corroded by the whole body. Sucks.

This space is strongly corrosive.

The other layer of space should be based on this foundation and transformed into a blunder!

"Guess, how long will he stay here?"

"Ten days?"

"eight days?"

"I see, for about three days, when no one took care of him, he would doubt that the position he found was inaccurate, and he would leave by twisting his ass."

The two guards at the door teased each other.

They all thought that Ning Tianlin would definitely stay shortly before leaving.

After all, without the blood of the Dai people, he could not come in!


"That is?"

It was just when they teased that the first round had not ended, and a drop of blood suddenly appeared in front of Ning Tianlin.

Not something else, it's the essence of the puppet family!

For others, this thing is difficult to get, because at the very least, you must be able to meet the creatures of the Dai people, which is a rare race and rarely moves. It's hard to come across in the universe.

But here at Ning Tianlin, it's not a matter at all, it's a matter of spirit.

As for the news that requires blood to open, it is even more of an omniscient and omniscient combat system.

"Essential blood!"

"The essence of our Dai people!"

They let their eyes go, staring at the scene inconceivably.

Black and red, there are pictures of their Dais, there is nothing wrong!

Even the purity of the essence and blood is higher than them! After all, not all peoples have pure blood!


At this time, Ning Tianlin waved his hand into the void in front of him with some strange gestures.




With the invasion of the essence and blood, the space in front of it trembled. As if a large earthquake were encountered, the entire portal began to vibrate. A moment later, an invisible black door, one hundred feet high and one thousand feet wide, appeared before Ning Tianlin.

At the same time, a rotten darkness exuded from the space, so that Ning Tianlin felt a strong Yin atmosphere.


Ning Tianlin shook his body, ready to step in.


"who are you!"

"Where is the Qiang tribe, how can a human being be scattered here?"

Two guards at the door naturally stood in front of Ning Tianlin and asked him to drink.

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