Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1558: Guardian of Massacre

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"The Dais are important?"

"Then you haven't seen me outside, haven't you opened the door?"

Ning Tianlin asked, staring at the two.


"It is our power to open or not to open the door, can you as a human being question it?"

The Wa people are originally a rare race in the universe. In terms of origin, 11 million people are not comparable. At this moment, a human being questioned how could they feel better.

"Also, how did the blood of our Dai people come from? Come on!"

The other party's biggest doubt is why Ning Tianlin has the essence of their family.

The blood that has just opened the door of the clan is not wrong.

"You say this."

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly and waved his hand, and there was a large amount of Qiang blood in front of him.

"This kind of thing, how much I want, is not worth it at all."

Ning Tianlin deliberately stimulated each other and directly exchanged a lot.

Such things as essence blood are really cheaper here in the combat system.

"You ... you killed our Dai people!"

Opposite two members of the Dai clan were angry.

The essence and blood of so many people must be formed only after some people die! If not, how can there be so much!

"Kill not kill, will you know if you check one by one?"

Of course, Ning Tianlin would not have a good tone. He knew that the two of them could see him just now, but he didn't mean to open the door at all. He didn't even ask if he asked, it was very likely that he would not let himself enter the Dai people.

In addition, it is not necessary to be polite to enter the Qiang people.


"So arrogant Terran!"

The two guards were angry.

The young humans didn't look at their Dai people so much, so they dared to put words at their door.

Turned upside down.


One of them did not hold back, so he was ready to take action against Ning Tianlin.

In their hearts, from beginning to end, they feel that the human race is a lot cheaper than them, and they are simply incomparable with their rare blood.

"Wait a minute, Lord Green and Red!"

It was just a violent figure that was pulled by another person, because Lord Green and Red knew that this person was coming, but just let them keep the other side out, but didn't say they were going to be killed.

Maybe, this person has something to do with Lord Green and Red.

I heard that the Holy Spirit seems to be preparing a dinner, and I don't know if it has anything to do with this person.


The riotous figure was also restrained, and then through the information device, began to contact the Red Lord Green Lord, but his eyes were staring at Ning Tianlin in case there was any change.

"Master Green and Red?"

Ning Tianlin raised a brow and raised the green hair and red hair seen in the universe at that time.

Wouldn't it be them?

at the same time.

Holy Spirit Temple.

"He came in!"

Green hair and red hair can see the shock in their eyes, but never thought that this Ning Tianlin came in, but also came in autonomously. No one greeted it, but came in with the blood of the Qiang people.

Unable to, they all set their eyes on the Holy Spirit Beven.

Don't think about it, all speculating that this blood is definitely given to him by Bo Wen. If not, how could this young man have such a rare thing.

"It's still in the doorway today, blocked."

Green hair and red hair quickly colluded through the information device, thinking about how to deal with it.

At this moment, there are only five minutes left before the ten-year covenant.

As long as these five minutes have passed, even if the other party loses his appointment, the Holy Spirit will not have such great expectations. Maybe, there will be no such thoughts in the future.


"Kill him!"

"Can't let the other party enter the Dai space!"

Green hair red hair soon discussed the countermeasures.

This Ning Tianlin must not appear at this banquet. For nothing else, it is for their Holy Spirit. No human friends are needed! And it is still a human race with little fighting power!

It is the holy spirit of their Dai people. Most of the time, they need to stay with the Dai people. No human friends are needed!



The two guards at the door smiled when they received the message from Lv Mao Hong Mao.

Make you crazy?

Someone later ordered to kill you!

Although they can't see how much Ning Tianlin has fighting power, but how young can they be, let alone a few decades old, a thousand-year-old human race, how much can they produce?

They don't have such excellent bloodlines as their Dai!


The two guardians sneered at Ning Tianlin and moved at the same time.

No weapons, just a huge body.

The fierce howling wind, as if coming from Jiuyou, has extremely cold attributes.

They were the ancestors of the zombies, and all over them were cold and cold.

In addition, they are a rare race in the universe. They are inherently coercive against other races. For humans, they have a cold and cold, which can reduce the fighting power of the other party.

They are confident, and with one stroke, they can swallow the young man in front of them.

And I do n’t know how many years, they have not swallowed the human race.

There are even countless excitements in his eyes.

The taste of the human race is also very delicious.


What just made the two guardians unbelievable was that their bodies had just moved and had just emerged from the Dai space. The entire body was held alive by the huge palm.

No matter how you struggle, you can't move.

"Two star kings, dare to be so presumptuous in front of me!"

Ning Tianlin's current combat effectiveness is not considered to be a secret technique, but only the physical combat effectiveness and equipment has reached the Star St. section. With full force, Star St. 8 section can be beheaded.

Star Saint Nine Duan can also be consumed alive!

Dealing with the two star kings is effortless.

"You ... you are Star Saint!"

The two guardians were terrified.

I can't believe the truth in front of me.

A dozen-year-old human turned out to be the Holy Star!

This. . . . . . This is too incredible.

When talking at the same time, quickly turned on the red hair and green hair information devices, begging them to save themselves.

These two people are too boring, isn't this pitting them?

How about letting them two star kings to kill the star Saint?

This is not to kill them alive!

You guys are at the same level, go on your own!

"Stars are not stars, are they so heavy?"

Ning Tianlin smiled.


Without giving the other party any more time to react, the huge palms transformed into a crush directly crushed the two guards, and then the giant palms turned into huge mouths, swallowing all the minced meat in their hands.

Since you want my life, you can't stay!

He didn't plan to start the killing at first. He even thought that this was the site of Bo Wen. He should save some face for his people, but his life would kill him when he came up. How could he bear it?

And, this order to kill him, but under that red hair and green hair!

These two are the most damn!

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