Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1560: Here comes my ten-year appointment!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"Is it true that the humans in this section of the planet are no one among us?"

"It's just a section of Xingsheng. Kill him now!"

The members of the Dai people around Ning Tianlin are at least Xingsheng 2nd and Xingsheng 6th. What does this young man fight with them?

This combat formation and the eyes of Medusa are good, but is that all right?

Even if it is suppressed, we will be much better than you!


All the members around Ning Tianlin moved at the same time, all waving their huge claws, long tails, and sharp teeth. They must kill the young man with one blow.

But what made them instantly look so different was that the void surrounding them was suddenly filled with countless toxins. It was extremely powerful, even with their arrogant body, they were also touched.

For a moment, their bodies were somewhat damaged.

In particular, if you look closely, these toxins are mixed with slow, frozen and other Zerg-specific auxiliary attack methods, which not only slows down the speed of these people, but also makes them frosty, and their minds are a little bit nervous.



Ning Tianlin did not sacrifice the super sound wave, but the speed soared. He stiffly increased the original speed by ten times, making the super speed.

All in all, this will make him invincible.


Fang Tian painted the halberd in his hand, one blade at a time.

The eight members of the Qiang people who surrounded him had their abdomen cut open before they saw the figure of Ning Tianlin. A lot of blood stagnated in the void, and even the last skull was cut off directly.



The members of the Dai people's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it was true until they died.

They were even spiked by the martial arts section of Xingsheng!


"The adults are dead!"

Some members of the Dai people who were onlookers were frightened immediately. How could they never have thought that the people who had been steadily winning the game would be instantly killed.

This human means is too horrible.

At this time, the green hairs and red hairs in the distance had set off and flew towards this side.

Because they felt vaguely wrong, the two guardians at the gate of the Qiang Nationality had no longer answered his question, and in that direction, the ethnic group throbbed, and even the gas broke out.

There are clearly signs of fighting.

Not to mention them, even the more powerful, deeper and farther tribe, also flew towards that side.

"Did Ning Tianlin dare to break in?"

This is the biggest shock of green hair and red hair in flight.

They really dare not imagine that the other party dared to storm here!

Don't know where this is?

A gathering place for the Dai people!

It ’s your Lord of the Terrans, and now the Lord of the Wandering Palace, who controls the world of the Terran, is coming, and you must be polite and not too presumptuous!

You Ning Tianlin, you're so daring!

However, for the sake of insurance, they did not let Bo Wen come and said that they should clarify the situation before talking! What if a strong man from other races breaks in and is hostile to them?

Moreover, they really do not want Bo Wen and Ning Tianlin to meet.

Although it is not known what the relationship between the two people is, a Dai people and a human being should not have friendship.

Rather hard, they let people watch the violent Lord Beven for security reasons.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"Ning Tianlin really!"

When the red hair and green hair appeared in the rigorous place already surrounded by the people, his face was extremely shocked, because in the center, it was really the young man who appeared ten years ago.

In particular, the bodies of seven or eight star saints fell down beside the young man!

Oh my God!

He can even kill Xingsheng!

Ten years ago, he was a Star Warrior!

This. . . . . . The speed of progress is too fast!

"Master, Red, you are here!"

Although the fighting power of this red hair and green hair is not the highest, it is only the Xingsheng Nine Section, but its status in the clan cannot be underestimated. After all, everyone knows that they brought the Lord from the outer universe!

Today is a red man on the side of the Lord!

In the Dai people, the Lord is the first person except the patriarch!

There are even rumors that it won't be long before the fighting power of the Lord can even exceed the chiefs! Lead them to become the most powerful race among the thousands of races in the universe.


Green-haired and red-haired nodded, and walked in from the crowd that dispersed automatically.

At this time, in front of Ning Tianlin, there were three star auspicious warriors.

Deeper into the space, there is a stronger presence of the Dai people. Generally, when they reach the realm of stars, they begin to hide the void, and rarely ask about things in the clan. They will not appear unless the family really encounters great difficulties.

"Young people, trespassing to our Dai people and beheading our people, do you know what the consequences will be?"

The existence of the three star Olympics did not immediately start, but asked Ning Tianlin.

They all saw that the young man was not even fifty years old. At this age, you can become a star holy, and it is definitely a genius among the geniuses in the human race.

Does this young man have any background and rely on the great power of the human race?

If not, why dare to take action in their tribe!

Could it be that there is no scruples?

So, despite their anger, they didn't do it immediately.

Anyway, it has been surrounded, it is not too late to kill it later.

"You are here!"

But Ning Tianlin, who was surrounded by them, did not answer them, but set his eyes on the green and red hairs that appeared slowly, and instantly recognized the two. It was the one who took Bowen away. Two old men!

"I'm not expecting you!"

"You have become a Saint!"

The red hairs and green hairs are staring at Ning Tianlin inconceivably, and they do not avoid acquaintance with him.

Anyway, this person is mortal today!

He and the Lord must not be seen.

In ten years, he has grown from a star warrior to star saint. How many years later?

Maybe you can hold power in the human race!

Judging from the attitude of the Lord towards him, it is obedience and flattering! If this person becomes the ruling human race, then their Dai will not become a vassal of the human race?

Such things must never happen!

In addition, this young man who did not know the heights and heights of the people came to kill their people, for this reason, he died hundreds of times!

"Stars are not stars, it doesn't matter."

"The important thing is that I'm here. The ten-year appointment is here!"

Ning Tianlin didn't care about it, and said it directly.


"Master Green and Red know this person?"

"What's their relationship?"

Seeing the three people talking, the rest of the Dai people began to talk.

"And what the **** is this ten-year covenant?"

"Ten years ago, Lord Green and Red were not exactly outside, looking for the Lord?"

Some people realized that the three were likely to have known each other at that time.

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