Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1561: The Sleeping King is dead!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"The Lord and this person are probably also known."

"A ten-year contract, wouldn't it be that time?"

In particular, some clever people think that this green man, red man and this young man know each other. What about the Lord who was brought back?

Ten years ago, the Lord was outside.

Most likely, the Lord knows this young man too!

But what the **** is this ten-year covenant?

Why have they never heard of it?

"A ten-year covenant?"

"Ha ha."

"You say a ten-year covenant!"

Green hair and red hair looked at each other, and Green Hair said, "What do you do to fulfill the ten-year contract?"

"I remember that the ten-year agreement we said was that you brought the Zerg's sleepless king over and defeated him in front of us? After all, you found someone to kill him. How do we know it was your hand?"

Although at that time they did not take such a thing to heart, thinking that it was just a kid who did not know the heights and heights of the land and sent out mad words. But with their memory, they still knew the content of the ten-year covenant.

Today, even if this young man has become a star holy, even better than the Sleeping King, they will not admit that the agreement can win.

They said at the time, but brought the sleeper king, and defeated them personally.

But where is the Sleeping King now?

Stay in shit?

Or, has he been killed? That's embarrassing. Since it's dead, who knows who it is, who do you pay for?

They ca n’t admit it without seeing it.

And they don't believe that Sleepless King can appear here.

Without you, it's impossible!

Living life cannot be hidden in the ring of space!

"You admit to having this ten-year covenant."

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly.

With a wave of his hand, the figure of the sleeping king appeared directly in the space.

"where is this?"

"Where am I?"

The King of Sleep was originally imprisoned by Ning Tianlin in a confined space of the nine-story reincarnation tower. There was no sun, no darkness, only endless gray, and even time.

And in that world, he was the only one.

Just when his anxiety was going crazy, the space changed, and he was put into the Dai space by Ning Tianlin.

"So thick!"

"I'm a Zerg. I'm afraid the combat effectiveness will be suppressed a lot here!"

For the first time, he felt a change in his combat effectiveness.

After all, he can only cope with the current situation if the combat effectiveness is not present.

It was only when he saw the surrounding creatures that his face could not be changed anymore, because almost everyone in front of him had the strength of the star king star, even standing in front of him, three almost no less than Xingao Creatures!

Where exactly is this?

Directly in front, there were two acquaintances. Ten years ago, he had seen that it was this red hair and green hair. There was also a young girl who prevented herself from killing Ning Tianlin at that time.

Although Ning Tianlin was not necessarily able to kill himself at that time, it was blocked by the red hair and green hair in front of her!

That's right!


Inevitably, he thought of a ten-year covenant.

He remembered the ten-year agreement clearly, especially in these years, Ning Tianlin's name continued to spread among the human race, making it finally find the Xingao Xingxu in the family.

Because more than 90% of the possibilities, it is Ning Tianlin who will fulfill that ten-year agreement!

After all, those who can increase their combat effectiveness are definitely the same, otherwise the mentality of cultivation will be affected.

In particular, when he saw the red and green furs in front of him, he suddenly realized something, and turned quickly, and sure enough, he saw a face that made him afraid to look directly in front of him.

Ning Tianlin!

Oh my God!

He really caught himself from the Zerg!

How did he do that?

You know, at the time, not only the red worms at the level of Xingao were in the sky, but also the adults who were at the level of Xingxu.

In this case, he brought himself out?

how can that be!

How did he do that?

But no matter what, he knew that it was already a fact, otherwise, he would not be here!

Just where is this?

What the hell?

They have a strong adaptability to the Zerg, and they all feel suppressed here!

"The Dai base camp!"

"Oh my God!"

Suddenly, he took a breath, and couldn't believe his judgment.

Because this place is the countless masters of the Zerg, and they don't know where it is!

After learning that Ning Tianlin was getting stronger at the time, he described his relationship with Ning Tianlin. In a ten-year agreement, he falsely accused the upper class of the Zerg and seduced him to capture Ning Tianlin. What kind of race are his two red hairs?


One of the rare and powerful races in the universe!

It was only at the time that the Zerg strongman he had questioned did not know where the Qiang space was, because this was a real secret. Only the true few tops of the Zerg existed to know the answer.

But now, he has arrived at the base camp of this Dai people!

And it was obvious that it was Ning Tianlin who brought him here.

Oh my God!

What on earth is Ning Tianlin?

Is it really just a strong man out of the holy land of humankind?

Even then, you should not know where the Dai base camp is!

"Look, isn't he alive?"

"Isn't the ten-year contract easy to complete!"

Only at this time, Ning Tianlin's voice interrupted the constant association of this sleepless king.


Even when the dormant insect hadn't responded, he directly drew the halberd with Fang Tian in his hand and cut the dormant king in half.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the ten-year agreement is complete! Special rewards are given for a lifetime!"

"The reward has been issued, please check it!"

At this moment, the sound of the combat system sounded, reminding him that the ten-year mission had been completed.

A load of essence.

Not much at this time today, but at that time, but an astronomical figure, Ning Tianlin did not know how many years it would take him to earn astronomical figures.

But now, it's been released and he's got it!

"how about it?"

"The appointment is complete!"

"It's time to keep your promise?"

Ning Tianlin looked directly at the red and green hairs in front of him and asked seriously.

At that time, they had agreed that if Ning Tianlin really completed the ten-year contract at this time, then he would have the right to take Bowen away and travel with her.

Of course, all this is with the consent of Bo Wen.

In particular, their Dais could not stop themselves from meeting with Bo Wen.

But at this time, Ning Tianlin already had some thought. Seeing the three star auspicious warriors in front, and the horror breath hidden in the distance, this red and green hair is probably not the master of the Dai people.

They were invincible at the time, but now it looks like they are just small fish and shrimp.

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