Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1574: Home mouse

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"what happened!"

"Where did Ning Tianlin go!"

Just as the five star virtual warriors were also preparing to keep up to enter, another strong one kept coming, asking them where Ning Tianlin had gone.

But his eyes were staring at this space, very excited.

Because they all know what this new space means!

In the sky, there is a new space. There is only one possibility. The space is revived and the treasure is born!

There is absolutely no treasure in this space!




These people didn't even wait for the five star virtual warriors to answer, and they took the lead in entering the space ahead.

"This ... Where is this?"

But when they first entered, their consciousness was closed, everyone was separated, they could only see themselves, feel themselves, and the surroundings were foggy.

Like chaos.

But everyone has no fear, but only excitement.

Here, it is likely to be a newly formed space. Everything is new and separated. Without someone else's contention, who can get the treasure is his own creation.

Everyone is confident that he is the one who died that day.


But at this time, a figure, floating in the sky, appeared beside the first Xing Yuanwu who arrived, and watched him so quietly.

Without consciousness, he couldn't feel it at all. He was surprised when he looked up and saw Ning Tianlin with Yu Guang.

Ning Tianlin was by his side!

I don't know how long I've been watching myself.


No shock, but very excited.

Because he knew that Ning Tianlin was just a star-virtual warrior, but he was a star element. It was only an instant thing to catch him.


Inevitably, the big mechanical hand stretched out and grabbed Ning Tianlin.

And not surprisingly, he was so simple and held the other side in his hand.



"The reward of the demon king is mine!"

He felt that this was totally a reward from heaven. If not, why was Ning Tianlin not caught by others but caught by himself? Ning Tianlin should be out of luck!

And he could not help loosening a bit, for fear of pinching Ning Tianlin in his palm to life.

The Demon King wants alive.

"You look so happy smiling."

But what made him incredible was that Ning Tianlin in his palm did not have the slightest panic, but instead spoke to him.

what's the situation?

Do you still have the courage to speak?

Shouldn't you be scared to urinate and ask for forgiveness?

Do n’t all of your people like begging for mercy in despair?

It's a pity that whatever you ask for forgiveness is in vain, and you will surely take me back today.

"Of course happy."

Xingyuan strong laughed, "Do you know what the reward is to grab you? Star shield clothing!"

"With it, it can block the three attacks of the Lord of the universe!"

"You say I can't be happy?"

The members of the mechanical family are even more happy to say the final prize, because what does this matter?

It must be his!

No doubt about it!

"Ha ha."

Ning Tianlin laughed. "You caught me, but do you think you can find an exit?"

"And you haven't noticed anything wrong with me now?"

Ning Tianlin didn't start immediately, he raised the mood of cat and mouse, here is his cat's nest, these mechanical families are all rats who broke into the cat's nest, waiting for his slaughter!

Although cats may not be able to do mice on earth, there is no problem with him.


"How difficult is it to find an exit."

"If you can't find it in one day, you can't find it in ten days, you can't find it in ten days, then you can have a hundred days, a hundred days can't work for a thousand days.

The other side didn't care about Ning Tianlin's provocation, and laughed, "What's the difference with you ..."

He stared at Ning Tianlin tightly. After a while, he really found something strange.

Because at the beginning, Ning Tianlin showed a star-virtual warrior, but now, the fighting power seems to be just a star holy, not even star-level Olympics.

Could it be suppressed by the mysterious energy here?

But why didn't he?

In his heyday!

"How did your combat effectiveness diminish?"

He asked in confusion.

He got the news that this Ning Tianlin is a star virtual warrior, not a star saint.

"Ha ha."

Ning Tianlin laughed, "see?"

He had just used the body of the slave Luo Jin, but now it is his own.

After all, he is here, supreme existence.

Is a galaxy warrior, he can play the existence of the master of the universe.

Just waiting for the other side's reaction, they turned into the air directly in the other side's incredible eyes, drifted into the faint, and flew out of his hands.


Then, without waiting for the other side's reaction, a large void hand appeared directly, pinched on the other side, directly crushed the other side's body, and then the sky's light gathered into a magic crystal.

It was also directly replaced by Ning Tianlin for qi points.

At the same time, Wanzuan was dispatched, and swallowed the broken metal into the stomach.

"Get it!"

Ning Tianlin laughed, feeling the continuous flow of strong men, he was extremely excited.

These mechanical families have entered his hunting ground, and it is impossible to go back alive.




After finishing this one, Ning Tianlin's body flickered, and he constantly appeared in the fog where other warriors were, and one by one began to kill.

Xing Xu, Xing Yuan, Astral level, all have not let go.

As for Xinghuang, it has not yet appeared.

"where is this?"

"Why are all gray?"

Ning Tianlin's constant killing also takes time, but some warriors slowly feel bad, because here, let alone find Ning Tianlin, it is the consciousness and the signals are all imprisoned.

Can't feel anything.

Especially after flying for so long, it's all this world, they all feel a little flustered.

After all, the sky is a very dangerous place. Although it is only a short distance from the entrance, it is not guaranteed, and it encounters something terrible.

So, stay alert at all times.

But no matter what they are, their lives are dying one by one. The original thousands of strong men have already lost most of their lives in less than three hours.

"They haven't returned yet?"

"Did anyone come out?"

Standing at the entrance of the space is a star barren strong, who shows the way to all who come, and he doesn't think that there is what he needs. After all, it's not far from the entrance to the sky.

There will be no real baby.

Only Ning Tianlin was arrested. He didn't believe that so many people had gone in, but he hadn't caught it yet.

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