Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1575: Against Star Famine

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

The questioner was another Star Warrior, who had just arrived from elsewhere and had not yet entered. When he saw an acquaintance knocking on the door, he asked.

"Nothing came out."

The other person shook his head. "So many warriors have gone in, and there is a Star Warrior who is worse than us. It is not a matter of catching a Star Warrior.

"It won't take much time, it will come out."

He stayed here to make sure Ning Tianlin didn't escape from here! Otherwise, the warriors will all go in, but Ning Tianlin escaped from here. They are not completely happy.

"So too."

"Three days!"

"I bet, in three days, this Ning Tianlin will be taken out!"

The two Star Warriors are sure that Ning Tianlin will be caught by the Demon King within three days.

"Ning Tianlin is a small matter, only hope that he can get news about the earth from his memory."

"Otherwise, it would be useless to bother to capture the rest of the earth."

They were surrounded by starfields, and although they did not directly participate in the war of the year, they also survived from that era. They knew some secrets, and they also knew how terrifying the earth was in the universe.

Now they are starting to recover. If they are successful, they must be liquidated.

Therefore, we must destroy the earth before it grows up, and let it fall into nothingness again. As for whether it can be recovered if it is suitable, it is not what they can manage.

"Yes, this Ning Tianlin is just a small person."

"The real horror is what's hidden behind."

The other nodded.

In particular, they have heard that the earth had pulled out one or two superpowers. Although it was seriously injured, it did not fall. If a character of that level appeared, it would be time for the universe to change.

So no matter what, Ning Tianlin's mind must be read from his memory.




What they don't know is that all the mechanical clan they entered into the space of the nine-round reincarnation tower have been beheaded and killed by Ning Tianlin one by one, and the space ring has been collected.

The corpse was devoured by Wanzuya, and no residue was left.

From beginning to end, they didn't even know where.

They always thought that this place was just a newly formed space in the sky, there was not much threat, but there were treasures to find.



In this way, five days later, the majority of the robots Ning Tianlin will break into will kill less than dozens of warriors, still dreaming of their treasures.

The two outside Star Warriors, however, rose a little bit of awful.

"what happened?"

"How come Ning Tianlin hasn't been brought out yet?"

"And, even so, why didn't any tribe come out?"

One Star Warrior asked another.

Shouldn't it?

It's been five days, why is there no movement at all?

They had estimated that it would take them less than three days to get everything done.

But it's been five days, let alone Ning Tianlin hasn't brought them out, even their tribe, they should have come out one or two.

But until now, nothing!

Except for the endless space around, nothing was found.

"No, I have to go in and see."

The star warrior on the left, facing the other said, "Surely something has happened. Otherwise, it won't be so!"

He felt vaguely awkward. For so many days, all the people of the tribe had lost contact and were a bit scary.

"You stay here, I'll go in and see."

Originally he was going to be a goalkeeper here, but now it seems that he must enter.


Another Star Warrior nodded, indeed, it was time to go in and see, something unusual must have happened.

However, he could not go.

If not, Ning Tianlin happened to escape at this point in time, and they wouldn't have done it in vain, and would not regret it by then.


"Three days!"

"Give me three days. If there is no result and you can't see me out, go to Lord Demon King! Tell him what's going on here, I'm afraid he's the only one who can solve it."

This starburst warrior faintly felt something wrong, and said to another warrior.


"I will do it."

The other nodded.


Three days!

If your companion hasn't returned yet, there must have been a major problem, even if you go in by yourself, I'm afraid it's futile. In this case, you can only ask Master Demon King to do it yourself.


After receiving an affirmative answer from the other party, the star warrior flew directly and flew in from the entrance.

"this is?"

At first, he was a little confused.

Because in this world, he couldn't feel anything. It seemed that someone was using high fighting power to suppress his gods and everything, and he could only look at the fog around him with his eyes.

And after a while, his dignity became even stronger.

Because he felt that if he went on like this, he would never get out of the mist.

"What the **** is this?"

"Really new space?"

He wasn't sure.

But I thought I knew why the clans didn't go out. They were all trapped here.

There is no light, no darkness, only fog, and there is no exit at all, nor is it a stream of formations. It must be his own tribe, trapped here and unable to get out.

A little relieved in my heart.

In this case, whoever can catch Ning Tianlin really depends on his luck.

So, after walking, he sat down cross-legged and began to think about how to break the mystery and get out of this world.

It was just two days later that he didn't get the slightest result.

This side of the world looks like chaos, and can't find an exit at all. Even he feels weird. For more than two days, why haven't even one tribe encountered it.

Blind cats can also meet dead mice.


"Unexpectedly, a Star Warrior was found here."

Just a few hours later, a faint voice rose in the void, and the star-warrior warrior sitting cross-legged was also shaken directly, looked up suddenly, and looked at the talking Ning Tianlin.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"It turned out to be you!"

The Star Warrior was a spirit, some looked at Ning Tianlin unbelievably.

How did you come across this place?

He didn't believe it was his luck!

He didn't meet so many ethnic groups, how could he just meet Ning Tianlin!

Moreover, this Ning Tianlin immediately revealed his identity as a Star Warrior, but now that he knows it, why isn't his face panicked?

I don't know if the star-virtual warrior is just a scum in front of the star-struck powerhouse.


"Not a star warrior!"

He frowned when he saw that Ning Tianlin was just a Saint of Stars.

In particular, the expression of Aung Xiu made him very disturbed.

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