Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1596: Spatial fusion

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Okay, sleeping ...

Ning Tianlin didn't know if he should be so lucky.

"What about the origin of the magic crystal?"

"The source of the magic crystal above, how can I get rid of it?"

Now that I've figured out what's going on, what Ning Tianlin wants to know most now is whether there are countless magic crystal sources. Can he get all of them? If so, his combat power will definitely soar in a short time.

Not even being the master of the universe!

After all, this is the origin of the magic crystal of a race, which contains energy and is almost terrifying.

But he tried it at the beginning. He couldn't pick up these magic crystals at all. He was connected to the blue flower. He tried all kinds of methods, and he couldn't move a little bit.

The result is that the origin of these magic crystals is not his at all.

He also gains this boundless energy.


The fighting force shook his head directly. "The origin of these magic crystals is equivalent to the fruit of Jiuyou Lanji. Unless he matures and falls off by himself, you can pick him up. Otherwise, with your current strength, this is simply not possible. "

With the combat effectiveness system, Ning Tianlin saw hope, but his brows were also frowning.

Can you just wait for it to mature automatically?

"how long?"

Ning Tianlin asked.

"Time is not fixed."

"Some are around a year, some are around two years, and some are around a century or a thousand."

The combat system states, "The fastest one, there are three days left."

"That's it."

Speaking, there was a picture in front of Ning Tianlin, which was the source of a magic crystal that was about to mature.

"Three days ...

Ning Tianlin frowned. Is this the rhythm he wants to wait for?

He didn't have to do anything, just waiting for the magic crystal source to mature in this secret realm?

Although it can bring you a lot of energy points, but the time is not fixed, and there are still 10,000 years to mature, should he keep him waiting here?

But just leaving, he was really unwilling!

After all, all these energy points add up, and you can even make yourself a star barbara warrior, even the master of the universe!

How could he give up so much?

Moreover, if I go out this time, I am afraid it is not easy to come in. After all, this is the territory of the Mech clan, which offends the demon master. If he covers the mech clan territory with God's consciousness at all times, it is very easy To find out.

Although the other party can't help themselves this time, if they find the entangled treasure, it is still possible to trap themselves for thousands of years.

Unable to do so, Ning Tianlin was confused and unable to retreat.

"Nine runners tower!"

"The nether space of the Nine Runners Tower can help you solve this problem."

At this moment, the words of the combat system made Ning Tianlin's eyes light up, but soon, but his eyes changed, and he was unable to make a decision.

Because he knew what the combat system meant.

The nether space of the Nine Circulation Tower is an independent space, and it is also an uncultivated space. There, no matter who enters, the combat power will be compressed by 100 million times!

But today's space is different from Yincao Difu, and has nothing.


But this nether space also has the ability to devour some space! After being swallowed up, this space will act as the mother embryo, grow on its own, and life will multiply on its own, before it becomes full of life.

This swallowed space can be a mystery, as large as it is boundless, or a small existence of a few square meters. As soon as they enter, they have the opportunity to form their own bodies and continue to multiply.

Because even a few square meters of space, there can be microorganisms.

Microorganisms continue to thrive and split the world.

Ning Tianlin didn't know what Yan Luo ’s ghost space swallowed, but it was definitely not easy. Otherwise, King Luo would not exchange Xing Yaozhu, and went to the ghost space to explore and find treasures.

Not only is it dangerous, it is also full of opportunities.

Moreover, the stronger the swallowed space, the better this nether space will develop.


"Still not?"

Ning Tianlin didn't rush into thinking about this kind of thing originally, because he thought that one day, when he became the master of the universe, he would look for a very strong space for the nether space.

At that time, it's better to be elixir or the like.

In this way, this nether space can become your own back garden, providing yourself with many treasures. Although different kinds of creatures may appear, it is not dangerous for me to have Xingyaozhu.

But it now seems that it is not impossible to choose this space as the object of devouring.

"it is good!"


After hesitating for half an hour, Ning Tianlin gritted his teeth and decided that this was the space.

These nine You Lan Ji must be a party treasure!

Even more powerful than the Lord of the universe.

If it wasn't for the other party still asleep, it wouldn't be possible for them to reach him, let alone the idea of ​​these magic crystals, and put them in the nether space, maybe they will become more powerful.

The main thing is that if he really devours this space, he wants to come here in the future, it will be easy, and he can come to this space at any time. By then, the origin of this magic crystal is not his back garden.

As long as he is mature, he can come and pick!

Even if these nine blue flowers really bloom together and wake up, he has a way to pick the origin of this magic crystal!



Ning Tianlin's eyebrows flickered, a light shot out, and the nine-round reincarnation tower in the shape of a golden rune suspended in the void. Then, Ning Tianlin sacrificed a secret method, and a light shot directly in the nine-round revolving tower, covering the space In.

Jin Guang didn't aim at Jiu You Lan Ji, for fear of waking this product up.

As long as the space is packed in, everything is easy to say.


At the same time, a large hole was opened at the junction of Yincao Difu and the Nether Space in the Nine Runners Tower. At first, it expanded like a small hole in tissue paper, and the endless space began to flow in from this hole.

Just like the vortex of the current, the space where Ning Tianlin is located also began to spin.



The space overlaps, merges, and in the nether space, a huge thing like egg white is directly added, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

It is the space where Ning Tianlin is at this moment.

The fusion of the space is not drawn in a single stroke, but from the left, right, up, down, and up and down directions, and all of them work together, so Jiuyou Lanji cannot feel the disappearance of the space at all.

It's like a person in the room is sleeping. You didn't move him, you even connected the bed, and even moved the whole room away.

When he woke up, what he saw would definitely be the other side.

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