Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1597: 10,000 poles of energy!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


But over time, all this space has been sucked into the golden rune, and even when Nine You Lan Ji entered, it did not end as Ning Tianlin imagined, but continued to suck!

Already crossed this space, but continue to **** towards the secret sky!

It's sucking up the sky!

"My day!"

Ning Tianlin was a little shocked, but he never thought that the nine-round reincarnation tower was even out of his control. To be more precise, this nether space was out of his control, and was devouring this secret world.

"I hope nothing happens."

Ning Tianlin was a little stunned, which was too unexpected.

He still has some confidence in swallowing this space, but if it spreads to the entire sky, it will be a bit difficult to grasp, and it will be easy to be seen by other members of the mech family.

No one knows how many members of the mechanical clan are wandering in this sky.

If they find out, Ning Tianlin doesn't know if he can handle it.



In this way, the space swallowed by the golden amulet was getting bigger and bigger, far more than his breath, and even the terrible space on one side was swallowed in.

"This ... what's going on!"

"Why is this space disappearing!"

Finally, over time, the golden light that devoured the space was discovered by the members of the mechanical clan who were exploring this secret world.

This is a three-man squad.

Each of them looked terrified and looked at the strange front incredulously.

The front was originally black, but at this moment, it is like a golden light shrouding, covering the endless black swirls, that is, they are extremely dazzling under the endless golden light.

At this moment, they are like looking at the rising sun in the early morning to let the light shroud them.

"not good!"

"Come on!"

The three members of the mechanized clan eventually felt a bit wrong. If they didn't leave, they would be swallowed up by this boundless golden light. Although according to their speculation, there is likely to be a lot of treasures in this sudden golden light.

Did the treasure appear and gave birth to this dense golden light.

Even at the beginning, they had the impulse to rush into the golden light and investigate.

But in the end, they decided to give up, and felt that there was no need to take the risk immediately, and it was not too late for Jinguang to come and investigate again.

Unfortunately, the speed of their escape is not a level at all compared to this golden light. This golden light is sweeping not distance but space! Overlaps all the time!


Only three moments later, they swallowed up the three star virtual warriors.

However, they did not die, but entered the nether space just like the secret sky!


"what happened?"

"Where's Jinguang?"

The three mechanical families who had regretted being late were all stunned after seeing the disappearance of Jinguang. What happened?

You look at me, I look at you, there is no damage to each body?

And the place where they stay has not changed.

The surrounding scene is still there, or in the secret world of the sky!

What they didn't know was that the entire space was swallowed up. Although they were still in the sky's secret place, the sky's secret place was no longer on the side of the mechanical clan.

"it is good!"



Seeing this scene, Ning Tianlin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.


These members of the mechanical clan were also involved. As long as he enters the nether space, everything is easy to handle. Just now, he has the urge to shoot at the three members of the mechanical clan.

Avoid leaking it.

It seems that this is not necessary at all.

The star virtual martial arts have no power to fight back in this golden light, and even if they struggle, the estimated fate cannot be escaped.

Even Ning Tianlin had some regrets.

If this demon master is still here, it is estimated that he will be involved in the nether space. If so, he may even be killed today by the universe master!

In the case of arbitrarily compressed 100 million times of combat power, the Lord of the Universe may not be able to support him for too long!



Time flows.

Nearly four or five hours later, more than a dozen members of the mechanical clan were drawn into the nether space.


"what happened?"

"Why did my combat effectiveness become so low!"

Soon, some members discovered the difference in combat effectiveness.

After all, just one punch of space can be smashed, but now, no matter how hard you try, space is still that space, as if laughing at their incompetence.

"Rules suppression!"

"It must be rule suppression!"

Seeing the companion on the edge is the same, some people began to guess.

But this suppression is too outrageous. On weekdays, it is at most weakened by a few percent, more than ten percent, but now, it is almost suppressed to the original tens of thousands!

What is this doing?

Just that golden light was so fierce?

"Go and see!"

"Look if it's all around?"

"What happened in the sky!"

These members of the mechanical clan want to figure out what is going on, and some even speculate in their hearts that if anyone can grasp the secret of this golden light explosion, who will be able to grasp this rule.

Who will be their opponents then?

Turn the other side into a millionth of the original, you still fart!


These members of the mechanical clan began to spread apart, but they did not know at all that they were no longer in the secret world of the sky, but entered another world.


Ignoring the robot masters who are constantly involved, Ning Tianlin has a surprise in his eyes after a period of time.

"Jiuyang Hongji!"

"Jiuyang Hongji in deep sleep!"

Now in this space shrouded in golden light, there is a huge red plant with roots and stems. At the top, there are red and fragrant flowers. Numerous red crystals are bred on it.

"Another form of magic crystal origin!"

Ning Tianlin was overjoyed.

It was dense enough to dazzle him.

In particular, he was excited that, like Jiuyou Lanji, some of the top areas of Jiuyang Hongji had some red magic crystals that had fallen off. Ning Tianlin counted it, and there were more than twenty flowers.


Ning Tianlin did not start immediately, but when Jiuyang Hongji took all the space it was in, he was swallowed into the ghost space, he swallowed the star flares and entered the ghost space.

Put some of the magic crystal origins around this Jiuyang Hongji into the space ring.

"Five thousand and six hundred pole energy points!"

This is the data obtained by Ning Tianlin.

Coupled with the original accumulation, he has now exceeded ten thousand pole spirits!

It can be described as not generous!

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