Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1611: Storm is coming, black clouds over the city!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"They're all set off, so you can go too."

Human holy land.

Someone also got the news.

Without much consideration, the two Star Warriors went to the Huangtian Grand Canyon.

And it's all Xinghuang Jiuduan!

Further, you can become the master of the universe!


"Ning Tianlin!"

"There is news from Ning Tianlin!"

Since Ning Tianlin escaped from the master of Zerg, the Zerg was almost crazy looking for Ning Tianlin, because there are too many secrets on this person. Can stun!

This is too incredible!

Nowadays, it is even heard that Ning Tianlin is from the earth, and it is likely that he has inherited the first person in ancient times.

So they all knew for the first time.


It is only the first person in ancient times who has passed on his inheritance to be able to be so genius, to have so many weird means, and to be immortal like this!

"Go to Terran!"

"Catch him Ning Tianlin!"

This time, it is the King of the Zerg!

One of the three great Zerg masters!

It is also the one who values ​​the first master of human race in ancient times!

If it wasn't for his inability to go to the Terrans himself, he would have liked to take it himself and bring Ning Tianlin back! After all, he was also dispatched by the star barren strongman, and the human race, I am afraid that this time will also be the star barbarian martial arts shot!

After all, this gram is a big thing about the first person in ancient times!


Tucked into the stars are thirty-eight star desolate warriors!

And all of them are Xinghuang Jiuduan!

Unlike the human race, the human race star warrior is relatively scarce. The total number of people is only a few thousand people, while the zerg race has reached nearly ten thousand. Once, the zerg reproduction ability is not comparable to the human race.

Secondly, the Zerg have no internal fighting.

There are many more Star Warriors remaining than human races.

Especially this time in Terran territory, they must send more powerful men.

Otherwise, they will be in the territories of territories, I am afraid they will suffer a lot.

Even after seeing Ning Tianlin, he may not be able to bring it back.


After that, breaking the starry sky, Qi Qi disappeared into the Zerg territory.


A barren and barren continent.

A taller tauren, a ferocious crocodile with a large mouth, a grizzly bear with four feet on the ground, standing respectfully beside a giant, ape-like ape.

Listen to his teachings.

"The three of you are the super masters of my clan, and they all have illusions. This time, I will send you to the Huangtian Grand Canyon of the human race and bring me Ning Tianlin back. It must be completed!"

"The high priest has predicted that this Ning Tianlin is the most important person to stir the future sky and clouds!"

"Be sure to bring him back!"

"Remember, live!"

"I just want to live!"

"He is dead, you are dead!"

This giant ape race was born like a rush, and echoed in this vast land for a long time.


"the host!"

Three tall orcs screamed in the sky, and then slowly disappeared into this void.

Sky Fox Family.

"Chief, Ning Tianlin has news. He now appears in the Huangtian Grand Canyon of the Terran. Numerous strong men are almost ready to catch him!"

"He is from the earth, and he is guessing that he is likely to have the legacy of the first strong man of the ancient earth!

This is a beautiful man and woman race.

Sitting in the golden crown is a beautiful demon fox with eight tails.

Listening to the report below, his frown was deep.

"Patriarch, send me!"

"I must find a way to bring Ning Tianlin to our Tianhu family safely!"

"It's not safe for him to stay anywhere now. Hidden here, not many people know."

An eight-tailed male fox with a short tail, facing the beautiful white fox above.


Bai Fox thought about it and refused directly. "You just entered the Star Warrior just now, it's just a section of Xinghuang. It's far from being able to compete with the high section of Xinghuang."

"This time in this Huangtian Grand Canyon, it must be almost star warrior warriors!"

"It's not very useful when you go."

"I'll go there myself this time!"

The eight-tailed white fox decided to go there in person.

This way, we have a greater grasp.

After all, she didn't go to kill Ning Tianlin, she wanted to bring him out safely, as long as he was willing to follow him, there might be a fight.

"No, patriarch!"

"If you have any damage, what can we Skyfox family do!"

When Bai Fox said this, all the people around him were shocked and hurriedly advised.

"Nothing wrong!"

Bai Hu shook his head, "In the past, the saint saved me and told me to practice the Fa. Now it is very likely that he will reappear. Even if it is to protect his inheritance, I will try hard!"

"Even if he dies, I'll take care of him!"

The words of the eight-tailed white fox were extremely firm, and even finally faced the gray fox that had just eight tails just now, but said a shorter gray fox, "Qingwei, if in the end, I really did not return, you will inherit the position of the prince of the fox! "

"I'm done, don't persuade me!"


Speaking, splitting the space directly ahead.

Disappeared before the eyes of all foxes.



The number of sky foxes was not much, but at this moment, they are really blessing their patriarch and can return safely.

at the same time.

Elf clan.

Stone people.


Mu family.

Masters of countless races sent masters as soon as they got the news from Ning Tianlin, even the mechanized clan who suffered a lot.

However, the Star Demon Warrior who the Lord of the Spirits has told him to go to, don't enter the Huangtian Grand Canyon and watch the battle from the outside. Maybe Ning Tianlin and all races are both injured and let them pick up a leak!

But if you enter the Huangtian Grand Canyon, I'm afraid you can send as many as you want!

This is also the secret that his demon master only knew.

This news, he will not tell anyone!

His mechanized clan got blood mold, and other races, like them, should suffer a big loss in the hands of Ning Tianlin!


"somebody is coming!"

After Ning Tianlin taught his apprentice Bu Yunyan a period of growth experience, he frowned.

Ha ha.

Someone finally comes!

And the first one that appeared was a green snake!

Followed by a master of the human race!

"Yunyan, wait here for me first, and digest the experience I have taught you!"

"Without my order, no matter what happens outside, you don't leave this space!"

As soon as Ning Tianlin waved her hand, before Yun Yan answered, he locked her in an independent space.

There will be many masters who will definitely come, and she does not need to follow her.

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