Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1612: Come on, all come quickly!

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Bu Yunyan nodded, knowing that something must have happened outside.

In order to save her, Master must have revealed his identity.

Outside, there are likely to be too many strong players. After all, the master who chases and kills the master is not imaginable at her level at all, it is definitely an extremely powerful master!

They shuttled through the void, only for a moment.


Ning Tianlin didn't say much, his body flickered, and he appeared directly in one space, but didn't show up first, but watched the movement of the other side.

Good guy.

Xinghuang Jiuduan!

This is really worthy of myself. The first one to appear is a snake and a warrior in the nine stages of Xinghuang! Further, it is the Lord of the universe!

"Just don't know, which side are you in?"

Ning Tianlin knew that there were definitely more than one or two people looking for himself this time.

Although until now, he was not very clear about the specific battle conditions of World War I, and the combat system was even more secretive to him, but he already knew that all this seemed to be related to the first person in ancient times!

And those who participated in that year, except for human races, I am afraid that all races in the universe have participated in it!

However, this time his identity was exposed and appeared in the public's field of view, there are bound to be countless strong people coming to look for it.

"Wait first."

"Not urgent!"

"Let's kill them together!"

Ning Tianlin snorted in his heart.

These people, like tigers who have entered the cage, cannot go out unless they are promoted to be the master of the universe or open the space themselves. Otherwise, no matter how they struggle, they cannot go out.

Let's wait for a group of people to come in and take a look.


His body flickered, leaving the space of the Nine Runners tower directly.

Stealth in the void, quietly observe how many people are going to enter.

"Haomang, you're here too!"

A huge bull's head appeared in the void, but before it appeared, a beautiful elf with pointed ears below sneered at the bull's head.

Don't even think about it, just pull out the golden long bow behind it and pull a grand slam directly, you must shoot at the bull's head!


Arrows, like Changhong, tear the void.


The bull's head was not weak, and he snorted coldly, opened his mouth, and smashed a bolt of lightning, smashing the long arrows that came.

The beautiful long-eared man belongs to the elves, and the bull head belongs to the orcs. In itself, it has hatred that is not common, but world hatred. No matter where it is encountered, a shocking battle will occur.

But at the moment, it's different.

Just after the two men met, an endless gray breath of death appeared in the void. Everywhere that passes, the flowers wither, and the whole aura of the void seems to be eroded by a layer of death.

"You two silly?"

"This is also the time when you do it?"

"If you two want to fight, hurry out and don't stand in the way here!"

"By that time, Ning Tianlin is gone and taken away by others, but don't blame your IQ stupidity!"

Slowly showing up was a huge four-limbed reptile, said to be a worm, but it was inappropriate, because there was no trace of life at all on its body, as if it were a ghost in Yincaodifu.

His body was whitish and strange.

With each word, the temperature of the surrounding air seems to drop by one point.

"A ghoul!"

Ning Tianlin recognized the origin of this thing at a glance, it turned out to be an undead!

Here comes the undead!

Did the fighting that took place on Earth back then also have members from the undead?

The undead are an extremely weird and terrible race, because they are not afraid of pain, and it is difficult to be killed. For example, if the life of a human is cut to seven or eight segments, they generally die.

But for the undead, this is nothing at all!

Even if I lost my head, it was just a big scar, and then I was able to fuse myself without the help of any life.

very horrible!

Extremely hard to kill!

Also, the smoldering yin is more horrible than the smoldering in Yin Cao Di Fu, which can directly wither everything.

In the undead territory, it is all barren.

No flowers, no trees, only endless desolation.

This corpse-eating ghost does not belong to the high-end race of the undead. It is generally in the lower ranks and belongs to the lower creatures of the undead. The day after tomorrow's efforts are all first-class in the same order!

"Hit, why not stop, the harder the better!"

But at this time, another figure appeared.


However, there are grey wings on the back, not from Tiantian An. It seems to be born in nature. Do not guess, it is definitely a human race with a good speed.

"Hurry up and fight here, don't rush to decide the winner, so as not to stop me from looking for Ning Tianlin!"


The winged birdman, who hadn't waited for Haomang to talk back, laughed, and flew towards the Huangtian Grand Canyon in front.

He was extremely powerful, and as soon as he appeared, he saw the difference there.

As if there was a layer of invisible enchantment covering it.

Enter without thinking!

Like the first Chengtian who entered with a green viper, he is a star warrior, and it is also Jiuduan! I think that in this universe, the places I can't go are printed in my mind!

There will never be this Huangtian Grand Canyon!

So, wherever he goes, he can go!

This is self-confidence in his fighting power!


Space ripples, this birdman disappeared.

"Come on!"

"There is a secret space on the Huangtian Grand Canyon!"

The powerhouses appearing all around are startled.

Hurrying towards the place where the birdman flew past.

Don't let him succeed alone!


Even the bull heads and elves who were just ready to start, no longer care about any natural enemies, they gave up each other, and hurriedly flew towards which space.

They are here to find Ning Tianlin. If they are robbed first by others, how can they make a difference when they go back?


Qi Qi rushed towards the space ahead.

A short while later, there were even a hundred Star Warriors entering the space of the Nine Runners!

And almost all of them are Xinghuang Jiuduan!

"Every race has it. It seems that I am now a celebrity."

Ning Tianlin was hiding at the edge of this entrance, watching these strong men rushing into the space of the Nine Runners Tower, all sneer.


Enter now!

Wait, I will turn all of you into my spirit!


"Heavenly fox tribe is also here!"

Just when Ning Tianlin was about to enter, first came for a big kill, and a beautiful eight-tailed white fox appeared in front of him.

He glanced at the space in front, gritted his teeth, and passed away.

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