Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1613: Crazy Seeker

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"I didn't expect you to come!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked.

Because of this day Fox family, he has seen it before.

Not elsewhere, but on a jade pendant worn by the predecessor in the wooden ancient abyss!

At first, Ning Tianlin didn't care about the jade at all, because there was only a fox on it, but what interested him was that the tail of the fox was six-tailed!

Not so much!

It also reminded him of the legend of the nine-tailed fox on the earth.

According to legend, the fox's nine tails represent nine lives, and its mana is superb. It is the totem of many races on the Chinese dialect of the earth.

Therefore, he also wanted to ask from the predecessor's mouth if he was right.

After all, Yupei is engraved with a six-tailed fox. This senior should know what is going on.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a race!

It is not a fox. The fox is just the blood of the foxes under the earth in the ancient times. However, it is already extremely thin and has no spiritual power. It is almost impossible to practice.

The most important thing is that when the predecessors talked about the fox family, they were happy, but they were mixed with sadness, as if they were missing a very close person.

Especially when talking about this race at the end, he saw that when the seniors looked at Yupei, the look and appearance were like looking at their lovers!

It also shocked him.

However, he didn't ask anything, the senior didn't say anything, but in a moment, he recovered his emotions, and then said something, and said goodbye to Ning Tianlin.

Ning Tianlin was also at that time, knowing that in this world, there are also Tianhus!

But what shocked Ning Tianlin was that the predecessors did not say that the Tianhu clan has disappeared. In this world, there is no Tianhu clan, but now, how did they appear!

Moreover, Ning Tianlin noticed that it was obvious that the eight-tailed fox had been hidden in the void for a long time, and she did not enter until all the powerful men had entered.

Looks like I don't want to let people around know her existence!

"No matter, go ahead and talk."

Ning Tianlin still decided to enter the Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower, after all, it was his own world.

Only there, he is the master of the master of the universe!


Just as he was about to enter, a tall metal body appeared in the starry sky.


"Dare to come!"

Ning Tianlin didn't expect that the strong of this mechanical clan even dared to appear here.

Don't know if you have a nine-round reincarnation tower?

However, he also sneered in his heart, because he knew from the beginning that this mechanical clan would not be attentive, and he would not tell anyone the news that he had a nine-return tower.

Then, they want to **** themselves.

In the second place, they have suffered a great deal in their own hands. How can they not let these people be like them?


What surprised him was that the mechanical tribe didn't follow the Huangtian Grand Canyon, but walked outside for a while, recorded some things, and then hidden in the void when someone arrived. .


"do not care."

"Whatever your idea, now is the time for me to harvest!"

After a while, nearly one hundred star-warrior warriors entered.

And all of them are Xinghuang nine sections or Xinghuang eight sections!

On the outside, no one is a superpower.

But now, in Ning Tianlin's heart, they have all turned into a stalemate!


His body flickered and re-entered the space of the Nine Runners Tower.

"This is Yin Cao Di Fu!"

"This is Naihe Bridge!"

"This is the other flower!"

"This is the Ninth Reincarnation Tower!"

"My God, we are all in the nine-revolver tower!"

As soon as Ning Tianlin entered, he heard the crazy cry of the human with wings.

Even his body riots flew from here to there and from there, judging the accuracy of what he said.

Because it's too shocking.

It's incredible!

Because, except in the hands of King Tashan, who has mastered the first floor of the Nine Circulation Tower, I have never heard of it. Who else in the world has the Nine Circulation Tower!

Because he came from a holy place in the human race, of course, he knew what the nine reincarnation towers meant.

Cosmic artifact!

A universal holy weapon that can be compared with the master of the universe!

Whoever masters it, who is in this world, is the master of the universe!

Therefore, what he wants to determine now is whether the nine-round reincarnation towers have been refined or not, or they are not possessive!

If it has n’t been refined, today is definitely a groundbreaking day. Whoever gets these nine reincarnation towers can be promoted to the real strong one, the master of the universe, who is polite and super strong!



His body is constantly flying, searching for every possibility.

"Nine runners tower!"

"This is really the space for the nine runners tower!"

This is also the object of suspicion when many warriors came in.

After all, they are all nine superstars, and they are extremely close to the Lord of the Universe. They have experienced and seen things, and their knowledge and knowledge are far beyond ordinary people.

Even if Ning Tianlin does not have a combat system, it is not a level with them.

Therefore, almost seventy to eighty percent of the warriors, after a few quarters of an hour, determined what this place was.

Somewhere in the Nine Runners Tower!

100% sure!

Excited, scared, incredible, ecstatic.

Because everyone knows that if this space has not been refined, whoever gets this treasure will have the right to speak the universe! Especially there are no creatures here, which shows that this place is likely to be unowned!

Could not help but started frantically searching for the core of this treasure.

What a crazy thing it would be if you could find it and refine it yourself!

For a while, they all looked at the purpose of this trip, and they lost interest in finding Ning Tianlin.

And in this place, there was originally a place that could show that there was a master here, and that was the Temple of Heaven!

On the plaque above, Ning Tianlin's name was printed.

Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the Demon Lord during the Mech Clan.

Ning Tianlin had not had time to recover.

Because of this, the warriors are even more crazy, and they are thinking about how to turn the nine runners back into the tower to occupy their own place.


"There's still room here!"

Soon, someone found the entrance to the nether space.

This is something that no one knows.

Even in the holy place of the human race, the King of Tashan never opened the nether space of the Nine Runners in the tower, but separated it from the Yincao Difu with great fighting power, and no one could enter at all!


"Maybe the core of this nine-revolver tower is in this space!"

The first one found was the strong man with wings that came out of the holy land of the human race.

He knows more about this situation than anyone.

My heart flashed, and I rushed in!

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