Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1618: Do you really not know me?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Eight-tailed Sky Fox!"

"I can't find Ning Tianlin. With this eight-tailed sky fox, I can return to my life successfully this time!"

The eyes of these seven or eight figures flickered, thoughtfully.


Without even thinking about how long, one of the stone peoples took the lead in taking a huge palm and wanted to roll the eight-tailed fox on the ground.

It has been seen that this eight-tailed fox is extremely weak, and it is not its enemy at all!

He can definitely take the other away for a second.

Therefore, he has to start first and take the eight-tailed fox away when few people around him have reacted!


It was just that he had just made a move, and a tree man beside him rolled the branches and ran towards the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox.

This day fox, he is determined to get it, how can he get the Shiren tribe!

It's great for yourself too!



Only momentarily, the others also started to attack toward the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox at the same time.

This soul, but the Lord of the universe named it, how could they not be moved.

Even these eight figures have attacked secretly. After all, there is only one eight-tailed sky fox, and they have eight!

"Unfortunately, I have no strength to die now!"

The Eight-Tailed Sky Fox sighed in his heart.

Of course she knew what would be waiting for her if caught by the other party.

Moreover, there are many secrets hidden in her heart, and must not be known to others.

In the past, she had already committed suicide in such a bewildering situation. But now, she has just used the secret method, and now she has no energy to even commit herself.

Not even the divine thoughts can disperse.


But at this moment, a clear voice came from the sky.

Although there is only one word, it seems to contain endless rules.

Rumble, pierced through space, and landed directly on this side of the world.



What makes Eight-Tailed Sky Fox unbelievable is that the word sounds, not only she, but also the eight star-warrior warriors who are about to attack her, have suddenly settled in the air.

Nothing can be moved.

In addition to being able to roll around the eyes, even walking with your legs raised has become a problem.

"what happened!"

"What's wrong?"

The images of Ba Dao being settled were full of fright.

what happened?

How can they not move?

Except for the divine thoughts, you cannot move your body!

Inevitably, the eyes of the eight people were instantly panic-stricken.

Because they instantly realized that there is the Lord of the universe!

It is the Lord of the universe who controls the space, and with one word, they are imprisoned in one space and cannot move!

In the Huangtian Grand Canyon, has the Lord of the Universe entered?

Which one?

Which universe is it?

Every Star Warrior wants the Lord of the Universe to come.

But soon, they changed together, because a figure they were trying to find appeared in this space, suspended in the void, and staring at them coldly at high altitude.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"It turned out to be Ning Tianlin!"

They instantly thought of all kinds of possibilities, but none of them was Ning Tianlin!

Because of the information obtained from the data, this Ning Tianlin is just a star holy. Although he can kill the star virtual warrior, he is still a star holy! But they are all Star Warriors!

The two are not in the same grade at all.

So this time, they never thought that they might lose money in Ning Tianlin's hands!

What they have to pay attention to is the companions of Star Desolation this week!

But Ning Tianlin appeared, appeared under their eyelids, and they were settled in just one move.

Doesn't this mean?


Everyone's face changed!

"Nine runners tower!"

"This Ning Tianlin combines the nine-revolving reincarnation tower and masters this space!"

"Here, it is the **** here!"

The eight faces were extremely ugly.

Because they both thought of a possibility.

This Ning Tianlin, intentionally revealing his body, is likely to attract them, and he has already integrated the nine runners tower!

This Huangtian Grand Canyon incident is just a trap he arranged!

He wants to give the world a dismissal, so that people can see that he can even kill the star desolate warriors!

This is the only possibility they can think of is to give the universe a power to let the strong know that he is not prone to Ning Tianlin. He never thought about it. Ning Tianlin specially attracted them. What is the reason for them? , But to build up energy and make yourself stronger!

"Ning Tianlin!"

"He's fine!"

Unlike the eight figures, when the eight-tailed fox saw Ning Tianlin, not only was he not panicked, but a smile gradually appeared on his face.

Although Ning Tianlin and she didn't know her, she was sincerely able to live alive, especially when she thought that Ning Tianlin had merged the nine-round revolving tower, and she was really happy for Ning Tianlin.

Because in her heart, like others, this Ning Tianlin could not be separated from the first person in ancient times.

Only his recovery, or his heritage, is eligible for the Nine Runners tower.

"Since you are here, don't go!"

Everything just now, Ning Tianlin can see clearly.


When they had too much to ask and too much to say, they stretched out their right hands and shook them in the void. The eight figures slammed and all shattered.

The sky was full of flesh and blood, and was suddenly swallowed by the sudden emergence of a million feet.

Then the space ring also entered his Promise Ring.

"Hello there."

After doing all this, Ning Tianlin let go of the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox, and then asked her with a smile.

"you know me?"

The other party froze and did not expect that Ning Tianlin knew her.

If not, why didn't he kill her?

Obviously nine figures, but let her alone?

At this point, the pale blue eyes of the eight-tailed sky fox have already been dim with tears. Is it really the other party?

Does he remember himself?

Could not help but look at Ning Tianlin's eyes, with a strong friendship.


Ning Tianlin froze.

What kind of look?

Don't be so affectionate, okay?

Although I admit that you are beautiful, I never thought about what happened with a fox.

Why do you look at me like that?

"do not know."

Ning Tianlin quickly shook his head.

He felt that if the other side looked at it like this, his thick face of the thousand-year-old bark would blush.

"do not know?"

"Really don't know?"

Just now, there are still feelings of love, and even there is an eight-tailed sky fox that rushes up and sees Ning Tianlin shaking his head.


He fell down that year and became one with the earth. How can he remember me?

However, she still stared at Ning Tianlin a little bit.

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