Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1619: Wu Daoxuan, Lord of the Universe!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Should I know?"

Ning Tianlin was a little curious. The other side's expression seemed to be that she had to know her.

What happened?

"Don't you know?"

Looking at Ning Tianlin's reaction, the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox was a little stunned, and the expression on the other side seemed to really not know himself.

Did you guess wrong?

Or rather, it wasn't his resurrection at all, but this Ning Tianlin that gained his heritage?

"Since you don't know me, why don't you kill me?"

"Leave me alone?"

The eight-tailed Tianhu stared at Ning Tianlin very seriously, hoping to see a hint in his eyes.

"I won't kill you, because I'm alone!"

Ning Tianlin answered very seriously.

Indeed, this is the main reason why he can recognize the eight-tailed sky fox.

If not, he will definitely treat the other person as if he were the same, and kill him!

"A person?"



Suddenly, the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox sat up from the ground. It was impossible for her to sit up with her body that had just used Fa Xiangtian, but she collapsed on the ground.

But at this moment, she looked at Ning Tianlin with her waist upright, how excited she wanted to be!

More excited than just besieged,

She really wanted to hear the name from Ning Tianlin's mouth.

"Senior Wu Daoxuan."

Ning Tianlin thought about it and said the name.

Because she knew that the eight-tailed fox was indeed known from a jade pendant worn by Wu Daoxuan.

But at that time, it was six-tailed sky fox, not eight-tailed!

But the appearance is exactly the same!

"Wu Dao Xuan?"

The eight-tailed fox stunned, not the name she wanted to hear.

not him!

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, but soon it was a sigh in my heart. The name seemed to be familiar.

A moment later, a child who followed her all day and asked her for sweets appeared in her mind.

But it ’s only very fast, the blood is so swollen that the battle that year has become the most powerful middle-aged man to realize Dao Xuan, fight hard, and be chased by a wave of torn space with a Zerg strongman, and get involved In the stars.

The look into the space at that time was so firm and persistent.

It is also a relief for the dedication of the earth!

There is also a determination to live up to the teacher's respect and live with the earth!

"He ... is he alive?"

"He's not dead?"

The sound of the eight-tailed sky fox became extremely excited again.

Although he was not the name he wanted to hear, Wu Dao Xuan was also his acquaintance, and he was a relatively familiar acquaintance, remembering that he still used a piece of jade to send him into a martial art.

Let him practice there.

But in the end, he also drowned in the universe with the First World War, even though his realm of fighting power also reached the Lord of the universe!

Unexpectedly, he may be alive, he may not have died!

I can't help but feel a little excited.


"Senior Dao Xuan has not died, he is still alive."

Ning Tianlin nodded.


Looking at the expression of the eight-tailed sky fox now proves that they really know each other.

"Where is he?"

The eight-tailed Tianhu quickly asked,

"Go looking for his Master."

"He said he may still be alive and not dead!"

Ning Tianlin answered truthfully.

He gave Wu Daoxuan the clue for the other master. After all, he saved his own life, gave the address by himself, and rightly paid back.

Moreover, this kind of news is probably more confidential to others than the most confidential, but it is the easiest thing in the combat system.

"His master is not dead?"

"Ziyang is still there!"

The eight-tailed fox was stunned, and the news was another accident for her. I did not expect that the two who thought they were dead at the time were still alive and both lived in this universe!


Hearing the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox's real name of Ziyang, Ning Tianlin knew that the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox really survived from that ancient time!

She is very likely to know what happened to the earth that year.

"it is good!"


"They're just alive. I thought they were all down."

The Eight-Tailed Sky Fox is really heartfelt.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and she thought that her old friends were no longer there.

It was just that she was suddenly dark.

These people are alive, what about him?

Has he recovered?

He was the first person in ancient times, and he once said to himself that no one could kill him!


Even the rules of the universe will not work!

But if you are still alive, where are you?

"Ning Tianlin, Wu Daoxuan said of you to me?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"In his heart, I should also be dead, and my race should even be extinct."

The Eight-Tailed Sky Fox is a little puzzled. If you are chatting alone, this Wu Dao Xuan should not specifically speak of herself.

"My guess."

Ning Tianlin smiled. The other party doubted the truth of his speech, and even he did. "He wears a jade pendant on his waist, and it looks like you."

"It's just that you were six-tailed, not eight-tailed."

Ning Tianlin answered truthfully.

Now that he knew he was "own", he didn't need to lie.


The Eight-Tailed Sky Fox was relieved.


She knew this jade pendant.

At that time, it was still with his own jade pendant that Wu Daoxuan was apprenticed by Ziyang real person. Only countless years have passed. At the end, Wu Daoxuan, who was still a little fart boy, became the master of the universe.

"how about you?"

"who are you?"

The reliability of Ning Tianlin's speech was confirmed, and the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox also asked his doubts.

This is why she came to the Huangtian Grand Canyon in person and wanted to rescue Ning Tianlin.

One is because of the word "Earth", and the other is this Ning Tianlin, which is likely to be related to him.

Especially now, through the face of Ning Tianlin, she can already be sure that he is a pure earth person!

Do not fake!


"Of course I am me. Who else?"

Ning Tianlin smiled, not knowing what the other party meant.

"What does the earth look like today?"

"Did it really recover?"

"Did you get his legacy?"

For a moment, the Eight-Tailed Sky Fox couldn't wait, and asked three questions.

Except the first Ning Tianlin was easy to answer, the rest, Ning Tianlin did not know what the other party asked.

"This is what the earth looks like!"

With a wave of her hand, Ning Tianlin reflected the earth's appearance in the form of a light curtain.

He has determined that the eight-tailed fox is his own, let alone show the earth's image, just tell her where there is no problem. It's like telling Wu Daoxuan that year.

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