Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1628: Five eyes! Five lunatics?

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But also at this time, the huge creatures under the Huangtian Grand Canyon began to attack Ning Tianlin frantically. The huge tentacles were like sharp arrows, trying to pierce Ning Tianlin's body.

But unfortunately, Ning Tianlin's body just flew backwards without any damage.


Tested many times, looking at the tentacles that Ning Tianlin could not hurt at all, directly rolled it, like a python winding, wrapped Ning Tianlin's body, and then yanked down to Huang Tianda The canyon fell.

"Look first, then talk, don't worry."

Ning Tianlin originally wanted to explode his body, struggling away from the other's reef, but after thinking about it, it was fine, because his body blew himself up and was only temporarily freed.

And trying to escape completely is not the way.

A master of the universe wants to catch you, there is no problem at all.


Ning Tianlin's body began to fall rapidly towards the bottom.

Through the dense fog, his eyes flickered involuntarily.

Because this dense fog is not ordinary dense fog at all, but it is extremely corrosive. If he guessed well, this dense fog should be the breath of the creatures below.

Gather here and endure.

"But it shouldn't."

Ning Tianlin frowned, because when he first appeared in the Huangtian Grand Canyon, he had already seen the surrounding situation clearly, there was no such dense fog at all!

At that time, the Huangtian Grand Canyon was clear and clear, and there was no fog underneath!

Otherwise, he would not choose the battlefield here!

Moreover, he had never heard of any secrets in the Huangtian Grand Canyon.

"This shows that the creature infiltrated after the war, or that he has been lurking here, and no one knows at all."

Nothing more than these two situations.

Ning Tianlin, however, prefers the second one.

That is this creature, which has been hidden here, but no one has found him, it has stayed here!

Although it is the master of the universe, if it lurks after the war, so many star desolate warriors can't notice anything.


It was just that the other party didn't give him much time to think. With huge tentacles, he pulled his body constantly to fall, less than ten seconds, Ning Tianlin's eyes were blurred, all kinds of mud appeared in his eyes.

Inspired by the sense of God, he was passing through a mud swamp!

"Is this creature hidden under the swamp?"

Ning Tianlin froze for a while, with this speculation.

But a moment later, through the mud swamp, he penetrated an icy river like groundwater, and then, from the soil, he entered a fiery magma.

"Your sister!"

"It's pulling me towards the center of the planet!"

At this time, Ning Tianlin had realized something. This creature was not lurking in the mud swamp at all, but was truly underground!

Even the nucleus of this planet!


Until a full minute later.

This huge tentacle stopped falling, and Ning Tianlin's body also appeared in a huge black paint cave.

In the dark light, there were two huge raised red eyes, and they stared at it so quietly.

It was only in Ning Tianlin's mind exploration that there were only two raised eyes, but four, six, and eight. After he sighed carefully, there were ten eyes in the darkness!

There is red.

There is green!

There is blue!

And white and purple!

In addition to this red with huge tentacles, the rest of the eyes are accompanied by claws, long feet, tail, fangs.


Ning Tianlin was somewhat confused.

These ten eyes, five creatures, seem to be sharing a body!

Because their heads are attached to a very large body, similar to the trunk on the earth, but they are constantly creeping, deep red, both weird and horrible!

"Kill him! He has the first heart of the nine-round reincarnation tower, kill him! Take it!" Scarlet eyes with raised eyes, a hidden mouth below, after seeing Ning Tianlin brought here, He growled directly.

But what shocked Ning Tianlin was that the voice used by this man turned out to be pure Earth language!

This is the Chinese language today!

"Kill what?"

"It's good to cook it!"

"I haven't eaten in a long time, I cooked him!"

A mouth appeared suddenly under the white eyes, and there was even a long tongue. At the first glance of Ning Tianlin, he licked the scarlet tongue.

However, Ning Tianlin felt that the purpose of this mouth was to use pure Chinese language.

"No! You can't kill him!"

"I want to watch him dance!"

"I want to watch him perform!"

"I haven't seen dancing for a long time! I think someone will give me a dance show!" The blue-eyed owner's eyes glowed, and a mouth appeared on the shared torso.

He also speaks Chinese.

"Crazies, you are all crazy!"

"We haven't heard songs for years!"

"Let him sing a song for us!"

"Well, where's my ear? Have you seen my ear?"

Below the green eyes, a mouth also appeared, using the purest Chinese language.

"What the hell?"

"What the **** is this creature!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked.

What's wrong with these four eyes? It seems that each eye has its own thinking.

"Little friends, don't worry about them!"

"They are all fools!"


At this time, the owner of the purple eyes opened his mouth.

And speaking normally, it even called a friend to Ning Tianlin.

Similarly, his words are pure Chinese.

He even asked Ning Tianlin, "From your appearance, you are also a human being?"

She was shocked, had an incredible look, and had deep expectations.


"I'm from Earth!"

Ning Tianlin nodded and said to the last eye.

It seems that he is the most sane and thoughtful here.


"What earth!"

"How do I feel this name is familiar!"

After Ning Tianlin said these words, the four eyes around him came with the color of doubt, and even the master with green eyes was confused, and then he yelled madly.

"what happened!"

"I feel very familiar with this earth, but I don't remember anything!"

"who am I!"

"Where am I!"


With the anger of this eye, the entire space began to shake, and a large area of ​​space collapsed, like a watermelon violent.

Had it not been for the invincible golden light body of Ning Tianlin, he would have been turned into powder and bones in this collapse.

"Yes indeed!"


"Why am I so familiar with this earth!"

The owner of the other eyes also went crazy.

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