Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1629: Seven strange monsters in Meishan?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


The owner, who had only purple eyes, said nothing at all, and sighed deeply.

In the eyes, all was lonely and sad.

"what happened?"

"What are they?"

Ning Tianlin was not a fool. At this time, he also noticed the abnormalities of these eyes. These five eyes shared the same body, but five thoughts were abnormal enough, especially the Chinese language.

But now, they don't even remember the earth.

And talking all kinds of weird.

There must be something wrong with the spirit.

"They are crazy."

The purple eyes were full of pain. How could he never think that the seven of their brothers would be like this, even the eldest brother and the seventh brother, who didn't know where they were at this time.

Haven't died.


Ning Tianlin had some urges to nod, but he stiffened and looked at the expression on the other side. He was also very anxious about this. He was very unhappy. He was repeating it, and it was just salt on the wound!

"I'm not crazy!"

"Not crazy!"

But just then, the eyes around him were screaming, and staring at the purple eyes with extremely gloomy eyes, "You say I'm crazy, I kill you!"

The body squirmed, but moved with the whole body.

"it is good."

"You are not crazy."

"Do not say."

"Do not say."

The owner of the purple eyes, as if coaxing the child, coaxed the other four eyes, but his eyes were all lonely. In order not to let Ning Tianlin take effect, he didn't get tangled in this matter, and quickly changed the topic. He asked Ning Tianlin, "Can you tell me, when will the earth recover?"

"When did you leave the earth?"

Because Ning Tianlin has the invincible golden light on his body, their deities cannot cover Ning Tianlin's body at all, nor can he detect how old he is.

"The earth is recovering. I don't know."

Ning Tianlin shook his head, which he really didn't know.

"Fifteen years ago, I left the earth."

Ning Tianlin said the exact number, which is not necessary to deceive people. Moreover, he felt that this weird creature must be an earth creature and come from the earth.

I just don't know how it got this way.

In particular, what Ning Tianlin takes seriously is that although the consciousness of these creatures is a bit vague, the combat effectiveness is actually the master of the universe!

Could it be that they were a strong stop on earth in ancient times and did not fall down?

"Fifteen years ago?"

"How old are you this year?"

Purple eyes were a little disappointed.

Fifteen years ago.

This can only mean that the earth has recovered for fifteen years.


"More than thirty."

Ning Tianlin tells the truth.

But as soon as the voice fell, Ning Tianlin's expression of purple eyes was shocked. He couldn't believe it, "What?"

"More than thirty?"

"You only have more than thirty?"

The owner of purple eyes couldn't believe it, of course.

At the age of 30, who can just kill a group of star-warrior warriors?

Also, he just saw it clearly. The center of the nine-revolving tower has entered this person's eyebrow, that is, he controls the nine-revolving tower!

Thirty years old, how is it possible!

"Don't believe it. Look."

Ning Tianlin shrugged.

No way, he knew who he told the news, no one believed, but who made it true.

Unable to let go of the invincible golden body, let the other party detect.

Because he was not afraid at all.

Even if you break your bones, recovery is just a blink of an eye.

In particular, the other person ’s divine thoughts were not good for themselves, and there was nothing at all. So many people who wanted to read their own memories were killed by Wanzuo and Hongmeng Ziqi.

"it is good!"

Purple eyes narrowed. I didn't expect that the boy in front of him was so generous, and I didn't know whether he was stupid or inexperienced, so dare to let him probe his body easily.

But he did not hesitate.

Mind flashed.


"You really only have more than thirty, not even forty!"

Unbelievable in purple eyes.

But then, there was a hint of doubt and madness in his eyes.

"Say, are you his successor!"

"Is it his successor!"

The tone was full of excitement.

Even the four eyes and four mouths on the side are not swapped at this moment, it seems very clear who the purple eyes are referring to!

"You mean the first person in antiquity?"

Ning Tianlin wondered.

Because of this word, he has heard it many times recently, and even many people chase him for this talent.

But until now, the first person in ancient times was just a title, not a name at all.

As if his name was a taboo!


"it's him!"

"Are you his successor!"

Seeing that even the first person in ancient times said it, the purple eyes were more excited, and the eyes on the side were extremely quiet at the moment, as if they were all waiting for Ning Tianlin's answer.


Unfortunately, Ning Tianlin shook his head. "I am not his heir."

"Not even he has seen it."

Ning Tianlin now understands that the first person in ancient times was definitely a very powerful existence at that time.

It has even become the faith of the strong earth!

All these years have passed, and there is still such a worship of him!

The other races in the universe even regarded him as a nightmare, even though he had fallen apart and fallen!


"How could it not be!"

"Except him, who else can develop such a genius!"

The purple eyes were clearly unbelieving.

Because in his memory, no one else in the world can do this except him.

"No, no, nothing is impossible."

Ning Tianlin also wanted to ask who was the first person in ancient times, but it was the combat system that cultivated him, not the first person in ancient times! He even asked the combat system if this person was him!

But the answer is no!

The combat system is directly denied!

But this also makes Ning Tianlin even more puzzled. Does this universe still exist as arrogant as the first person in ancient times? Even more arrogant than him!

"How about you?"

"who are you?"

"For the sake of us all being from the earth, tell me who you are!"

Ning Tianlin can only play emotional cards.

Otherwise, for a master of the universe, he would say that he would say that no one can oppose him.


The purple eyes smiled and looked at the four pairs of eyes around them. The eyes were full of bitterness. There was no specific answer. Instead, they asked Ning Tianlin, "Have you heard of Meishan Seven Monsters?"

Note: The new book "Super Invincible Family Owner" has been opened and has more than 100,000 words. Please collect it from everyone and recommend tickets! !! !! For support! !! !! Thank you! !! !! Changed pseudonym: Persist not to lose weight.

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