Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1630: Meishan great fusion exercises!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Meishan Seven Monsters?"

Ning Tianlin froze.

How do you always feel the name is familiar? Seems to have heard faintly.

But how could I not remember for a while.

"I rely!"

"Meishan Seven Monsters!"

It was only when he searched his childhood memories that he knew what was going on.

Seven strange monsters in Meishan!

Characters in Fengshen list!

Yuan Hong, a white ape, practicing eight or nine xuan gongs, Yuan Shen comes out to kill!

The buffalo gold rose sharply, the power was endless, and the spit was sirloin.

The yellow dog is polite and spit red beads and hurts!

Wild boar Zhu Zizhen likes to show his original shape and swallow the enemy directly.

蜈蚣 Wu Long, spit out the dark mist and stunned the enemy, and always escaped into the smoke at the last critical moment.

Chang Hao, a white snake, sprays poison gas into his mouth to kill the enemy, but also escapes into smoke.

Goat Yang Xian, vomiting white light, can turn his sheep into a magic weapon, cover the enemy still, but the opponent can fight back!

This is the record of the seven strange monsters of Meishan in Fengshenbang.

Had it not been for Ning Tianlin's ability to search his memory at any time, otherwise he would not have remembered these seven creatures.

"Is this creature the seven strange monsters of Meishan?"

Ning Tianlin froze.

But then he shook his head, "No, shouldn't Meishan Seven Monsters be seven creatures, but now there are only five creatures! If two eyes count as one creature!"

Ning Tianlin knows that each pair of eyes is conscious and should be counted as independent beings, but now there are only five full and full.

Two are still behind seven!

"Did you guys?"

However, Ning Tianlin still asked the doubts in his heart.

no way.

He can only think of these.

And it's not impossible.


"We are the seven strange monsters in Meishan!"

"Unexpectedly, billions of years have passed. There are really legends about us on this earth."

After seeing Ning Tianlin's answer, the owner of the purple eyes made a long breath.


Their names were not completely submerged in time.

Still others remember their names.

This is also considered to be desperate for the earth that year, without wasting!

"But don't you have seven Meishan Seven Monsters in total?"

"Why are there only five?"

Ning Tianlin still asked the doubts in his heart.

What exactly happened that year, let you become what you are now.

And it ’s so weird now, five and four are crazy. I ca n’t even remember my original name, not even the earth knows it. I even want to watch dancing and eating.

Looks like only the original instinct.

"Yeah, we have a total of seven."

The purple eyes sighed, all Xiaosao's desolate meaning, "The green eyes you see now, he is the white snake Chang Hao, the red eyes, he is the boar Zhu Zizhen, the white eyes is the buffalo Jin Dasheng, the yellow eyes is yellow The dog is courteous, and I am the goat Yang Xian. "

The owner of this purple eye blew himself up.

Five names were spoken.

Also let Ning Tianlin confirm that the seven strange monsters in Meishan indeed refer to the seven monsters that came down from Meishan in the battle of the gods.

"Battle of Gods!"

Just violently, Ning Tianlin thought of this problem.

The Battle of Gods?

This is how the same thing?

Looks like it was violent.

But he did not immediately ask, but waited for the goat Yang Xian to tell all the things first.

"There are two more, our eldest white ape Yuan Hong, and our seventh brother Wu Long."

"They're not here!"

Speaking of the names of the last two, the goat had a painful expression. It seemed that after so many years had passed, there was no worry about the whereabouts of the two.

"Where are they?"

Ning Tianlin asked.


Goat Yang Xian smiled bitterly. "Let's talk about it first, why are we five like this?"

Then he asked Ning Tianlin, "Do you know, the ultimate battle that the earth broke?"

"Well." Ning Tianlin nodded, seemingly recalling the events of that year, how could he not avoid this problem.

"In the war of ancient times, the sky broke down, countless universe masters attacked the earth frantically, and the number of universe masters was completely several times that of the earth, and even more!"

"Although respected for his bravery and the best of all worlds, one person was dragged down by one hundred masters of the universe and could not be separated."

There is no explanation of who this is, but Luo Chenmu does not need to guess, it must be an homage to the first person in ancient times.

"So, we have seven strange monsters in Meishan, and we are compelled to use the last secret method!"

"Meishan Great Fusion!"

Speaking of this technique, the goat's purple eyes showed sorrow, because it contained not only the seven strange monsters of Meishan, but also the countless creatures who followed them down from Meishan.

To say that it is a fusion practice, it is actually a sacrifice practice!

In the end, there will be countless souls from Meishan to sacrifice for them!

In the end, there will be only seven of them.

But this method of listening to Ning Tianlin's ears was a bit funny.

Meishan Great Fusion?

Hello, you can pick a famous name. For example, Meishan Fusion Dafa, the seven strange monsters are better than the right one.

But at this time, he can't show the slightest difference. Otherwise, the other person's good attitude can immediately become an enemy!

"This Meishan fusion is a very high-quality exercise method. It is a exercise method that allows the martial arts of Nine Stars to become the master of the universe for a short time!"

Goat Yang Xian said this with a little pride in his eyes.

Because this is the work method that their seven brothers have spent many years studying!

It is also their capital against the Lord of the Universe!

"You can make Xinghuang Jiuduan the master of the universe ?!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked!

If this is the case, this exercise is definitely a treasure in the world, extremely powerful! You know, although the Star Warrior has reached Jiuduan, it is fundamentally different from the Lord of the Universe!

One finger of the other party can pinch Xinghuang's heels to death!

The perception of each great realm is greatly different in strength!


"This exercise method can make seven warriors in nine star fields and nine million warriors in the galaxy finally become a common life form, and this life form has seven thoughts! But it also has the strength of the Lord of the universe!"

"The seven thoughts are the thoughts of the seven star warriors. In the end, millions of galaxy scholars will be sacrificed, burning lives and dedicating the essence of their entire body! But their thoughts will never be there!"

When talking about these, the goats seem to remember the tragic situation of the First World War. If it was not the case, they would not be willing to sacrifice the lives of so many millions of warriors in the galaxy!

You know, they all came out of Meishan!

It is also a creature of Meishan!

Moreover, they have sincerely followed themselves all their lives and are loyal to themselves!

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