Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1660: Ancient bloodline!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"It's worthy of being respected by the Master. It's so scary!"

King Yan Luo's heart did not shock that it was false or even involuntary. He compared Ning Tianlin with his era and even the countless days in the past billions of years, but without exception, any genius in front of Ning Tianlin It's scum!

Not even matching shoes!

You know, this Ning Tianlin hasn't been used for a hundred years. From an ordinary person to a star warrior, he has gone through the road that countless powerful people can't walk for billions of years. This is what kind of crazy

"Master's eyesight, I really can't compare."

I sighed, but my heart was even more exciting.

With this Ning Tianlin's existence, maybe it won't take long. With one pulse of his own earth, he can be a master of the universe, and even a strong one among the masters of the universe!

"And the kid's luck is good. Even what he did outside was thick and thin and bold."

For Ning Tianlin's experience outside these years, he is not completely unclear. More than thirty years ago, Wu Daoxuan returned and talked to him.

He never thought that Wu Daoxuan was not dead!

Instead, they were banned in Yinyangtan!

In the end, Ning Tianlin was rescued by accident.

This is also the time to die, and the time has come for the earth to recover.

"Hope you go faster. It looks like the building is full of wind and rain. It's coming soon."

Looking down at the void, King Yan Luo knew something that others didn't know, and knew that the world would change soon. Whether the vein of the earth should rise again or fall down like this, we will soon know.

. . . . . .

at the same time.


In a dense forest.

A majestic temple stands in a forested environment. A black python, hovering in the center of the temple, hovering in the center of the temple, looks down at the sky, and uses divine thought to explore the surrounding world.

"Ning Tianlin?"

"The patron saint of human races?"

"He came back!"

The python's mouth spit out its words, and its eyes were refined golden color, shining brightly.

"I don't know, the patron saint of this human race is worthy of his reputation?"

The python was eager to try.

Originally he was an ordinary python of this Amazon, but the reiki revived, the Titan blood flowing in his body was activated, and he became a real ancient python. The body is so big that Amazon can't accommodate his body.

Over the years, its body has been hidden in this shrine that can shrink space.

It has long been out of Amazon, and it will be human mind.

It heard from the mouth of humans who broke into Amazon. The ones with the highest combat effectiveness are the heroes in the League of Legends and the people of Ning family. Their peak combat effectiveness has reached the nebula level!

Even higher!

And, since the blood of the Titans has recovered, the combat effectiveness has soared madly. In just over ten years, the original galaxy warrior has become the current astral powerhouse!

You know, when their ancestor Titan Python was born, they had the power of the master!

Nowadays, human beings occupy the earth, all kinds of rivers, rivers, mountains and oceans. Most of the resources are occupied by human beings. These creatures that have activated ancient bloodlines have long been full.

Even to meet within ten years to completely suppress the human race!

Unexpectedly, this Ning Tianlin came back!

This name is widely spread not only among human races, but also among them, ancient creatures, and it is almost known. After all, this is the human **** of war, which is also known as the first fighting force of human beings today.

It's just that these creatures that activate the blood veins are humming in their hearts.

Shit first fight!

As long as he dared to come back, they dared to kill!

It's just a human genius, but to what extent can a genius be?

One hundred years is not enough to cultivate the star map!

And they are revived in ancient blood, which is not comparable to humans at all!

Moreover, they all think that Ning Tianlin's going out is not a clever decision. Instead, he is extremely stupid. You must know that the aura in the sky is not necessarily stronger than the earth today!

The reiki of the earth has recovered, and the richness has almost turned into a liquid!

Too huge!

It wo n’t even take long to condense into a phantom!

Reiki condensed crystals!

This is also the time when these ancient blood revived creatures meet for hands-on time!

As long as the phantom crystals are condensed, there will be no other human affairs on this earth. They will occupy these phantom crystals! Especially, as in today's place, the secret realm of Lingshan Ancient Temple appears.

This human being has occupied too many resources.

If they do n’t give them more color often, they do n’t know that this earth and these horrors exist!

The first object to be started was the League of Legends, then the Ning family, and now that you Ning Tianlin are back, it is you Ning Tianlin!

Who makes you the first master of humanity recognized by the earth!

Beheaded to kill you, to see which ethnic group dare to be wanton!



at the same time.

A crocodile in the river of Peru, a king of corpses in the pyramids of Egypt, and a giant bear in a lava cave in Russia are planning the same thing.

Once the ancient blood has recovered, you must fight for human resources!

It is better to suppress humanity forever!

Otherwise, at the speed of human progress today, it won't be long, even if they have ancient blood to protect themselves, I am afraid they will not be able to turn over any waves, let alone compete with the human race for any resources!

. . . . . .

"Ning Ares, we forgive you!"

"Ning God of War, we know it's not your fault. After all, it's a bad horse to walk on. After all, Ning Dehao's mistake should not be yours!"

"Ning War God, we know you are good intentions, Ning family is good, but there is a maggot like Ning Dehao, the fault is not yours!"

Seeing Ning Tianlin bend down and bow, he apologized to them.

Countless people waved their hands quickly.


This is not his fault Ning Tianlin!

In particular, Ning Tianlin has not been on the earth at all these years, how can it be his business!

Also, the Ning family has now moved to Tiansheng Island. All the elite children of the Ning family live there, and it has not affected them at all. It is just these small pieces that have damaged the reputation of the Ning family.

"Ning Ares, we don't blame you, it's not your fault!"

At the beginning, only a few people shouted, but soon it spread to countless people, and even not long, the whole Jinchuan city was shrouded in this frantic shout.

Without this person, there would be no earth today. Why do they blame him?

Moreover, everything is Ning Dehao's fault!

"Thank you!"

"thank you all!"

Ning Tianlin bowed again, and said thank you very seriously.

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