Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1661: Greatly improved!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Thank you."

Thank you, Ning Tianlin Dao's true feelings.

Seriously, he was touched.

These feelings were not what he could feel in the starry sky. Even when he kept breaking through, he was far less excited.

These ordinary people really put infinite trust on him.

For a moment, he felt extremely heavy responsibility!

This has never happened before!

"This Ning Dehao, I will imprison him in the glacier below the East China Sea, ban all his fighting power, and put him under the punishment of 300 years of freezing!

Ning Tianlin has already made a decision.

It's not wise to kill someone at this time. Originally, he even wanted to take a shot, but Ning Dehao's life was lost, but after thinking about it, he still felt that it was more appropriate for him to be tortured.

Taking a human life is simple, but letting him torture seems to be more relieving.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"Let him be punished!"

"Let him suffer from the iceberg!"

Countless people shouted and were extremely excited.

This Ning Dehao was finally punished, and it was the first person of the Ning family to punish himself!

No one doubts that Ning Tianlin will tell lies, this Ning Dehao will definitely be suppressed in the glacier for 300 years, and it is the type that cannot be resisted with combat power! It is estimated that you have to peel off a layer if you don't die!

Make you crazy!

"Farewell then!"

"I have a lot of work to do when I come back!"

Ningtian Forest Road.

If he changed to another person, he said go, but before these ordinary people, he shouldered a sacred duty.

"Well, well, Ning Ares go, Ning Ares go."

Countless people nodded quickly.

Even those who watched the live video, although they were very reluctant, knew it was a fact.

This time Ning Tianlin returns, there must be many things to do.

Maybe Tiansheng Island, where Lian Ning's family is located, hasn't returned yet.


Ning Tianlin's figure flickered and left the place. The next moment, she appeared in front of a person who was constantly galloping in the wind of nine days. Who else could not be Xiao Xiaojun, the deputy leader of League of Legends.


Shi Xiaojun didn't even reply, and rolled a large hand to take him away.

Immediately after, I was thinking about Hua Lao, who was rushing here.

He was also taken away.

The three then stopped on the East China Sea.

"Brother Ning, don't come here!"

It is the old man who was in charge at that time. Although he has also become a combat force, he has not restored his youthful appearance, but still maintains the appearance of an old man.


Shi Xiaojun also gave Ning Tianlin a big hug.

More than thirty years.

This time, it has been more than thirty years!

"You all are fine."

Ning Tianlin smiled and showed the most sincere smile to the two.

This smile, he never showed in the starry sky outside.

"Okay, okay, do you look good to us?"

Hua Lao laughed, and even gave Ning Tianlin a muscular gesture.

A little old urchin.

Obviously, letting go of politics for so many years has made life more cheerful.

"I'm fine too. I've never been stronger!"

Shi Xiaojun also smiled.

He now uses the resources of the League of Legends, as well as the resurgence of heaven and earth, and has grown into a star figure warrior, with a combat power that he would never have imagined before.

After a while.

The three were in the void for a while, and Ning Tianlin's hands showed two pieces of clothing.

It's all black.

With endless energy.

"this is?"

They stunned.

What's this for?

So long apart, what are you doing with two clothes?

As men, they didn't pay much attention in this regard.

"This is Lingjinhuayi."

Ning Tianlin said, "The precious treasure I got by accident."

"Put on it, you will all have incredible fighting power."

Originally, he Ning Tianlin simply did not have enough energy to redeem this kind of thing, especially the higher the level of Lingjinhuayi, the required energy points are also an astronomical number.

Even now, he has only exchanged the Star Olympian level for the two, just like his apprentice Bu Yunyan. Because it is a step closer, that is, the level of starvation, the energy points required for Ang has doubled one hundred million times!

Although he can afford it, it is not necessary now.

After all, his fighting power is just starry!

Although it can become Xingyuan after being combined with Wanzu, even in Xingyuan, they are invincible, but now it is really good to make Hua Lao and Shi Xiaojun into Xing'ao level.

After all, when I return home, I will also consume a part of my energy.

He had a faint feeling that the era of great change was coming!

When the Lord of the universe is madly searching for the earth, he had better let his family, friends, and even more geniuses become star warriors. One step closer, he can touch the threshold of the Lord of the universe!

Although Lingjin Huayi is powerful, it cannot directly break through to be the master of the universe!

It depends on talent, hard work, and luck!

But being able to become a Star Warrior has more hope for survival in the coming era of great change!


"Having incredible fighting power?"

Both laughed lightly.

But also very excited.

The incredible in Ning Tianlin's mouth is an astronomical number for them!

"I'll try!"

Shi Xiaojun first took the clothes and put it on himself. As soon as he touched it, this Lingjinhua clothing turned into countless heaven and earth aura and poured into his body frantically.

There is no vasodilatation, pain is intolerable, and there is no broken bones or constant reorganization. Although the aura in this jinjinhua is turbulent, it is very gentle in nature.

After two minutes.

Shi Xiaojun was directly promoted from the star map to the astral warrior! Five minutes later, another astral star became the master of the star core! After a while, the star core warrior broke into the star cave warrior!

After half an hour, he has been promoted to Star Olympian!

Has crazy fighting power.


Shi Xiaojun felt the fighting power flowing in his body, and felt that he could break a planet with one punch!

This kind of combat power is far from being comparable to himself dozens of minutes ago. He never felt that he had such crazy power in his body.

And three minutes later, the slow-dressing Hualao was also promoted to the Star Olympian! Feeling the surging energy in the body inconceivably, it seemed that he could go anywhere because of the size of the universe.

Even body shape flashes faster than light!



"Our earth, there are so many scary creatures hidden!"

Feeling the great changes of the divine knowledge, Hua Lao and Shi Xiaojun both spread the divine knowledge madly. They just wanted to see where their end was. However, they all hidden the divine knowledge in the void and did not expose it.

A few minutes later, they were just looking at me, and I was looking at you, but I never thought that under the strict monitoring they thought, there were so many ferocious creatures hidden in various corners of the earth!

A monkey practicing in Taishan Cave Mansion has the strength of a star nuclear warrior!

It's two realms higher than they were then!

Even one hand can blow them to life!

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