Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1668: Mind Secrets!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"Stairs again?"

When Ning Tianlin looked at the endless steps ahead, his face changed.

It's not a sword, a mountain or a sea, but a step!


Ning Tianlin has some scalp numbness. In other dangerous places, his invincible golden light can block all attacks for him, but it is up to him to climb the stairs.

Invincible Jinguang could not push him forward.

"Now that I am here, Ning Tianlin will not flinch."

Taking a deep breath, Ning Tianlin continued to walk towards the towering steps ahead.


Just right foot stepped on, just frowned.


Even the body is a tadpole involuntarily.

You know, with his current physical fitness, he can feel the chill, which is already very cold.

Most importantly, this is the first order!

There are dense steps above.


Ning Tianlin did not delay, and continued to move forward slowly, but the moment of collapse, the coolness was even worse.

Even when I continued to walk more than two hundred steps, my whole body felt a cold chill, and my feet were almost frozen as if I had not worn shoes in the winter.


Ning Tianlin didn't stop, but continued to move forward in cold weather, even when he felt that he could not stand it, he turned on the invincible golden light, but what made him incredible was that this invincible golden light couldn't stop this chill !!

It's still chilly like ice and snow.


"Invincible Jinguang is useless again!"

Ning Tianlin's heart jumped.

In the previous step, Invincible Jinguang was useless. The pressure around him could spit blood, even his bones were almost broken at the time, but now, invincible Jinguang couldn't stop the chill.

What the **** is this!

You must know that invincible golden light does not matter whether it is physical attack or spiritual attack.

But this chill, as if appearing directly on himself, could not be stopped.

Inevitable, Ning Tianlin was curious about this side of the world.

But the steps didn't stop.

Now that you've done it, you'll stick to it, and you won't stop halfway.

Isn't it cold?

Unless he freezes into an ice sculpture, if not, he will not stop himself!

He felt vaguely that the test of the mystery was not easy.

"Da! ~"



One thousand steps.

Two thousand steps.

At the three thousandth level, Ning Tianlin's feet had been covered with a thick layer of frost, frozen like popsicles, and even his feet had completely lost consciousness, and he kept going up, which was almost a kind of double script.

By the four thousandth step, his legs were numb.

Had it not been for the blood in his body that was still flowing, he would have thought that his legs would be worn out.

In the fifth and sixth steps, Ning Tianlin's chest and forehead were already endless frost.

At this moment, he could not feel any heaven and earth breathing, and the only thing that supported him to persist was to climb up.

He must climb up!

As long as he is not frozen into an ice sculpture, as long as he can move, he will board it!

He wanted to see what was waiting for him at the end of the ladder!

Seven thousand steps.

Eight thousand steps.

Ning Tianlin's entire body has condensed into frost, and even the blood flow rate throughout his body has become less than 20-30% of the original. It was also because of the existence of blood flow that he felt that Ning Tianlin was not dead.

Nine thousand steps.

His blood was almost condensing.

The whole body's blood was filled with endless frost.

Ning Tianlin doesn't know if he will die like this. He has an invincible golden body and also has an immortal body, but if he is really frozen here, he will really die!

Like an ice sculpture, it stands here forever.

"Only go!"

"I only have to go this way!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes were completely unable to open, thick frost, and even the strength to raise his hands was not, and he knew that he could only continue to move forward, because it was impossible to move backwards!

Nine thousand steps, he retreated less than half, and must stand there forever!



There was still a trace of blood in her body and it was completely frozen, but Ning Tianlin still did not give up, calling the last power to stop the last freeze, and even the mind condensed into a silk, doing the final resistance.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-five.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-six.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven.

Ning Tianlin's feet were raised at a very slow speed, and it took almost three hours to finish the last two steps.


When Ning Tianlin's feet stepped on the final peak, the pale yellow wild gas suddenly appeared, turned into a warm current, and quickly restored the frozen body of Ning Tianlin.


Feeling the power of reuniting, Ning Tianlin took a deep breath.

It feels like the rest of my life!

He almost died here!

Died in Infinite Freezing!

If it was not the last moment, he still exhausted his whole body energy to maintain the final blood flow, I am afraid he would really be planted in this secret place!


"I almost lost Jingzhou!"

Ning Tianlin spit out a long suffocation, and at this time he was attentive to watch the surrounding scenes.

There is nothing, there is only a yellow condensed book, slowly floating in the air.

So quietly in front of Ning Tianlin's eyes.

"Ancient ice is mysterious!"

These are the five big characters written on the writings of famine.


Just when Ning Tianlin had just put his mind on the cover of this book, the book changed and instantly turned into a long dragon, flying towards Ning Tianlin's mind.

Ning Tianlin didn't stop, knowing that it was a way of inheritance.

The reward of this second step turned out to be a secret technique inheritance!

He didn't avoid it, and let it be forced into his mind, turned into a huge memory, and raged in his mind.

"Aragonic Ice Mysterious"!

This is the answer obtained by Ning Tianlin.

At the same time, I also know why this thing can penetrate the invincible golden light, but directly acts on him.

Wild ancient ice mysterious strength, is not a martial arts at all, but a mental skill!

Dedicated to all souls!

It is not his body that is frozen, but his heart!

No one can stop the mental attack!

"This wild ancient ice mystery, strictly speaking, can be similar to the formation, but it is better!"

Ning Tianlin is overjoyed, because this mental skill is a big killer!

No matter how strong the other party is, it can directly affect the other party's mind!

And the power will automatically increase or decrease according to the combat power of the caster! Not static!

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