Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1669: Nine ways!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Can't hang me alive, the power of this step will automatically change its power according to the strength of the intruder!"

"It just had the biggest attack power. It is not the Lord of the universe at all, but a star-virtual warrior like my Ning Tianlin, and even the star's million feet are avoided !!"

From the secret method, Ning Tianlin also knew why he survived.

On the one hand, he insisted. On the other hand, he arranged the steps. He was a powerful combatant. He is likely to be the true master of Penglai Xiandao, a master of the universe.

The "Aragonic Ice Mystery" he cast was not performed in accordance with his own combat effectiveness, but was automatically adjusted according to the intruder's combat effectiveness.

Ning Tianlin entered, and the power of this step automatically formed a star-virtual warrior like him! It can be said that Ning Tianlin is facing the same star virtual warrior as he is!

This is also where Ning Tianlin shook even more.

Because he has never lost in a matchup at the same level.

But just now, he almost died in the hands of each other! He didn't even see each other's face!

On the one hand, it was Ning Tianlin who had a little idea, and on the other hand, it was because he had never encountered such a secret technique that directly acted on the soul of others!

"Now that I've developed this secret method, I will be able to play against others in the future!"

Ning Tianlin was a little excited.

This is definitely a big killer!

He can cooperate with other means to let the other party unknowingly pass through, even through any protective equipment he wears.

Although the opponent's combat effectiveness cannot be reduced directly by a certain percentage, it can make him lose his combat effectiveness!

"Also, it's desolate again!"

"The owner of Penglai Xiandao may have left a huge amount of wild gas here."

Ning Tianlin just noticed that the book that formed it was endlessly wild.

This thing is very useful to anyone.

Even he had a faint feeling that it was much wilder, and he could condense into another gas, causing the cells of his body to change again.

He had already talked about it when he was on the first step. This desolate, energy nature has this function.


"Now, it depends on what's behind."

Taking a deep breath, I felt that I had recovered to the peak, and Ning Tianlin continued to walk towards the fog ahead.

Faintly feeling, still steps!

After all, the two in front are the third, and they will not change much.

Sure enough, when Ning Tianlin stood on the towering steps again, his mind was shaking, because this time he didn't feel the cold, but the endless heat!

At first there was only a little bit. When the four or five thousand steps came down, there was no trace of sweat on his body, because the sweat was vaporized by the surrounding temperature as soon as it came out of the body!

At the seven thousand steps, Ning Tianlin only felt that his skin was almost rotten, and even the bones were all steam rising, accelerating the rapid flow of blood in the body.

Eight thousand steps, Ning Tianlin just felt like he was boiling in the boiling water!

Nine thousand steps, this began to become a steelmaking furnace!

Ten thousand steps, Ning Tianlin only felt himself bathing in volcanic magma.

If he has combat effectiveness, volcanic magma is nothing, but now he only feels that the combat effectiveness is sealed. He uses the flesh to boil in the magma, even the invincible golden light can't resist it.

"Ancient Fire"

This is the name of the secret technique Ning Tianlin obtained while standing on the third step.

"Ancient Wild Wind"!

This is Ning Tianlin's painstaking efforts. After passing through the wind to cut the flesh, he got the name of the secret technique when he climbed the fourth step.

It also acts directly on the mind, causing the other party to suffer from the yin wind.

"Arabic wood mysterious"!

This is the fifth step to get the name of the secret technique.

In this case, Ning Tianlin withstood the long weeds in his heart, the sore parts of his leaves and the torture in his heart.

"Ancient Gold Mystery"!

This is the sixth step to get the name of the secret technique.

This time, Ning Tianlin's entire body was almost turned into a diamond, and even the internal organs almost turned into metal.

"Ancient Ancient Land"!

This is the seventh step, and Ning Tianlin gets the name of the secret technique.

He was covered with soil all over his body, and even without taking a step, he was heavily burdened and walked very slowly.

"Aragonic Thunder"!

This is the eighth step that Ning Tianlin obtained.

Thunder and lightning!

One of the most mysterious rules, when he passed, Ning Tianlin had no whole place in his body, that is, the bones, were constantly washed by lightning.

If it were not for his strong will, he would definitely die alive!

"Oh shit!"

"It's over!"

"Stairs again!"

When Ning Tianlin passed the eighth test and looked at the towering steps, Ning Tianlin felt endless pain in his heart.

Although he has found the trick, knowing that these are spiritual secret skills, but Ning Tianlin is still a bit scared. Because of every kind of pain, he really didn't want to take it anymore.

Although he has obtained seven kinds of spiritual secrets, his win rate has more than doubled against other people, but even so, he has some resistance in his heart.

This is hard to gain the secret technique of suffering!

"I don't know what this ninth species will be!"

Looking at the towering clouds, Ning Tianlin took a deep breath, and then set foot on the first step.


It only made him startled that there was no pain at all, as if stepping on an ordinary step.

But Ning Tianlin knew that this was impossible!

Otherwise, there would never be such a separate step here.



Ning Tianlin went up like this and walked more than a thousand steps, but found nothing.

As if really stepping on the ordinary steps.


"My body looks lighter!"

It was only shortly after that that his face changed and he had a bad hunch.

His body seemed to be a little lighter.

Although it is rare, it seems to be really lighter!



In this way, this situation happened again after passing the 3,000th step!

And after this attention, he was 100% sure that he really became lighter!

0.33 grams less!

Although extremely rare, it does exist!

You know, this situation should never happen to his current combat effectiveness, but now, it really happened!

When the 5,000th step, he lost another 0.55 grams!

Even his entire mind was a little dizzy, as if he didn't rest!

Just how is this possible!

When he went through the other eight levels, it took some effort, but at the beginning he had absorbed the wild energy to recover, and his condition has never been better, but now, how can he feel a sense of dizziness.

He just walked a few steps, how could he be dizzy!

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