Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1670: Soul Burning

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"There must be something wrong!"

Ning Tianlin only felt that his body was dangling, just like he was drunk, but when he inspected his body, he really reduced by a few ten grams. With his physical fitness today, it is simply impossible to become fat and thin.

What is going on now?

Even when the sixth thousandth arrived at the steps, he went straight to the ground, his road was unstable, and he almost fell to the ground, even touching his head with the steps.

On the seventh step, he only felt that most of his body was out of control, and even walking with his legs raised was a little difficult. Just crawling, he didn't have the consciousness to crawl forward.

It is not powerlessness, but unconsciousness.

As if he couldn't remember what he was doing now!

"what happened?"

Ning Tianlin became increasingly cyanotic and even had the urge to sleep.

But he knew that if he really slept here, he would really sleep here forever and never get up again.

He must insist.


"Will it?"

Just in his body, he fell again, banged heavily on the steps, and burst his head. A flash of lightning struck his heart. He realized what was happening at once. A robot dog appeared on the steps. Above.

This robot dog's combat effectiveness is not high, just surpassing the astral realm.

As soon as he appeared, under the command of Ning Tianlin, he hurried towards the steps.

The speed is a bit slow, but Ning Tianlin is staring closely because he knows that this is the pressure of heaven and earth on each step, which will slow down the speed. This is not important. The important thing is the weight of this metal robot .

Does it feel dizzy.


"Its weight has remained the same!"

"And there is no dizziness at all!"

Ning Tianlin finally knew what was going on.


His reduced weight turned out to be the soul!

That is, his soul has just disappeared!


Could not help but look at the steps are full of shock.

This step has nothing to do, but burns the soul!

Let his soul diminish unknowingly!

The soul has weight. Although it is light, it does have weight. This is also a problem that he has just ignored because he had never thought of it before.

He had just been thinking about everything physically.

The body can be reduced, and the soul can be reduced without thinking!

"Tonic Soul Dan."

Now that the cause has been found, Ning Tianlin is no longer afraid, but has directly exchanged an elixir from the combat system, tonic spirit, which can directly act on the soul and repair the soul.


It was just that when he appeared in his palm, it was directly reduced to ashes. As if he was not allowed to swallow elixir here.


"This is going to kill me!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked in his heart for a moment.

Here, it is forbidden to swallow elixir!

But if he didn't swallow the elixir, what would his soul do?

You know, if his soul goes on like this, it will all be burned silently!

By then, he will have only one dead word!

"I can't be here, just like Wang Ba, don't move."

Ning Tianlin felt a heartbeat.

If you stay here forever, it means that you are stuck here forever, not knowing how long it will take, even if he is worried, even if he is still, his soul is still burning,

There are a thousand steps above, and eight thousand steps below. The only thing he can do now is to move forward!

Even if the soul is really gone, go forward!

The only way now is!



Ning Tianlin walked slowly, very slowly, and was really worried that at some point, his soul would be completely burned and shaken.


When there were more than 9,500 steps, Ning Tianlin couldn't hold on anymore and planted them directly on the steps.

This time, he woke up after three full days.

Physically weak, the fire of soul is almost extinguished.


"Must go up!"

Ning Tianlin insisted that there was only one belief in his heart. Even if he died, he would die on the climbing path.

In three or four hundred steps, he will succeed!

By then, he will definitely receive the goods.


When the steps reached 9,700, Ning Tianlin fell down again.

Only this time, he had no more signs of sobriety.

Three days.

Ten days.

Twenty days.

Thirty days later, his soul showed no signs of recovery, and the soul's fire was dying, and it could be annihilated at any time!


Forty-five days later, Ning Tianlin's soul fire left only a small light of ignition, shaking.


The next moment, it goes out

At this time, a white ball of light flickered from the steps and fell directly into my mind.


"Another waste!"

"You can't even pass this, and you dare to break through the nine million towers!"

This light and shadow, ironic in Ning Tianlin's mind.

No trace of temperature.

As if seeing the most common things in the world.

"Even if you are very young, if you don't pass this, you will not be the master of the universe. After all, you will be enslaved, and you will not be eligible for the inheritance of your master."

The white light ball hummed like humanity.

With his whole body shining, it is necessary to control Ning Tianlin's body and make him a puppet.

Protect this Penglai Xian Island.


Just at this moment, a golden light descended from the sky, directly covering the white light ball that entered Ning Tianlin's mind, no matter how he struggled, he could not escape.

at the same time.

The nine-round reincarnation tower originally located in the center of the eyebrows came to Ning Tianlin's mind and slowly rotated.

This golden light is emitted from its body.

Wrap the white light ball directly into it.

"Nine runners tower!"


"How come you meet the Nine Runners Tower here!"

The sound of the white light ball showed a horror, but it couldn't escape the fate of being sucked in completely no matter how it struggled.

A moment later, he appeared directly in the Yincaodi Mansion of the Nine Runners Reincarnation Tower.

"I can't think of you on this step!"

At this time, Ning Tianlin's voice resounded throughout the world.

Subsequently, his figure slowly emerged.

He hadn't just died, but just put the last soul fire into the Yin Cao Di government. Here, he is a god, a creature that can dominate everything, maybe here, the soul can continue to recover. Cultivate slowly.

I just didn't expect that at the moment when the fire of his soul disappeared, this kind of thing even entered his own mind.

Originally Wanzuo was going to devour it, but think about it and stopped it. It may be of great use here. More importantly, Wan Fu may be his opponent for a while.

At that time, stealing chickens won't make rice.

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