Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1683: Don't you know that you are just human mounts?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Pinch them!"

"Smash these shameless humans!"

Not only are the two companions screaming like this, but also ancient blood resuscitation creatures hidden in the dark, screaming in their hearts like this.

These humans are so annoying.

Takes up too much of their resources!

You ca n’t practice these creatures quickly!

He even hunts them down. They must return!

Let human beings often have this taste, so human beings have no resources to cultivate!

Now, let's start with devouring and pinching these human heroes!

Kill them and declare war on humanity!


"Since Shi Xiaojun doesn't come out, you will die!"

The golden orangutan yelled and forced to explode the human in his hand, but it was about to shake his fist fiercely, but found out that his fist would not listen to his command, and at the same time there was a sharp pain in the entire arm .

Then he saw his arm fly up in the air. When he had no response at all, he left the body and flew in the air!


Immediately after that, pain came, making him growl in pain.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

The two companions on the edge froze, the ancient creatures hidden in the dark froze, even the humans below, including the hero pinched by the fist, froze. What happened?

Why did the golden orangutan break his arm?


Seeing the hero who was okay, he quickly broke away from the giant palm he held, and then descended into the sky.

They were also frightened and even thought they were going to die.

"Ning God of War"!

"It's our Ning Ares!"

At this moment, the humans below exclaimed, the other heroes flying out of the League of Legends were also shouting excitedly.

It's Ning Tianlin!

It was their Ning War God who rescued them!

No one knows how he came, no one even saw how he shot, but the palm of the golden orangutan was broken, and it must have been cut by Ning Zhansheng!

Ning Zhan Shen is really amazing!

As soon as they can't see the action at all!

"See the lord!"

All the heroes who continued to arrive, including those who were still frightened, all kneeled down and worshiped Ning Tianlin. All of them looked excited, as if they saw the most incredible person.


Only he can have this strength!

"Meet the God of War!"

That is, all humans on the ground are crazy and kneeling towards Ning Tianlin.

he came!

Here comes their patron saint!

"Ning Tianlin, it's Ning Tianlin!"

"Human First God of War"!

The giant crocodile, wild boar and orangutan all looked at Ning Tianlin inconceivably, because even if they were better than them, they did not see how Ning Tianlin appeared, let alone how he did it!

But the golden orangutan's arm is gone!

Be cut off!

You know, golden orangutans, like them, are star warrior-level warriors. Because their blood is revived, their fighting power has soared, and they are many times stronger than ordinary fierce beasts.

But now, one arm was cut off unconsciously!

If Ning Tianlin was beheading his head at that time, is it still dead?

"How much combat power is he and what is his realm?"

Inevitably, the three ancient creatures, as well as their counterparts hidden in the dark, are thinking about Ning Tianlin's fighting power.

"Three of you, you have the guts."

"It came to kill humans."

Ning Tianlin laughed, looking at them as if looking at ants, with irony in his eyes.

"Come out."

He even gripped his palm into a claw and slammed it into the void. He had a huge figure of more than two hundred, and he was caught by him from other places through space.

All eyes were blank, with endless incredibleness.

How did he find them and how did they catch them?

Most of them are star-level warriors! If it wasn't for blood resuscitation, they would have reached this level. I don't know how many years it will take. Is there any blood resuscitation in humans?

"Oh my God"!

"Why are there so many scary creatures!"

The humans below, including the various heroes, looked at these huge creatures inconceivably, but never expected how so many things were hidden on the earth. Is the earth bigger, so are these creatures?

But how do they look like this?

"Three seconds, your bodies don't become human-sized, I slaughter you!"

Ning Tianlin doesn't like talking to creatures of such a large size, it is better to face to face.



As soon as his voice fell, these ancient creatures quickly reduced their size and changed into the size of a human being, but without the shape, they all looked like small animals.

They dare not do nothing.

Ning Tianlin really might kill them!

"Still the leader, let them do it in a word!"

"Ning God of War is mighty, these little fish and shrimp, dare not put one!"

Heroes and humans were amazed by this result, and shocked Ning Tianlin's fighting power even more. Just one shot, these fierce beasts were dormant.

"You ancient blood revived. The first thing is to kill humans?"

"In your bloodline memory, I haven't told you, have you ever been a vassal of humans on earth? Are they all their mounts!"

Ning Tianlin did not start immediately, but looked at these fierce beasts coldly.

He was right. In the ancient times, these fierce beasts were indeed only the beasts of the powerful combatants and the beasts of the caretaker.


All beasts changed their faces.

I didn't expect Ning Tianlin to have their secrets everywhere.

Yes, in the memory of their ancient blood, let them know that in ancient times, they were only human mounts, human beasts in the home care and nursing home, and even human vassals!

But because of this, they have to do it!

They will kill humans!

Because only by doing so, they can get rid of the fate of becoming a human mount!

Why humans ride them, not they ride humans!

Especially while human beings have not risen yet, hurry to do this thing! If not, they will be finished when humans really have great combat effectiveness.

Humans are much better at combating plasticity than these fierce beasts.

Only by subduing human beings and then occupying resources, then human beings will not be able to seize resources for cultivation. That will only mean that their beasts are getting stronger and stronger, and human beings are getting weaker. How can they not catch up with them!


At this time, a mark was shot from Ning Tianlin's brows and suspended in the air. Then the light was shining, and when these fierce beasts could not move at all, they all fell into their minds.

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