Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1684: Master of the Universe

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When the light was gone and the fierce beasts opened their eyes again, the fierce crickets were no longer in the eyes, but they looked at Ning Tianlin, except for the respect in their eyes was fear.

Because they know that the young man in front of them has become their master, and the fighting ability is even more extraordinary.

Their lives today are all in the hands of this young man, and they dare to disobey them.

"See Master!"

All the ancient beasts knelt on the ground and worshiped Ning Tianlin respectfully.

"You quickly go to the waters around Tiansheng Island and live there. Since entering, you are the mounts of the Tiansheng Island warriors."

Ning Tianlin ordered.


The ancient creatures nodded listlessly.

They are here to find fault, to suppress human beings, but who ever thought that only Ning Tianlin would make them slaves forever, look at him, and even make them mounts for warriors.

Despite their grievances, they dare not resist in the slightest.

This young man has absolute power to kill and kill them, and he dare not disobey him.


Each soared to Tiansheng Island in the East China Sea.

But when they first arrived at the sky of Tiansheng Island, there was a huge golden dragon looking down at them at high altitude. The thick coercion made them almost out of breath. If it was not forcing Ning Tianlin's orders, I'm afraid They immediately turned around and left.

"You come, I know."

Jinlongdao, "I am the guardian of Tiansheng Island. You are the soldiers of Tiansheng Island. When they want to cross the sea, they will ride you. If you dare not resist and resist, I will eat him directly. "

With that said, the coercion that only belonged to the realm of Xingyuan was exuded, making them all stunned and unable to move.

Oh my God!

In addition to Ning Tianlin, there is such a big beast!

Who are these people on this holy island?

Will there be more powerful men?

Fortunately, they just went to the headquarters of the League of Legends, not the holy island of this day. Otherwise, they will probably die in the hands of Jinlong the first time.

"Ning Ares mighty!"

"The lord is mighty!"

And seeing that Ning Tianlin didn't waste the power of blowing dust, they would control the ancient creatures that scared them. All people paid their highest respect to Ning Tianlin, including all heroes in the League of Legends.


Ning Tianlin nodded, but did not speak in front of the crowd, and flew directly, leaving this world.

Only the next moment, when he stood still, he found a person around him, standing there quietly, and smiling at him.

"Ning Ares mighty!"

The other side joked.

"Yan Zun joked." Ning Tianlin quickly shook his head. He could be mighty in front of countless people, but he was an exception. The opponent's combat power was much higher than he is now.

"Haha." King Yan Luo smiled. "Just a joke with you."

"You ... Breakthrough?"

But Ning Tianlin was suddenly shocked, feeling the surging breath on the other side, guessing that the other party may have broken through.

Become the Lord of the Universe!

"Yes, it's broken."

"Now Penglai's consciousness of heaven is most absorbed by me, and now I'm the four masters of the universe!" King Yan Luo directly said a number, which scared Ning Tianlin.

Master of the Universe, four stages!

He thought it was the first stage of the universe, but now he has reached four stages!

It's only been three years!

This speed is not uncomfortable!

However, he also knows that this is actually another kind of initiation, which only allows him to accept and digest himself, and does not need to practice too much.

"I'm looking for you this time to tell you that after three years, I will probably absorb all of this heavenly governance. Let's set out and go to the Zerg. You can also make preparations while these times are in place."

King Yan Luo solemnly addressed Ning Tianlin.

After all, although he is already the master of the universe, it is not a simple matter to go to the Zerg and even want to retreat from the whole body. After all, the Zerg has three masters of the universe, only two less than humans, and one is the universe. The main nine paragraphs.

If they are surrounded, trying to escape is probably a very laborious task.

But that's it, he can't help but go.

Zulong is his apprentice, and he is also expected to become the master of the universe. He must save him. Also, if he is actually swallowed by the other party because of time, the specific location of the earth will definitely explode.

At that time, it was really troublesome.

Although he is the Lord of the universe, he cannot yet face the siege of so many Lords of the universe.

The Lord of the Universe, too, will fall.

"I see."

Ning Tianlin nodded.

For three years, he could afford to wait and stay on earth. It has also been many years and he has not stayed well on earth.

Take this opportunity to take your wife and family to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the earth.

In particular, the earth veins are now widening and growing side by side under the aura of reiki. However, Ning Tianlin also knows that it will take a very long time to restore the prosperity of the earth.

Now, not even appetizers.



Over the past three years, the mystery has been constantly collapsed and formed, but Ning Tianlin has never felt a mystery at the same level as Penglai. Although he has also explored one or two, the gain is not great, only occasional exercises and secret techniques.

He didn't have much energy or anything.

Even Wanzuo here did not increase much combat power. Because for him today, swallowing the earth in one mouth does not necessarily increase the combat effectiveness.

After all, he is already a strong star.



In this way, just three years later, the door of the void opened, and the figure of King Yan Luo descended from the sky, landed directly next to Ning Tianlin, and then split open a layer of space, waiting for Luo Chenmu to enter with a smile.

"Let's go."

"I haven't used it for many years, and I don't know if I can get cheap from Zerg's hands this time."

He is not afraid of the Zerg.

Even if the other three true masters of the universe come together!

Because in three years, he has been promoted from the four masters of the universe master to the eighth grade, and further, it is the nine grade! But he also knows that this step, with these heavenly sentiments, is really impossible.

The next path depends on himself.

But even so, he can still gain a lot of experience from his master. His master is a true cosmic powerhouse!

"Well, let's go."

Ning Tianlin laughed.

He disappeared into the space together with King Yan Luo.

The next moment, the figure of the two already appeared in the Zerg territory.


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