Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Hey ... why is it so dark!"

Countless humans on the planet Pava were instantly plunged into great fear.

The sky was bright just now, how could it suddenly become like this?

The sun that illuminates the sky is still there, and they can feel the heat it emits.

"Did it?"

Suddenly, they thought of a possibility, or rather an exact word, "cover the sky!"

Some creatures have covered the sun!

"not good!"

"Come on!"

"A biological attack!"

Everyone realizes that this planet has been in contact with the universe, knowing that the universe is huge, any creature has it, from small flamboyant to big dragons, there are various creatures larger than the planet.

Even before their planet, they have been attacked by other creatures.

But never had such a big creature!

Cover the sky!

They don't even know what's blocking each other's planet!




I thought about all kinds of possibilities, but I didn't expect it would be the other's mouth!



Someone ordered it.

Countless particle cannons blasted the flames and blasted at the mouth of Wanzuan, but this thing, entering its mouth, was completely like the sinking sea. If in the past, extremely powerful technology might cause damage to the inside of his body, but now, the inside of this body has become a starry sky.

These flame bullets will only be swallowed after entering!

No harm could be done to him at all.



The figures of hundreds of warriors also rushed towards the mouth of Wanzuan. As soon as they arrived, they displayed the combat power of Tiantian and wanted to kill the creatures in front of them, but their attack was like a sinking sea.

And they themselves were directly immersed in this "starry sky".


No matter how struggling, the planet was swallowed into the belly by the huge mouth of Wanzuan, and all the creatures on the planet entered the body of Wanzuan for a moment.

The planet is rolling, like a ball, constantly rolling and rotating inside the body of a millipede.

It didn't stop until a spot where the stars were a bit coincident.

"where is this?"

The countless creatures on the planet felt something wrong.

Although they lived in the same place, the starry sky on their heads changed, instead of the original golden color, but into blue, as if a pale blue sun hung there.

But no one knows that this is not the blue of the sun, but the blue of the starry sky of the universe!

The inside of Wanzuan's body has turned into a starry sky!

There are galaxies, galaxies, and countless galaxies.



Everyone didn't notice that their own body's surging energy and heat waves all slowly rose up, gathered, and rushed, and finally all fell into the depths of the starry sky, and each one-billionth of the combat power disappeared slowly. Already.

Power of rules!

The starry sky rules forcibly deprived of one billionth of their combat power from their bodies!

It's just too small, almost nobody can detect it.

After all, the highest state of these people is the nebula state. One billionth is not much different for them at all!

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Countless warriors rose into the sky and began to fly to the "starry sky", wondering what happened, but some of them flew for three days and nights without finding another planet. You know, they have a planet next to their original planet.

Their planet has really changed.

In other words, the position of their planet has changed!

On this day, the people on this planet become a boundless day!

Because here is endless, I don't know where it is!


Wan Zuyu tried to swallow a planet, feeling the increased combat power, and he felt happy.

Although this planet is not a very powerful planet, the highest combat effectiveness is just the nebula realm. The combat effectiveness of nebula warriors is generally between one billion and ten billion. In other words, a Nebula warrior only provided him with a combat power of about fifty points.

Doesn't sound like much.

But the number of people on this planet has reached trillions! One hundred times that of the earth today!

Most of them are domain masters. Ten domain masters are estimated to provide about five points of combat power, but the average of one billion domain masters is 10 billion points of combat power!

Although it is nothing compared with today's million feet, but you know, this is just a planet! It's just a similar planet, not even a medium planet!

As long as he can devour more and better planets, these planets will provide him with a steady stream of combat power!

"This way of growing is indeed quite explosive!"

Ning Tianlin is a bit envious. If he can swallow up the entire starry sky, he will reach the Lord of the universe in minutes!

Even the universe master is possible!

"Make your body smaller," Ning Tianlin ordered.

He wanted to see what would happen to the interest he had devoured.

After all, it is impossible for Wanzuyu to keep such a big body all the time, especially he chooses to fit with himself most of the time.


As soon as Ning Tianlin's words fell, Wan Fuyu's body began to become smaller until it finally became the length of an arm, and Ning Tianlin noticed that the planet inside Wan Fuyu's body also became smaller.

It's just shrinking by the same proportion.

Even the humans and creatures that carry the planet have become smaller.

But what surprised Ning Tianlin was that these people and creatures didn't feel their changes at all, they were still walking around normally, without the kind of panic and fear they had just swallowed.

It's as if two parallel cars moving at the same speed can't feel each other's movement at all.

"That's fine."

"Because the flesh becomes smaller, these planets have all collapsed."

Ning Tianlin laughed in her heart, but she was also worried. If that is the case, is it the perfect evolution?


After thinking about it, Ning Tianlin made a decision again.


As soon as Wan Zuyu entered the body, Ning Tianlin's combat power began to soar as in the past, and he did not feel the slightest difference. It seems that all the combat power drawn from other creatures has been converted into a full-fledged combat power.

Now it has become its own.


"With this ability, the combat effectiveness of Manchuria is not too long, and it can reach the same level or even higher!"

Ning Tianlin made a decision in his heart.


Devour Crazy!

The biggest upgrade is Manchurian and your own fighting power!

When the star race discovers the earth, fight for both to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe!

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