Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1695: Hundreds of human races!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!



Ning Tianlin and Wanzuyu merged, ran quickly, and for half a month, they went to many places, especially under the guidance of the combat system, they went to the planet with good combat effectiveness.


There are zerg.

There are wooden clan.

There are mechanical families.


Ning Tianlin was totally shooting for another place.

The disappearance of these planets did not attract much attention in a short time.

But Ning Tianlin also knew that it was just a matter of time.

After all, this kind of thing is different from other places. There must be a connection between the planet and another planet. Various business transactions shuttle. By then, the planet of the business that was originally doing well will suddenly disappear. Be noticed.

And the number of people coming and going on each planet is not one or two, but billions. It won't take long for this news to spread widely.

This kind of thing, it depends on whether it has received the attention of the people who care.

After all, it is strange to disappear, but in the universe, there are countless stars bursting and being reborn.


When Luo Chenmu's figure reappeared in the human race, he snorted in his heart. This time, he is ready to make a big one!

One Hundred Cities!

He will swallow all the human races!

Let the people in the hundred cities come and live in the starry sky.

By that time, the combat effectiveness of Manzulu is skyrocketing!

You know, the star king in the white city of the human race is a large piece, and the star saint also has it! Not to mention the rest! In particular, the population of Baicheng is far incomparable from other planets.

Hundred cities are not independent cities, but countless connected planets built in the starry sky.

For example, Beechtown, the twelfth largest city of mankind, is connected by more than ninety planets. All cities flow on the surface of the planet. People living on these planets have the lowest combat effectiveness above the galaxy.


The next moment, Ning Tianlin's figure came over the city of Beech.

With a wave of his hand, the huge figure of Wanzuan appeared. It's just that although Wanzuan is huge, it is not yet large enough to be comparable to Beechtown, which is composed of more than 90 huge planets.

"Can you do it?"

There was some doubt in Ning Tianlin's mind.

But Wan Zuyu nodded, and rushed down without hesitation.

Just this time, when I was close to the front, I opened my mouth, my abdomen was squirming, and a huge suction came from my throat instantly, just like the python swallowed something i, and swallowed the planet below.

In particular, he focused on the fact that these planets have become smaller and smaller in the huge suction force. When they finally got their mouths out of the way, their mouths became a lot smaller than their mouths!

Then directly submerged into the body of Wanzuyu.

And more than ninety planets, like a bunch of eggs, are row by row, and finally all submerged into the body of Wanzuyu.

It didn't take three minutes from beginning to end.

It's easier than having a meal!

As in the case of the previous planets being swallowed up, countless humans are in horror, thinking that the world has changed, but it didn't take long for them to adapt to the new place. After all, only the big environment has changed, and the little environment in which they live is still there.

The same planet, the same people around.


Ning Tianlin didn't stop at all. At the next moment, he had already brought Manchuria to the top of the next city. In the same way and the same sucking, he directly sucked in nearly a hundred planets.

And the same distance from the starry sky, Beechtown.

As if under the same starry sky.



This big city of human races is no better than other small cities. When Ning Tianlin and Manzulu swallowed the twelfth, some strong men finally discovered the strangeness of the hundred cities!

They are actually decreasing!

At first I was a little unbelieving and thought I was dazzled. After all, no help message came.

But when they came, they found that they were really gone!

Absent their original position!

You know, these places are even blindfolded!

Soon, the news spread very fast, and even spread to other cities in Baicheng. All eyes were frightened, like the end of the world, they would not collapse in the void, and drowned all these planets.


Soon, three star-warrior warriors emerged from the Temple of Wandering.

Began investigating the matter.

Although there are not many masters in the human race, they are the backbone of human beings, and they are also the cradle of the strong men in the human race. Even if there is no delusion hall, they care very much about these places.

Every time there is a big change, someone will be sent out to check it.

It's just weird this time. There is no sign of action. The entire planet has disappeared, and there is no blood or something. People don't know what happened, even if they encounter an enemy, there should be a distress signal!

They did not receive any distress signals at all!




The three star-warrior warriors began to fly continuously, and they continued to come. Just one of them came to this side of the world when Ning Tianlin was preparing to start with Wanzu.

With just one glance, you saw the huge body of Wan Zuyu and Ning Tianlin beside him!

"Ning Tianlin!"

He didn't even care what the huge creature was. The star warrior frightened and called out Ning Tianlin's name!

"Ning Tianlin, don't go!"


His body flickered, and he came towards Ning Tianlin!

Now everyone in the universe is looking for Ning Tianlin's whereabouts. As long as he finds him, there will be a large sum of rewards!

The star warrior was so excited that he saw Ning Tianlin!

Because he knew that Ning Tianlin was only a star-level warrior, and he was not afraid at all!

This is the conclusion reached by countless warriors more than ten years ago.

Ten years later, what can he do with Ning Tianlin?

Ten years is just a flash of a finger. He may be just a virtual world, not even a rank.

"court death!"

Ning Tianlin snorted in his heart and did not leave, but when the other party just arrived at him, with a wave of his hand, three slaves of Star Warrior appeared next to each other, and then in the opponent's incredible eyes.

Directly launched the supersonic wave.

Instantly stunned the other party for three seconds.

Then the three Star Warriors took action together, and the Perak horse fork made this person crippled, and then when the other person opened his eyes, when he was a little conscious, he directly used Fangtian to draw the halberd and cut off the head of u place. Come down.

Note: The new book "Super Invincible Family Master" is almost 300,000 words, and I sincerely ask for your support! !! !! Thank you! !! !!

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