Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1696: The Lord of the Wandering Hall is coming!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


From the beginning to the present, Ning Tianlin took three seconds to kill a star desolate warrior.

Ten years ago, before returning to Earth, he did n’t know how proficient or proficient he was in this movement. He cooperated with the Nine Runners Tower and called the three Star Warrior slaves inside, plus himself to kill the star Destroyer is the same as killing a pig.

Knife and knife fall!

"It seems my name is quite loud now."

Ning Tianlin laughed.

No fear at all.

In this world, no one who can kill him has appeared yet. With the help of the invincible golden body, at best, he is trapped and wants to kill, unless his energy points are used up.

But how is this possible.

Three seconds and ten thousand spirits, his current gas storage capacity is a trivial matter for ten thousand years, even 100,000 years are possible!


When Wan Zuyu swallowed up another city, he turned around and left the place.

The next moment, he appeared directly in the 88th-ranked giant city.

The owner of this city is a surnamed king, and he is not in the least an opponent of Ning Tianlin or Wan Zuyu. Only when he had just devoured it, another Star Warrior came out of the Temple of Wandering, and came to this place.

Unfortunately, he recognized Ning Tianlin's appearance, but it was only an instant, he was subdued by Ning Tianlin, and then killed jointly.



Only the Lord of the Universe didn't take the shot, he Ning Tianlin was invincible.

Less than two days.

Tens of thousands of people walked around, hundreds of human races, let him swallow eighty-six!

And his fighting power has also been crazy increased from the original Xingyuan 2nd section to the current Xingyuan 8th section. Ning Tianlin believes that the remaining dozen human race cities will be completely devoured, and Wanzuo can directly be promoted to star universe!

Two days!

It only took more than two days, and after just sucking and swallowing it, its combat power has increased to such an explosive level.

If you give it some time and devour the elite planet of the universe, it will not be impossible to become a star warrior, or even the master of the universe!


Half a day later.

Ning Tianlin once again bombarded a Star Warrior.

At this point, there are only one of the four Star Warriors sent by Wudu Temple this time.

But the human beings in the other cities have fallen into great fear. At the beginning, this news has not yet spread, but in two days, it is enough for important Tianda news to happen!

Hundred cities are disappearing!

Disappearing in madness!

There were originally a hundred cities, and now more than eighty have disappeared!

Such a major event has been rumored, and even the star warrior did not die because he had returned to the Temple of Wuerang and reported it to the Lord of Wuerang.

In this billion-year period, the human race belongs to Wudian Temple.

The human race has five masters of the universe. The master of the no delusion hall is one. The remaining four are generally hidden in the void to practice, regardless of things. They usually don't take action unless it's important, and it's hard to ask.

It's just that sometimes I feel better, so I can explore the situation of the people with my heart.

"There are creatures devouring hundreds of human races!"

Deep in the void.

No delusional queen.

The Lord of the Wandering Hall sitting in the void, his eyes suddenly opened, and he listened to the report in front of him!

Who is so bold?

I do n’t know if there are hundreds of Terran races, although they are not the true top planet, they are also the cradle of the top talent training of Terran races. A large number of middle-level Terran warriors are gathered.

This is a transitional stage.

Nowadays, there are creatures devouring hundreds of human races crazy!

This is destroying the human foundation!

Kill the Terran Hope!


Without even asking who did it, the Lord of the Wandering Palace disappeared directly into the base camp, and the next moment, it appeared directly above the human race.


Immediately felt the master behind the devouring hundred cities!

"Ning Tianlin!"

"It turned out to be Ning Tianlin!"

The master of Wudian Hall couldn't believe his eyes.

It's Ning Tianlin!

Turns out to be Ning Tianlin, who hasn't been seen for twenty or thirty years!

After the Huangtian Grand Canyon passed, there was no trace of him. It was reported that he had appeared in some places of the Mu Zerg, but there was no evidence at all, but now he came to the Terran!

And start directly against the human race hundred cities!

Just what the **** is this horror creature?

How can you swallow hundreds of human races like this!

The Lord of the Wandering Hall did not start immediately, but looked at Wanzuo inconceivably, because even he could not recognize the origin of Wanzuo. It seems that none of the creatures he knows are like it!

You know, he is the existence of the Lord of the universe, not to mention the vast majority of races, that is, rare races, he also knows clearly!

But no one can overlap with the figure of the creature in front of him!

In particular, it swallows things, not directly opening its mouth to eat the other person, but the planet where this human race is 100 cities, even in its inhalation, it keeps getting smaller and smaller, and when it is in front of the other person's mouth, it changes suddenly It's smaller than this creature's mouth!

This sucking power contains the power of the heavenly rules!

If it is the origin of the universe!

What exactly is this creature? And also with Ning Tianlin!

"It's just that no matter what you are, you can't go today!"

The corner of the main hall of Wuliangdian sneered.

Because he has noticed that although this creature is terrifying, it is only a star element level. It is invincible to human races, but to him, it is a scum! As long as he hits, this creature will definitely surrender!


"Astral Realm!"

"This Ning Tianlin has reached the realm of Xingzhou!"

When the mind of the Lord of the Unintentional Hall shrouded in Ning Tianlin, he could hardly believe his eyes, was it because his sense of God was wrong.

Astral Realm!

This Ning Tianlin actually reached the realm of Xingzhou!

What a joke!

In previous years, he was just a star respect!

Not even Xingsheng!

But now, it is Xingzhou, which has broken down four or five realms!

Can this be done in 20-30 years?

Not to mention two or three decades, that is 200 million years. Elite talents may not be able to do it! Otherwise, the universe is now full of stars and stars.


"This Ning Tianlin is too scary."

"Today is the realm of astrology, if you give him some more time, you will definitely reach the star barren and even the master of the universe!"

In the eyes of the master of Wulidian, there is incredible, but it is more mixed with fierce light.

This Ning Tianlin must be related to that person!

Even his reincarnation!

If not, how could there be such rapid progress!


"You must die!"

"If you become the master of the universe, I am afraid that no one in the entire universe will be your opponent!"

There was fierce light in the eyes of the Lord of the Wandering Hall, and he even killed Ning Tianlin!

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