Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1697: Is Ning Tianlin here?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"This Ning Tianlin must die!"

Thinking of Ning Tianlin's possible identity, the mind of the master of the hall without delusion cannot be calm.

He played a key role in the ancient war of the earth. If the first person in the ancient world really rises, he will absolutely die! He is definitely among the enemies!

Therefore, this Ning Tianlin will die!

He must eliminate everything possible in the bud!


The next moment, his body appeared directly over Ning Tianlin and Manzulu,


The palm of his hand changed, and he attacked Ning Tianlin directly.

Although Manzulu threatened a hundred cities, it was not important at all. He Ning Tianlin was the enemy of all races!


The space was blocked and the huge pressure made Ning Tianlin feel uncomfortable for an instant, but this is not the master of the palace. After all, he is the master of the universe. The speed is too fast.


Directly in one palm, don't smash into slag.

However, the Lord of the Temple of No Wonder did not give up at all, because he already knew that Ning Tianlin had an immortal body. Instead, he started again and bombed Ning Tianlin's broken body into another layer of void.

To annihilate these bodies!

But he didn't know that other immortal bodies might be destroyed by this method. As long as the physical body couldn't reunite, he couldn't survive. But Ning Tianlin is different. He is not a reunion, but a freshman!

Every piece of minced meat can become his Ning Tianlin!

When a piece of minced meat had just entered the space and was about to be annihilated, it was directly transformed into Ning Tianlin again, and it was directly invincible in the body of the golden body, in this layer of space chaos.

Although the space turbulence blocked all the news, in the recent contact, he already knew who had started!

Lord of no delusion!

One of the five lords of the human race!

For the past billion years, his territory has been under his jurisdiction!

When the Mu clan sought Wu Ning Tian to impose him on Ning Tianlin, it was he who nodded, was caught in the capital city, and was given to the mu clan!

Unexpectedly, it was his killer!

Simply and neatly!

Had it not been for his immortal body to be distinguished from others, plus the invincible golden body, he would have really died this time.


Taking a deep breath, tearing the space directly, and went out.

However, he did not show up, but used super stealth to float in the air. Now there is a super enhanced bonus. Super stealth can not only hide in front of the Star Warrior, the master of the universe, but also cannot find him. movement!

Unless he uses a lot of fighting power.

"Lord of the Temple!"

"You will die today!"

There was fierce light in Ning Tianlin's eyes, and he would never show mercy to anyone who wanted to kill him.

And he has always had no good impression on the Temple of Wandering.


It was just that when he was about to start and use a super-slash to give the Lord of the Wandering Palace a fatal blow, he found that the Lord of the Wandering Palace actually hit his mind on Wanzuan, and could not help but start, See what he's thinking.


"That sucking power is gone!"

at the same time.

Fang Mocheng, one of the hundred cities that was being devoured by Wanzuyu, lost its sucking power and resumed its original state. The human beings, who were originally infinitely scared, took a long breath.


The sucking power is gone!

The magic city of their house is still there!


"It is the master of the temple without vain"!

"It was the Lord of the Wandering Temple who saved us!"

When all the people looked up, they saw the starry sky, and the Hall of the Wandering Hall turned into a huge figure. With a huge palm, he held a giant creature that looked like a snake. Free from the hands of the Lord of the False Hall.

"Thank you, the Lord of the Wonderless Temple!"

"Thank you, the Lord of the Wonderless Temple!"

Everyone was crazy thanks, and some even fell down on their knees.

The appearance of the Lord of the Wandering Palace is not unfamiliar to them. The portraits of the Lord of the Wandering Palace are hung on the houses of everyone on all the planets, and information about him is broadcast on the Internet.

In these billions of years, he is the first person to be called human!

Is the patron saint of mankind!

Just like Ning Tianlin's status on the earth.

"What's in the hands of the Lord of the Wandering Hall?"

"It must be that it will devour our house demon city!"

"It must be this creature!"

Soon someone was guessing what was being said, and started yelling, "No lord of the palace, kill it!"

"Please kill him without any delusion!"

How can they not have a grudge against Wan Zuyu?

Had it not been for the Lord of the Wandering Palace, they would all probably have died, and all had fallen into the belly of this horrible relic.

So they just want to die!

There are still so many lost races in a hundred cities!

"Say, why do you follow Ning Tianlin!"

"Ning Tianlin is dead now, and you don't have to follow him."

The Lord of the Wandering Hall did not pay attention to the cries of the people below, but martyred at Wanzu.

He was sure that Ning Tianlin was dead!

Being bombarded in the void by him like that, no one can live!

Not even having an immortal body!

He didn't expect that things would be so simple to complete. He thought that it would take a lot of trouble, but after thinking about it, he was the master of the universe after all, and the other party was just a warrior in the astral realm.

In the case of positive resistance, it may be difficult to get this Ning Tianlin.

But he was a sneak attack!

Appeared directly in the starry sky, appeared directly next to him, and killed him with one palm!

Is it not possible for the Lord of the universe to attack a warrior in the astral realm?

Maybe it was Ning Tianlin who looked too high.

These years, the rumors about him have also made himself a little nervous, after all, it is just a warrior in the realm of astrology.

Not the master of the universe, everything is dregs!

"Ning Tianlin?"

"This creature is Ning Tianlin?"

Although the voice of the Lord of the Wandering Palace is small, almost everyone in the following has good fighting power, and he immediately understood what he said.

Ning Tianlin!

This terrifying creature turned out to be Ning Tianlin!

Of course, they have heard of this name. In the past few decades, this name has spread at an extremely fast rate, claiming to be the first genius of human beings today, and has an extremely fast growth rate of combat effectiveness.

But this man, however, did something ruthless, and did not know how many people had been killed.

And conflicts with Zerg, Mu and other races.

Human races are often erected on the opposite side of these races!

The main thing is that he keeps killing human masters, and he is the enemy of human race!

Especially this time, even the creatures swallowed hundreds of human races. How many human elites and geniuses will die now?

Inevitably, their impression of Ning Tianlin became even worse.

But some people who knew what was going on, secretly admired Ning Tianlin. This was too much and terrifying. It turned out to be such a terrible thing!

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