Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1734: Devour the Baltic Sea

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Ning Tianlin was overjoyed.

These randomly drawn creatures are indeed at the same level as him.

Although it can only exist for 10,000 years, it also means that these creatures can protect him for 10,000 years! In this 10,000 years, he can drive at will, and do anything!

"But trying to motivate this Saint Luo star pen seems to take a lot of energy."

Although only three creatures were simply drawn, Ning Tianlin also felt that his body was as if evacuated. Unless he had just swallowed the elixir, he would not be able to stand securely at this moment. This.

Too much consumption!

After all, to draw a warrior of the same level, it is impossible to consume nothing.


It was only a moment later that Ning Tianlin blasted a big bird at will, but this time, the combat system did not prompt him to get Essence points, indicating that the creature drawn could not provide him with Essence points.

This also made Ning Tianlin brow.

Also, if killing the painted creatures can also provide you with energy points and turn them into combat power, then he would not have to do anything. He just drew pictures here, painted one and killed one.

After many years, he automatically grew to be the master of the universe.

"That's enough."

Ning Tianlin has a fixed number in his heart. In any case, this Saint Luo star pen has greatly helped himself. With it, you can save yourself too many things.

Especially if he is promoted to be the master of the universe, and the pen of this Saint Luo star pen is also promoted to the treasure of the universe, then he will be able to draw the master of the universe! So he has rows of masters of the universe as slaves!

Which force would be his opponent?


"what happened?"

"How did this vortex hole disappear!"

And just when Ning Tianlin refined this Saint Luo star pen into his own thing, a large group of blood race creatures in the sea of ​​blood of Boroten have found this strange.

Because of this vortex, it has moved hundreds of millions of years in the sea of ​​blood and has never disappeared!

Some people don't even know whether this sea of ​​blood appeared earlier, whether this vortex appeared earlier, or whether the two appeared at the same time.

Especially where the whirlpool passes, it will devour countless creatures, and even Xingzhou cannot escape, so this thing is always tested by the blood race to prevent any abnormal changes in him and cause irreparable losses.

But I didn't expect this thing to disappear!

The site selection was stopped without warning, and the sea of ​​blood was restored!

Even because of the short-term disappearance, the sea of ​​blood poured back, and a lot of waves surged in a short time!


"See what happened!"

Countless creatures in the sea of ​​blood gathered frantically toward this place, and wanted to see what was going on here, and how things suddenly changed here. However, the next moment, a figure slowly stood out where the vortex disappeared.

Not who else can Ning Tianlin.

However, his figure changed, and turned into another appearance, the figure of the ox demon king often used on the earth.


"There are creatures!"

"A creature comes out!"

The creatures of all blood races looked at Ning Tianlin incredible.

What happened?

Why did such a creature appear?

They have never seen it before!

The first two horns, walking upright, with big hoofs, behind a thick tail, covered with black fluff, towards that station, exuding unparalleled power.

"Astral Realm!"

"It's a creature in the astral realm"!

Several blood racers shouted.

They are Xingyuan warriors, but they can't see Ning Tianlin's realm, but the coercion is not as big as the lord of the blood race gives them, and they must be Xingzhou warriors!


But as soon as Ning Tianlin appeared, she opened her mouth wide, her belly agitated, and then she took a deep breath.

Suddenly, the water in the whole sea of ​​blood began to flow towards his mouth. Even countless creatures around him could not stop this horrible suction. Ning Tianlin ’s star warrior could not do it!

They are all devoured by this huge suction.

And their bodies, as long as they are shrouded in suction, their bodies will become smaller. When Ning Tianlin's mouth is, no matter how big your original shape is, now it is less than one tenth of your mouth!


"Run away!"

Countless creatures exclaimed, wanting to flee this place crazy.

They live in the sea of ​​blood for many years, but this has never happened before.

But what horrified them was that the entire Baltic sky was shrouded, and all places were in this huge suction.

After half an hour.

The original extremely spacious Baltic Sea all turned into dust and entered Ning Tianlin's abdomen, to be more precise, it entered the abdomen of Manzulu. All the creatures did not die, but appeared in another newly formed Baltic Sea.


All blood race creatures withdrawing one hundred millionth of combat effectiveness have increased the combat effectiveness of Manchuria.


After finishing everything, Ning Tianlin kept the appearance of the Devil King and flew out.

It was just a huge creature suspended in front of him at the moment.

The dorsal wing has the most exposed fangs, hands folded on the chest, muscles bursting, eyes scarlet, heads with two horns, staring at the extremely cold eyes, watching Ning Tianlin's body.

"So brave!"

"A creature in the realm of astrology and courage would dare to come here to scatter the wild, and make the Baltic Sea disappear!"

Although the comer was frightened in the heart, after all, the Baltic Sea was gone and disappeared under a mysterious force, even he could not do it, but the other party was just a warrior in the astral realm.

Moreover, he is the lord of the blood, how can he leave here without doing anything.


Ning Tianlin looked back at each other's eyes, and instantly recognized the person.

This man is Arath the Lord of Blood!

A warrior in the nine star fields!

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and it is very likely that the master of the universe will step into it!

"Since you know me, you won't catch it!"

Alas snorted, but his heart was shaking. Who is this creature?

He has never seen it before!

But he screamed his name!

And since he knew himself, but did not panic, he felt a little uncomfortable. It's like a little white rabbit seeing a big wolf not running, there must be a reason for it.

Does the other party think that an astral realm can compete with his nine-starred warrior Jiuduan?

Are you kidding me?

"Ha ha."

"Kill you like a chicken!"

Ning Tianlin sneered, and then the super sound wave suddenly launched, forcing the other party to stun for three seconds, and then waved out the three Xinghuang Jiuduan servants captured that year and released them.

They were uniformed by hand, and they were instantly disabled.

Then, when there was no resistance, and his physical fitness was not as good as before, Ning Tianlin waved his weapon and cut off the head of this Arras.

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