Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1735: Forced resurrection

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"Pretend to die?"

But what Ning Tianlin didn't expect is that this Alas' head was broken and he was not dead! It was just that half of the body was lying motionless on the ground, as if it were really dead. If it hadn't been for the combat system not prompting him to have energy points, he would have believed it.


"The other's heart is his dead spot!"

The warning sound of the combat system also sounded in Ning Tianlin's ear.


Ning Tianlin smashed the opponent's heart with one foot, then took the space ring in his hand, took all the resources out, and summoned Wanzuan, and swallowed the flesh of the bloodlord Arras into his belly. .


at the same time.

In a palace in a distant void.

A huge transparent creature with seven legs opened his eyes suddenly.


"Alas is dead?"

The lord of this palace is the lord of the universe, Huang Mo, the chief of the Xuling family. And because the blood race has no master of the universe, it has been sheltered by the master of the universe Huang Mo, especially the blood king Alas, has given his own essence and blood to Huang Mo.

So when Arras died, Huang Mo noticed it.

Because Arath's natural essence and blood, shattered beside Huang Mo.

"Who killed Arras?"

Huang Mo's eyes appeared doubtful.

You must know that the realm of the blood king Arras has reached the Nine Star Warriors, even if he wants to kill him at the same level, it will take a lot of effort, and during this time, his Arath can completely move towards himself Ask for help.

It's only a matter of seconds before you come.

But the fall now only shows one possibility, that is, his blood king Alas has no chance to ask himself for help! In other words, the entire space was blocked, preventing him from sending any information.

But the Star Warrior cannot do this.

Alas is Nine Stars, and the invincible existence in the star realm. Who can block his signal?

Therefore, the more the desert thinks, the more it feels that there is only one possibility. This is that Ales was killed by the Lord of the Universe. Only the Lord of the Universe has this ability, so that he can't wear out any news.

Even the distress signal will not work!

"Which universe master did he offend?"

Huang Mo's eyes showed deep thoughts. You must know that the Blood King has been staying in this side of the world, but here is his control site, which master of the universe ran to his site to kill a star warrior nine-level warrior Obviously just don't give him face!

And he didn't even tell him.

You can't see him in your eyes!


Huang Mo snorted in his heart.

He is the existence of the master of the universe. Although he is not the first master of the universe, he can still be regarded as the pinnacle. Who dares not to put him in his eyes?

In particular, Alas, the blood king, has given him the blood of his destiny, which means that Alas will always be his effort, even if he becomes the master of the universe, he is a slave to the desert!

Moreover, if he is not another Star Warrior warrior, he may not care, but this Arras is the Star Wars Nine Section, and has been stopped in this realm for a long time, and it is possible to break through! And once it breaks through, it means he Huang Mo will have a slave like a master of the universe!

At that time, his strength will also greatly increase!

When it comes to encountering the Lord of other universes, it is not easy to besiege both.

"So, resurrection!"

"Resurrect the blood king Arras!"

"Although it takes some cost, it is still worthwhile to have a slave who can become the master of the universe at any time."

Huang Mo made up his mind.

Fortunately, this is just the Star Warrior.

If you go further and become the master of the universe, he will not have the ability to resurrect, because it consumes too much.


The mind flashed, and the next moment, the desert figure appeared among the blood.


As soon as he appeared, his spiritual consciousness circulated throughout the blood race without reservation. He wanted to see where Arras died, and to find out who the Lord of the universe was!

He didn't give him face in this way, and killed one of his valued men at his site.

He even wondered if the Lord of the Universe had gone?

Is it still hidden in this place!

"Lord of the Universe"!

"The Lord of the Universe is coming!"

When Ning Tianlin's figure first appeared on a mountain covered by a bright moon, he felt an unparalleled divine thought coming over him, covering him and countless **** situations and characters.

Even all the creatures fell directly to the ground, looking at the sky in horror.

As if there was a mysterious eye watching them.

Ning Tianlin also pretended to curl up and sat there, but didn't kneel, just to prevent the other party from discovering his strangeness.

During this time, the Lord of the Universe came and searched for something extensively.

It is very likely that it came for Arath's death, or not, but also for the Saint Luo pen he just obtained.

There must be something!


Ning Tianlin only felt that the other person ’s divine thoughts had passed by him, and he did not stay in the slightest. After all, he was just a star warrior. Although he was good, even Xinghuang was not, and he could not get into the eyes of the Lord of the universe.

It ’s a pity that there is no super beheading now. Otherwise, he might jump out and kill the Lord of the universe directly!


"what happened?"

"Why didn't you feel the breath of the Lord of the universe at all?"

Having swept across all blood races, Huang Mo's eyes appeared doubtful.

What happened?

Why is there no breath of the Lord of the universe?

Even the Lord of the Universe has left, but the breath just now should be there, why is it disappearing at all? How difficult is it to dissipate the breath of the Lord of the universe?

"Or the other party is too high and I can't detect it?"

Only the next moment, he changed his mind and thought of a possibility.

That is, the main force of the universe that just appeared is very high, and it is possible to have eight or nine paragraphs. In that case, his fighting power cannot find their breath.

But this existence, what is the holiday with a small blood race Star Warrior?

Coming here specifically to kill him?

Although his blood king Alas is good, he is far from good enough.

"do not care."

"Resurrect this Arras before talking."


The next moment, his body flashed, and he had already reached the position where Ning Tianlin and Blood King Alas had just fought.

Huang Mo has the essence and blood of Ales, and he can feel his breath most. Even if he dies, there is nothing wrong with it.

"right here!"

Huang Mo shot a fine light in his eyes, and then started, his whole body exuded a strange luster, and his hands turned into countless weird postures and blasted into the void.

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