Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1736: Read memory!

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3733162019/2/623: 12: 20

We are already friends, let's chat together!

3733162019/2/623: 12: 26

With the continuous change of Huang Mo's gestures, the bloodshot sky began to condense from all directions, and suddenly made a strange whining sound, as if they were greeting their masters.

He quickly took out a scroll with black clouds rising from the space ring, and then torn open suddenly. The black clouds surged and turned into black light clusters.

The palm with the erratic gesture changed out from the light group again, and then quickly issued the instructions.

Suddenly, the dark cloud that almost covered the entire light group violently tossed up. At last, a huge black hole vortex was formed, and once the vortex was formed, an indescribable horrible swallowing force was the surge Out.

The powerful devouring force directly **** in hundreds of blood races near the periphery of the light group.

Then with a wave of his palm, he used the tumbling black cloud to cover the hundreds of blood races.

The dark clouds condense for a moment and begin to shuttle around in a strange trajectory, forming a dense **** light mass.


Although Ning Tianlin was on the top of the mountain, his mind continued to explore with the advent of Huang Mo. Now that there are so many blood race minds in space, he is not a star warrior and is not afraid to be found.

"These things can refine the flesh and blood of the human body, continually condense, and achieve the purpose of rebuilding the body. This old guy is afraid to forcibly resurrect Arras!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes were frozen into those dense **** light masses, which were all wrapped in hundreds of crazy struggling blood race figures.

The vicious and crazy roar resounded in this world.

Those people, when they were sucked into the galloping black clouds, Ning Tianlin could see their bodies, burst into a stream of blood, and finally became refined in all ...

"It must be so!"

"It's resurrecting Arras!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked. This was also the first time he had seen the Lord of the Universe forcibly resurrect a soul.

Moreover, Huang Mo apparently had no intention of concealing it, or in other words, he was deliberately shown to the people who killed and killed Arras.

Hope he can stop himself from resurrecting.

At that time, Huang Mo can also know, who is so disrespectful to him, and killed Arras in his place!


Huang Mo's gestures changed, and he ignored these millions of blood races. Compared to the resurrection of Arras, these millions of races are not worth mentioning.

With the grip of his palm, a blood cell transformed from the blood of Arras emerged, and then swelled at an extremely terrible speed, as if to break the blood cell.

Beyond that blood cell, the other people in the blood's territory can clearly feel a familiar taste, which is the breath of Arras.

"It looks like it will succeed!"

Ning Tianlin's heart sank slightly, and in the dark eyes, he thought of the countermeasures.

After all, if this Arras is resurrected, I am afraid that many things of him will be exposed, and even the things of the Holy Star pen will be leaked.

Although not afraid, it is also endless trouble.

"Try to get out of here first."

Ning Tianlin thought of some possibility.

Maybe Huang Mo's mind was resurrected in Alaska at this moment, and he didn't pay attention to himself.

Ning Tianlin is going to leave first to try.

Otherwise, after the resurrection of Arras, it is impossible for him to escape. However, it is not possible to use super stealth. After Huang Mo's advent, he covered himself with his heart. If he uses super stealth at this moment, it is obvious that there is no silver in the place and tell him that there is something here.


Only when he was full of energy to see if he could fly away from here, he frowned.


This Huang Mo!

He couldn't move his body even if he suppressed it, he couldn't even walk! He even realized in a flash that it was very likely that all beings would be suppressed here.

Can't go!

Can't move!

He Huang Mo was completely slogan that he would rather miss 10,000 rather than miss one. He must be thinking, maybe there is a murderer who killed Arras among these rampant people!

After all, what the Lord of the Universe wants to pretend is difficult for others to find.

"It seems that you are forcing me to do it!"

Ning Tianlin was still thinking about leaving quietly, but at this moment, he has the idea of ​​fighting with Huang Mo.

And as soon as this idea was born, it became more and more intense.

Although he has killed several masters of the universe, he has never actually done anything with the masters of the universe.

It used to be the role of Super Kill.

Especially these days, he has made great progress, and combined with the physical integration of Manchuria, his combat power can reach the eighth or nineteenth stage of Xingzhou!

There are also various mysteries, and even the mysteries of Wanzuan, it is not impossible to fight!

"That being the case, what about this resurrection of Arras, he will be resurrected and I will kill again! I can kill once and I can kill a second time!"

"I think you are easy to resurrect or easy to kill!"

Ning Tianlin guessed that Huang Mo didn't seem to know that the Saint Luo star pen was in this Baltic sky.

Otherwise, although Alas is strong, a star-studded nine section is definitely not enough to compare with the Saint Luo star pen. Compared with the two, the old guy will definitely choose the latter first, and will certainly not resurrect Alas as soon as he arrives.


When the blood cells swelled to nearly a few feet, Huang Mo waved his hands, the blood cells suddenly stopped, no longer continued to swell, and finally flew towards the flesh that was being refined in the light mass.

The two hit hard together, and the blood and dark clouds covered the void and the blood of the blood tribe with low fighting power in an instant, as if they were temporarily blind, and they could not be stimulated to open.

Only with the roar that filled the void, did they let them understand that the blood color that was violently collided happened in front of him ...


The terrible collision wave spread like a spider web, and some blood races with low combat effectiveness shook up blood and even backed up.

Afterwards, an original Arras leapt out, eyes closed tightly, and appeared in the air.

"See Lord!"

As soon as Alas appeared, he bowed down to Huang Mo. "Master Xie raised me!"

"Hmm." Huang Mo nodded slightly, and then "banged", the thoughts were sent out, and he forcibly read the memory of Arras.

But Arras did not struggle, he knew what Huang Mo was doing and let Huang Mo read it.

Because he also wanted to know who was killing him.

And he didn't even survive a second in his hands!

You know, the other party is just a warrior in astral realm! How could it be possible to kill him as a star warrior at once!

Even when he died in the end, the whole mind was stunned, and he didn't know what happened!

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