Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1737: Fight if you want

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"The sea of ​​blood changes.


"And still astral realm!"

Huang Mo's eyes narrowed.

Faintly unbelievable.

The creatures in the realm of Xingzhou had actually killed the warriors of Xinghuang. If they had not read the memory forcibly, they would not believe such a thing.

This is too scary.

Even he couldn't do it himself.

And this last dizzy way was too scary and weird, even reminding him of a person involuntarily.

A man who has been beaten to death by the Lord of the universe, Ning Tianlin! He just has a secret method that can make people dizzy in an instant!

And it's anyone!

Even the Lord of the Universe!

He even trembled when he remembered the name. This is a cruel man recognized by the universe, even the Lord of the universe killed!

And killed several in a row!

His realm seemed to be the realm of Xingzhou at that time!

If it wasn't for Ning Tianlin's death, it is a fact recognized by all the Lords of the Universe, and it was a tauren who killed Alas, if not, he would think it was Ning Tianlin's hand.

Ning Tianlin was resurrected!

"It's just this method. It's too much like Ning Tianlin's. Is it from the same secret technique?"

At this point, Huang Mo's heart was jumping wildly.

If this is true, what would he look like if he had acquired this secret technique?

Maybe even the master of the universe, Kudan, is not a bird!

After making him dizzy, he can kill himself!

"If this is the case, I must learn this secret technique!"

Huang Mo said. But he felt that this might also be another possibility, that is, in the dark, with the help of the Lord of the Universe, killing Arras!

After all, if a Lord of the Universe wants to stun a Star Warrior, he shouldn't use too many means, that is, he has no less than ten types.

"Now, this is the Tauren!"

Huang Mo's mind flickered, then he ignored Alas, flickered directly, and the terror of the Lord of the Universe was revealed without reservation.

He had long controlled all the creatures here. After all, he was not sure who killed Arras, or he might be hiding in this endless blood race.

"This mighty coercion is worthy of being the master of the universe. Although it is only five segments, it is also very different in strength." Ning Tianlin made a judgment in his mind.

The people in the **** territory also felt some panic, and their heads were lowered under this coercion.

"However, this Huang Mo's breath is a bit unstable. It seems that the resurrection has just been consumed too much and caused damage, but even then, it is not enough to kill him, after all, there is no super kill ...".

Ning Tianlin looked dignified, looking at the unstable old guy in the distance, but his body's breath was quietly operating, but his body seemed to be bound by some kind.

"Huh? Interesting." Huang Mo's heart flickered, and he noticed Ning Tianlin, who looked like a cow-faced person crouching on the mountain.

Afraid of other changes, and in order to investigate the reason, they first bound all the souls with the power of binding the star shortage.

After all, although these creatures are not good, after all, after living hundreds of millions of years, Huang Mo still knows what it means to hide and dress as a pig and eat a tiger.

And he came as soon as he died in Arras, maybe the other party hadn't left yet!

He also wanted to know which Lord of the Universe was doing this on his site.

After the resurrection, everything will be clear.

Even when he just resurrected Arras, all the minds were shrouded in the whole blood race, and he knew a little bit of movement.


His body flickered and came directly to Ning Tianlin's side.

"Arath the Lord of the Blood, but you beheaded?"

Looking blankly at Ning Tianlin on the top of the mountain, the sharp cold mang flashed in his eyes and asked knowingly.

"You're not nonsense? I read all my memories and installed them here with me."

Now that they have all been discovered, Ning Tianlin has not avoided, he can clearly feel that at this moment this old guy is much weaker, and with all his strength, he might really be able to kill him.

"Ha ha."

Huang Mo laughed.

Rather than start immediately, he asked, "Can Ning Tianlin have anything to do with you? Where does your mystery of vertigo come from?"

He is most concerned about Ning Tianlin's vertigo mystery, and feels that these two are likely to make a mystery.

Huang Mo's eyes flickered quickly, and Arras could be said to be the top-level existence of the Star Warrior, who was actually beheaded by this Star Warrior.

And it was a spike that didn't even have time to send a message!

The creature of this tauren's body may have a secret method!

Even his mind was paying attention to the void, in case another kind of speculation, this void, may be hiding another master of the universe!

Peering here all the time.

Tighten his mind against sudden attacks.

"Dizziness, do you think I would say it when you ask?"

Ning Tianlin sneered, "Of course, this secret method was handed to me by Ning Tianlin. How are you afraid?"

Ning Tianlin said this intentionally, and also wanted to put aside his relationship. After all, the more mysterious it is, the more unbelievable the other party is.

"Hum, yelling, not afraid to flash your tongue."


Huang Mo heard Ning Tianlin say this, originally there was still a slight suspicion, in the fetal death, what character of Ning Tianlin will pass this thing to you?

You have to say that I might believe that when I came out with Master Ning Tianlin, so to speak, he directly denied such speculation.

Even staring at the arrogant boy in front of him, he saw that the opposite side was calm, and his clear eyes were like a pool of youtan, unfathomable.

Huang Mo even feels that there must be a superior behind his son, the greater the possibility. And not far away, maybe hiding the breath aside, watching here.

Although his five masters of the universe are terrible, even if they are devoted, under the sneak attack of another master of the universe, they may not be able to please them.

Could not help but tense, to prevent sneak attacks in the void.

"Leave this mystery of vertigo to me, you can leave, how?"

Huang Mo asked tentatively.

After all, this first possibility is also possible, if the other party would really have the same secret method as Ning Tianlin.

Even he had already made up his mind to try it even if the Lord of the universe was hidden in the void.

If the other party really knows this mystery, after reading the memory forcibly, if he learns, he will be better in the battle of the master level of the universe in the future.

"Give you?"

"Do you really think that you can do whatever you want?"

Ning Tianlin sneered.

Then he stretched out his right hand, and a large sword appeared in his hand.

Now that he is pretending to be the demon king, Fang Tianhua's weapon is temporarily unavailable.


He is going to look at whether his current strength can match the hard steel of a universe master! Even if he is really out of reach, he has too many means to escape!

Worst of all, the second **** on earth can be resurrected at any time!

It can be said that Ning Tianlin is immortal in the universe. Even if he is trapped, he can explode his body and survive in various ways.

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