Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1741: Who did I encounter?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


Only in Huang Mo's eyes, the corpse ghost suddenly split into three, became three corpse ghosts, and then quickly condensed. After a moment, the opponent's combat power directly increased threefold!

"this is?"

Feeling the soaring fighting power on the other side, Huang Mo's heart beat fast.

Not over?

what's the problem?

How can each other have so many means!

And one is better than the other.

It's all dazzling him! Defeated!


But at this time, what made him and the incredible was that the corpse ghosts that had already been merged flickered again, and turned into three identical corpse ghosts. At the next moment, they reunited again!

And combat power soared again!

Tripled again!

Super clone!

It can be said that Ning Tianlin is divided into three identical selves. After integration, the combat power has soared three times! Duration one hour.

However, under the super-enhanced bonus of Wanzui, this super clone can be used again, that is, three times more, and tripled to six times! In other words, he now has six times the fighting power of Ning Tianlin!


"He's stronger again."

Huang Mo's eyes were about to fall to the ground.

What's going on?

If this continues, the other party may become even more powerful than his universe master!

You know, although he is still the Lord of the universe, he is already the bottom of the Lord of the universe. If he continues to develop in this way, I am afraid that the ghoul of the Xinghuang Niandan can really kill him!

After all, at this moment, his movement speed is slower than that of Xinghuang Nine.

This series of Zerg negative means seems to have been further strengthened, making him like a normal person trapped in a swamp, and it is extremely difficult to move. Even his own body is constantly sinking!


However, Ning Tianlin, whose fighting power has soared to this point, has not left yet, and he has another fighting power increase formation method directly on himself!

The combat effectiveness has soared by 50%!

Get stronger again.

And with the super-enhanced bonus, it soared 25% again, reaching 75%!

In the beginning, the combat effectiveness of the desert decreased by 75%, but now, Ning Tianlin's own combat effectiveness has increased by 75%!

After all, now that he knows and masters the combat formation method, he has almost touched the highest level that the universe can hold.

When he becomes a Star Warrior, he can reach 90% in this realm!

Become the master of the universe, you can reach 100%!

"It's over."

"He's stronger again."

Huang Mo's breathing was a little rapid. If he continued to develop in this way, he was really the fish on the chopping board, and he could be slaughtered by anyone.

He was even more frightened when the fighting power of this ghoul was increased, and it was not over yet!

How many aids does this have.


It's just that all this is not over yet. Ning Tianlin's figure suddenly grew large and infinitely skyrocketed. It was just about three or five meters of condensed body, but at this moment it has become a huge figure.

The world of law!

A secret method Ning Tianlin has learned by himself!

In a short period of time, his body has skyrocketed, his strength has skyrocketed, and his combat effectiveness has doubled!

And in the case of super intensification, it has doubled again!


With a big mouth, an endless world of aura, began to gather towards his body, infused bones, body, and made him mentally understand the sea and strength, reaching the endless peak.

In this way, his combat effectiveness has increased by almost forty times!

Six times, four times again, twenty-four times! Another 75% is almost 40 times more.


"What exactly did I meet?"

The desert eyes were almost straight, and the whole mind was buzzing.

What the **** is going on here!

How could he meet such an opponent.

Because at this moment the breath emanating from the other person is almost like him! Although it is a little worse, it is no longer the distance between sky and earth, but the distance between mountains and hills!


"Go on like this, I'm really going to fall here!"

At this moment, his desert was finally a little panicked.

He really hasn't been through this kind of pass.

Although the other party is only a realm of the starry sky, it has been able to increase its combat effectiveness to such an extent by various means.


What makes Huang Mo feel incredible is that at this moment, the shape of the ghoul is becoming bigger again, and the eyes have become scarlet under the action of some force.

Super mad!

Fighting power doubled!

Under the action of super strengthening, it doubles again!

That is twice as much!

Four times in total!


Ning Tianlin's muscles were infinitely tight and protruding, and his entire body stood like a giant rock in the sky. His arms are like panlongs, and his eyes are bigger than the average planet.

"Forty times and four times again, that is one hundred and sixty times!"

Ning Tianlin is also estimating his combat effectiveness at this moment, because just now, he asked about the combat effectiveness system, and his combat effectiveness has reached the master of the universe!

Although it is worse than the second section of the universe master, it has reached the level of the universe master.

"Unexpectedly, with all my efforts, my combat effectiveness has increased by a factor of 160!"

This is why he decided to see if he could defeat the existence of a universe master with his own fighting power! After all, for many years, he has never shot so fast and exerted his highest combat effectiveness.

He wasn't even sure what his combat effectiveness would be today.

Now, it is just a fight with the Lord of the Universe!


"This is impossible!"

"His breath has become stronger than me!"

At this time, Huang Mo's complexion finally changed, even a little white, without blood, he really couldn't believe it. A warrior in the realm of Xinghuang Nine Realm really became the universe with the addition of various secret methods. The existence of a master paragraph!

Even higher than his current state!

how can that be!

He had never heard anything like this!

It is impossible for any master of the universe he knows!


At this moment, Ning Tianlin's figure moved, and the changed giant claw directly grabbed Huang Mo, who now seems to be in the mire with a greatly reduced speed, and at the same time as the attack, a thought was shot in his mind, like a halo , Did not go towards the other party's mind.

Mind attack!

Burn the spirit of the mind to know the sea!

And it is a permanent burning, a means of attack to weaken the mental strength of the other party!

This is a psychic technique.

It was learned in Penglaixian Island on Earth.

Specially attack the mind.

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