Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1742: Five steps to kill the Lord of the universe!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Let it burn!"

Ning Tianlin did not give the other party much time to think, and directly used the fire of the heart to ignite the other party ’s mind, so that Huang Mo ’s mental strength was greatly reduced.

But Huang Mo had a feeling of crying without tears.

He is obviously a master of the universe in the existence of five segments, but he can't beat a star level!

It was suppressed from the beginning!

And the other side is really changeable.

For a while, there was a human head, a zerg method, and an undead one for a while. Which race do you have?

He is the master of the universe. He has lived for hundreds of millions of years, but he has never seen such strange things.


But soon, a misery came from his mouth.

I saw a flame burning in his mind, and his fuel was his mental power. He wanted to stop, but the fire of the soul, as if there were crude oil, the bigger and bigger, his Huang Mo's spiritual knowledge of the sea, after a moment it has become a fire of Ebara.



Even the severe pain made him frantically struggle in the mud and the frozen, but this kind of thing, the more the struggle, the more imprisoned, especially Ning Tianlin's fighting power at this moment is already higher than him. Even any moves he wielded out were easily avoided by Ning Tianlin.

"All right."

"You can go die."

After doing all the experiments, Ning Tianlin felt that it was time to end.

This desert is no longer his opponent!

In other words, he would be able to fight the existence of the Lord of the Universe five stages! This was something he never dared to think. In particular, the super-enhancement of Wanzuan is a real killer!

Increased the previous mysteries by more than half, or even several times!

This is also the great reason for his soaring combat effectiveness.

Otherwise, let alone the five segments of the Lord of the Universe, I am afraid that even one segment may not be able to be defeated. And he also knows that this is also the Lord of the Universe without much real secret law. If he encounters many methods, such as the existence of the Demon Lord, he can only turn around and leave.

Unless there is a Super Kill!


After a while, Ning Tianlin moved to kill.

In any case, it is Ning Tianlin who has the advantage now.

And this time, it was Fang Tianhuaji!

This is also his best weapon.


Cut directly on Huang Mo's head.

And Huang Mo was burning madly in his mind, so he couldn't feel what was happening around him. Like a blind man, he let Ning Tianlin's Fang Tianhua halberd chop him.

For a moment, a metallic sound resounded throughout the world.

I saw a deserted head, most of which was detached from his shoulder, and was cut off by half, leaving only less than half of the flesh on his shoulder.


The severe pain and the fear between life and death made him scream madly, his energy was surging, he broke free from the super restraint, and even opened his eyes, the fire of the soul made his eyes golden.

"You are Ning Tianlin!"

"You are Ning Tianlin!"

"You are not dead!"

Huang Mo stared at Fang Tianhua's halberd in Ning Tianlin's hand, yelling because he knew it.

This Fangtianhua halberd is almost the symbol of his Ning Tianlin! The first few times he used this for Ning Tianlin!

In particular, coupled with the invincible stun just now, he is definitely Ning Tianlin's good!


"Not too stupid."

Ning Tianlin gave a sneer, and in the hand he cut off the sky painting halberd, and continued to cut it towards the head that had not just been cut off.


This time, the huge head fell.

When he rolled to the ground, his eyes were still wide and incredible.

Obviously I can't believe that Ning Tianlin is still alive. All the Lords of the Universe acknowledge that Ning Tianlin is still alive!


After doing all this, Ning Tianlin's figure flickered, showing his original appearance.

He knew that revealing Fang Tianhua's halberd would expose some, but there was no fear. He has blocked this place, and no news will be transmitted. Is this news afraid of being known by a dead person?

When he was cut off more than half of his head, he knew he was dead.

Must die!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get 50,000 points of energy for him!"

Soon, the sound of the combat system sounded in my ears.

Fifty thousand that by him?

However, Ning Tianlin was exploring in his heart. This essence point is far worse than the essence point provided by the creatures killed in the nether space of the Nine Circulation Tower.

It is really not worth mentioning.

You know, this is the fifth paragraph of the Lord of the Universe!

Essence points, and nether space are not a grade at all.


As soon as Ning Tianlin waved his hand, the figure of Wan Zuyu was present. With a few clicks, he swallowed Huang Mo into his belly. After a while, he spit out a space ring for Ning Tianlin. After the exchange, he added another fifty thousand that he was a little bit more energy.


After doing everything, Ning Tianlin was relieved in his heart.

It can be said that this time is a real battle with his own strength. Although he borrowed the body of a slave corpse ghost, he captured it with his own strength!

"This also means that in the future, if I meet the Lord of the Universe less than five paragraphs, I can fight one!"

"Even if it is the Lord of the Universe, I have enough strength to escape."

Ning Tianlin's confidence is extremely inflated. This is the result of his own efforts.

However, he also knows that it is too difficult and difficult to follow up, especially for people such as the Demon Lord of the Mechanical Clan, which may not be solved in a short time. Unless he breaks through himself, instead of relying on slaves like ghouls.

His possession and borrowing of the body can only be Xinghuang Nine, not the Lord of the Universe. Otherwise, if you forcibly possess it, it is not the Lord who controls the universe, but the Lord who controls the universe!

This is one aspect of heavenly influence.

"But soon, there are not many opponents in the entire universe!"

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath.

All this is just a matter of time.

He will eventually do it!

Even standing on top of this universe!

"Next, it's the first floor of the nine-revolver tower."

A few days later.

Ning Tianlin took a short rest and appeared on top of the **** moon.


The next moment, Ning Tianlin crossed the top of the mountain and appeared directly above a boulder, with a pool of clear water below, flowing all year round, about a thousand meters deep.


Ning Tianlin jumped in directly, splashing a wave of spray.

About tens of seconds later, his figure appeared on the edge of a stone.

Looking at this stone like the stone on the side, Ning Tianlin felt sorrowful. No one can imagine that the first floor of the nine-revolving tower is in this stone!

One flower, one bodhi, one tree, one world.

The same is true of this stone.

No one knows, there is another world inside him.

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