Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1752: Chased by hundreds of universe masters!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


"I know."

Ning Tianlin nodded.

He knew that this nether space was weird, but he did not expect that the existence that has survived from the last universe to the present has maintained such awe in this space.

You know, when it was broken, he was the master of the universe.

What could make him so scared?

Is there a universe master who surpasses the universe master in this nether space?


Only at this moment, in the space where Ning Tianlin was located, not far from a lake, a series of bubbles gradually emerged from the water to the water surface.

Seeing a huge brown-green figure faintly, slowly moving towards him, could not help but mobilize his energy and stared at the object.

In this nether space, although the creatures do n’t know where they came from, and their fighting power is relatively high, the vitality obtained after killing is much higher than outside.

He still remembers that the last time he killed a golden eagle with Super Slash here, he got as much as ten million points of energy!

Even the items in the space ring are worth the price!

Although he doesn't want to kill the killer here, he won't retreat since he's all here.


Under the nervous gaze of Ning Tianlin, the brown-green finally stood out completely from the lake.

The body is about tens of thousands of feet long, a pair of small pupils that appear faintly visible, and the extremely sharp looking giant teeth shining with cold light. On that brown-green body, there are covered with sharp scales. The tail of one third of the body fluttered slightly on the shore,

"Big Crocodile!"

Ning Tianlin's hand flickered, Fang Tianhua's halberd appeared in his hands out of nowhere, then the sleeve robe flung, and Fang Tianhua's halberd turned into a black shadow and shot out at the giant crocodile.

The splattering black shadow came suddenly, and when the black shadow was about to be inserted into the crocodile's crumpled body, the crocodile also showed a horrible reaction ability.

I saw a slight flash of silver at the tail, the body twisted into a weird arc, the waist suddenly forced, and the shadow was flying away against the giant crocodile.

Finally, it was severely inserted on the boulder on the shore, and the powerful force directly caused Fangtian Huaji to smash the boulder into shock.


At the same time, the brown-green twisted figure suddenly opened its quite big mouth, exposing the dense rows of sharp teeth, and rushed towards it.

"court death!"

Looking at the crocodile that rushed in, Ning Tianlin's eyes were slightly cold, and his mouth suddenly opened.


A circular ripple, like a substance, sprayed directly from the mouth, and then went toward the giant crocodile.


The powerful sound wave stunned the latter directly in the air, and before falling, he was smashed by the flying Fangtian Huaji from a distance of 10,000 meters.

"Unfortunately, this giant crocodile has a combat effectiveness of at least three stages in the universe!"

With one blow, the body of the giant crocodile collided fiercely with the ground, smashing a pit, but was not much injured.

Ning Tianlin didn't want to use all the tricks. Ao Ming, who was hiding in a ghost jar, might feel what was happening to him.

And the main thing is that if all the means are used here, it will certainly attract the attention of the stronger.

This place is no better than the outside, he knows very little.

And as far as he knows, this kind of creatures, but social creatures, usually come in a large swarm.


Immediately, Ning Tianlin's body flickered like a ghost, and silvery feet changed constantly under his feet. Lightning appeared behind the giant crocodile that had not fully recovered, and his fingers became claws, becoming claws, and grabbed his body.

Then he swung fiercely towards the rear, smashing it out of millions of meters.



When the other party woke up after six seconds, his mouth shook, swallowed a large mouthful of pool water, and rushed towards Ning Tianlin angrily.

Just kidding.

The opponent is just a warrior in the realm of astrology, much weaker than him, how could he throw him away!

Especially where he was thrown away, but the huge pool where their ethnic group was!


All of a sudden, the crocodile in the entire pool was violently rioting.

"Waste! Kavac! You can't swallow your food! Now it's mine!"


A crocodile on the side scolded the flying crocodile and rushed towards Ning Tianlin's figure.

Even the other crocodile on the edge was calling with excitement, rushing towards Ning Tianlin.

They just didn't notice that such a food appeared in their territory.


At this moment, Ning Tianlin had a dignified complexion, watching a large brown-green figure, like a school of fish, swarming.

The fierce gaze and the sharp teeth in his mouth made him numb with scalp.

Your sister!

So many giant crocodiles!

And at least the existence of the Lord of the universe!

There are at least a hundred of this blockbuster!

That is to say, there are at least a hundred universe masters rushing towards him now! Although there were not as many universe besiegers at that time in the Temple of Wandering, it was also extremely scary.

There was an instant headache.

With so many Lords of the universe, can he handle it?

Especially in this, there are not only the masters of the universe below five paragraphs, but also the masters of the universe above five paragraphs, and even the master of the universe nine paragraphs exist!

It is impossible for him to win even if he uses all means!

"Why so much!"

"Does the Lord of the Universe in nether space want money?"

He was really shocked.

This place seems to be able to see the existence of the Lord of the universe in a blink of an eye.


"This place is not the time to stay now, it is to kill, and can not pick up a group to kill!"

"It's the order!"

When he encounters the Lord of the Universe more than six paragraphs, he will be blind even if he has more power. And, if a big battle really happens here, maybe other creatures will be recruited.

This nether space, first retreat.

When you have the chance, find some separate masters of the universe to kill!

He has done a lot of hard work in the past, but they all have some bottom line. Although this is only on the periphery of the nether space, he also understands that if the stalemate continues, it will only be bad for himself.


The silver mang flashed on his feet, and his body swept away like a lightning in the direction of the quaint gate.

In addition, he used the tricks of igniting Sanqing and turned them into three figures. He even exchanged a lot of puppets from the combat system and landed in this space.

He himself, however, made a super stealth and disappeared into this world. After a while, the figure appeared directly in Yin Cao Di Fu.


Seeing that he was safe and sound, Ning Tianlin also took a long breath and wanted to laugh.

In this world, who can be chased by so many lords of the universe at once, and said to go out to scare him.

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