Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1753: Servant Fusion!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Young man, you're still crazy."

"A little careless, you will fall."

At this time, Ao Ming hidden in the soul-gathering jar was facing Ning Tianlin Road. No irony, only exhortation.

He is now related to Ning Tianlin, and he has to rely on Ning Tianlin to consolidate his body.

He did not know what kind of life-saving means Ning Tianlin had. Changing to other people, playing in this situation, I'm afraid it's really easy.

At that time, who will give him the physical body?

And they are all from the earth, all brothers in a trench.

"Oh, please rest assured, I have my own measure."

Ning Tianlin smiled and said he knew. To others, it was just killing their lives, but to themselves, they were playing others. give

"If you have a sense of proportion, don't promise me that it won't be done. You will die first." Ao Ming said, "If you have any questions while practicing" The Nine Emperor Star Records ", you can ask me.

"My husband has been following my master for many years, and I still know more or less about this set of exercises. Since you are willing to be my husband, my husband will naturally not treat you."

He knows how difficult it is to practice this technique, that is, he dare not say that he can practice to the ninth level.

Therefore, this young man will definitely encounter many problems in the future.

When he said that, he just showed his attitude.


"I will."

Ning Tianlin nodded, but just said so, but he knew that this day would never happen.

There is a combat power system, and of course he will not study the various difficulties of this exercise as much as other people, not to mention that this set of exercises requires the learner's level of understanding, which is the time consumed during simple study. Can't afford it.

"As long as you use enough energy points to redeem the combat system, you can learn directly. If you don't have such good resources, it is really stupid."

Ning Tianlin thought to himself, but his expression did not show the slightest expression, after all, this old senior was also kind.

"Okay, remember to promise me and get back together."

Ao Ming once again urged him to regain the spirit bottle. But where does he know? In his opinion, the most difficult things in Ning Tianlin are just the amount of energy.

Not to mention anything else, he can help the other side to consolidate the body now. Although costly, he can afford it.

It's just that he plans to do this after a while. After all, it's too abrupt to take it out now.

There must be some preparation time for everything.


Directly with one stroke, put the Spirit Bottle in the empty ring, where you can cut off all the spiritual thoughts of this Ao Ming.

"Now, the fastest way to improve combat effectiveness is this" Nine Emperor Star Records ", after all, it can increase the combat effectiveness several times!"

After making up his mind and moving, Ning Tianlin appeared directly in the hall of Tianlin Hall, sitting cross-legged.

He must race against time to strengthen his strength, after all, no matter how many means, except for the super-slash, there is no deadly killing trick.

This deadly Yincao Difu is empty and empty, but for Ning Tianlin, there is indeed another comfort.


Consuming Essence Points directly, exchanged all the decrees and mysteries of "The Nine Emperor Star Records" from the combat system, and filled them into my mind.

It just didn't really understand.

He needs to do it himself to the extent that it is flowing. In the constant realization of time, time slipped by silently.

In half a year, blink of an eye.

In the past six months, because the combat effectiveness system directly put the decision into the mind, progress has been quite rapid. After casting many times, Ning Tianlin clearly felt that he was able to master and implement this law.

Not Xiaocheng, but Dacheng!

Although this is the famous stunt of that year, with the help of the combat system, everything is nothing!

Control fusion law, as the name suggests, is the method of controlling anything. This law decision, he Ning Tianlin only used strong means to control the other party, the real control law has not practiced.

This is the case of the three slaves summoned on weekdays, but staying on the shallow level, such a manipulation method, just summoning them to fight for themselves, and this so-called Emperor Star Faby is simply a heaven and a ground.

The latter is more subtle. In some ways, these means are far beyond ordinary law. Although it consumes a lot of energy in the body, he has unlimited energy, which is nothing at all!

Cross-level battles against the strong, even if the energy in the opponent's body is too vigorous, it will not prevent you from doubling the control of the three slaves' combat power.

In particular, the various control methods recorded in the deciding method of the law are not only beautiful, but also the most subtle control of the controlled objects with the minimum consumption of energy, and in the end they have the most powerful power.


With a wave of his right hand, three servants of the corpse ghost were summoned.

Then the hands printed the knot, and the surrounding air suddenly fluctuated. The power of three souls entangled on the surface of Ning Tianlin's side.


Then, like three nearly transparent snakes, he burrowed into the body of the ghoul that had been summoned by his eyebrows.


The bodies of the three slaves were changing rapidly, with white mist rising from their heads, and the power of the soul was constantly flowing through the bodies of the three slaves.

But without the slightest resistance, the souls of the three slaves completely merged with the three transparent snakes that Ning Tianlin's eyebrows poured out.


After the continuous and complete integration of the power of the soul, the bodies of the three slaves began to undergo a small transformation,

Each of the blue muscles was shaking like an earthworm on the skin of Sanming's servants, and it looked quite scary.

Immediately, the three slaves began to move closer together, turning rapidly like a tornado, and the process began to change.

This transformation is like expansion. The original three small ponds are spliced ​​and expanded, and finally expanded into a small lake, and the essence that can be accommodated in it will be doubled.

At the same time, after the fusion of the three, many meridians, bones, muscles, etc. in the body will also strengthen with expansion.

Along with the fusion of these three slaves into the fever, the fluctuation of spirits became more and more fierce.

In the end, it looks like a tornado covered by essence, like a black hole, with the tornado as the center, greedily engulfing the surrounding essence.

"to make"!

After this engulfment, the tornado gradually dissipated, and the surrounding spirit gradually faded, but a servant who was three times the size of the former appeared loomingly.

It was also in this moment that the three slaves who were fused together emerged with a strong breath that permeated the body. At this moment, their fighting power, based on their three fighting powers, tripled again!

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