Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1761: who are you!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!



"This is real?"

At first, the Lord of the Universe didn't care, but the more I heard it, the more I felt that it was all possible. If this Tashan King is the ghost in the earth that has been hidden among them, it is not impossible!

When the vain temple besieged Ning Tianlin, if he deliberately made a false statement!

They are together!

In this way, it can also explain why the King of Thongta disappeared these days.

You know, in the universe for so many years, it didn't disappear sooner or later, but it disappeared at this time, maybe it was really for them to find out, evacuate early, and fled to the side of the earth.

In this case, Ning Tianlin really did not die.

"My aunt! King Tashan turned out to be such a bastard! Hidden so deeply!" At this time, there was already an acute cry of yelling.

"That's it! He and Ning Tianlin belonged together!" Someone echoed, "I'll see you then, and I want him to look good!"

"Tashan King, I am at odds with you, you lied to us all!" One person hated his teeth all tickling, this Tashan King really treats them as monkeys!

"This is just your guess. You can't see it at this time." At this time, the Dai people are the mainstay of the universe. After all, if there is consent, there will be guesses. Go to the place where Wudian Temple was, and resurrect Ning Tianlin! "

"If what he said is true, this Ning Tianlin will definitely not be resurrected, and he won't be there! Because he was not dead at all."

This person directly stated the solution.

Head to Wudu Temple and resurrect Ning Tianlin!

If the secret method is used, Ning Tianlin has not been resurrected, which means that Ning Tianlin is really not dead!

I am afraid that this matter is really troublesome.

"Yes! Go to the ruins of Wulidian Temple and resurrect Ning Tianlin!" Someone's eyes brightened and he thought that this was a good solution.

"Resurrect a fart!" Only soon, someone yelled, "If this trident youth is telling lies, we resurrect Ning Tianlin, who can guarantee that we can control Ning Tianlin? Let him run away again? "

"You know, Ning Tianlin, however, beheaded the existence of two masters of the universe, Jiuduan!"

"It was so easy to kill, did we resurrect it ourselves."

Immediate objections were raised.

And this attitude is increasingly prevailing. Also, if all this Trident youth is telling lies, Ning Tianlin is dead. If they do this, isn't it alive to resurrect Ning Tianlin?

At that time, who will dare to guarantee that Ning Tianlin will be restrained and beheaded again?

You know, King Tashan is no longer!

"What if the youth of the Trident is true?" Someone argued.

After all, this is the best way to prove that Ning Tianlin has died.

For a while, everyone was talking about their own ideas, and they became more and more noisy.

"All right."

"Stop noisy!"

At this time, the stone man who controlled the situation screamed again, "You will not have any results until you die! So, we continue to ask, first determine if the trident youth is true."

"At that time, I decided not to resurrect Ning Tianlin before going to Wuwu Temple."

Speaking, without waiting for everyone to answer, he said directly to the Meizu king, "You continue."

This kind of thing must be decided by one person alone.

They are all noisy, and no one will have any results after a lifetime.

"it is good."

Meizu King nodded and turned again. After a while, to the trident youth who fell into the drowsy again, "What is the relationship between Ning Tianlin and Tashan King?"

For a moment, everyone shut up.

"I don't know," the Trident youth said directly.

"Then you and Ning Tianlin don't know each other, then why come to resurrect Ning Tianlin?" Meizu Wang asked.

"Because he is the hope of our earth's rise, and shoulders countless responsibilities." The Trident youth replied.

And this answer has nodded the Lord of many universes around him.


If Ning Tianlin changed to their clan, they would do the same. After all, this kind of genius can support a race, and even support this race directly to the peak of the universe population.

"Where is the earth?"

Hearing that the other person acknowledged that he was a human, the Meizu king asked the questions that everyone here wanted to know most.

Where is the earth!

For a moment, the raven was silent.

Someone was already tense and ready to go, as long as the trident youth said where the earth is, he immediately left and went there! He didn't want to know what happened next. As long as the first one is there, he will be rewarded by the pinnacle of the Lord of the Universe.

At that time, many treasures are gathered in one body, and they can all compete with the nine masters of the universe.

"do not know."

But then, the words of the Trident youth made them all dying!

do not know?

You are Earth people, do n’t you know?

Who do you bluff?

You don't want to say that!

No need to ask, the level of this Meizu king is not good, and he is not charmed at all. All he said was false!

None of them believed that the other party did not know where the earth was.

"How could you not know, you are the Earthman!" Meizu King instantly realized that it was not good, and he quickly questioned before the Lord of the surrounding universe had yet to make trouble.

"I have been practicing in the dark for years, reviving combat effectiveness, and I don't know where the earth is." The young Trident spoke slowly, but enough for everyone to hear clearly. "The earth was destroyed but the core was still in."

"Billions of years of recovery are in a random place, no one knows."

The trident youth was telling the truth.

Even Wu Daoxuan and others who Ning Tianlin encountered did not know that the earth was there, and finally got answers from Ning Tianlin's mouth.


The Lord of the Universe, you look at me, I look at you. Some people think that the other person makes sense. This explanation is reasonable, but others think that the trident youth is not charmed at all. They lied to them.

In this world, who can not know their mother star.

For a moment, a buzzing quarrel began again.

"then who are you?"

However, the owner of Meizu firmly believes that the other party has been charmed by himself. All this is true.

Now he just wants to know who this trident youth is and what role he plays in the earth. The main thing is to see if I can find some other things that have existed in these years and the starry sky. Musha.

You can't find the earth!

But I don't believe you haven't met Earth people in these years!

Cannot find Ning Tianlin, then it is not impossible for you to wipe out other earth people through a net!

Even releasing the news of your capture will attract many earth people to come and save you!

Note: The second change today!

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