Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1762: Who dug into his eyes

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"I'm Yang Yan."

The trident's eyes were bewildered. Although he answered, he said these two words.

"Yang Jian!"

"Which Yang Ye?"

The masters of the universe here were suddenly stunned, and some could not listen to this answer in disbelief.

Because of this name, in ancient times, it existed like Lei Guaner. Super master of the nine masters of the universe!

The physical body is almost invincible!

I heard that the Earth had fallen in the First World War. How can it appear here now, and how does Yang Ye look like this? Although few of them have seen the real Yang Yan, the images of the other party were known by the entire universe at that time!

So they are all wondering which Yang Ye is Yang Ye.

If others say this, they will just sniff and never agree, but who can make the trident youth in front of the earth people, this earth people, how many Yang Ye? And it looks like the trident used that year!

"God of War, Yang Ye."

Speaking of these words, Yang Yan's confused eyes flashed a ray of light, but he lost it instantly, as if he didn't want to mention it himself.


"He really is that?"

The 60 or 70 masters of the universe who were on the lookout couldn't believe their ears. Did the other person say the truth, really the God of War that was passed down from earth?

You know, this is almost like God!

The same is the Lord of the Universe, but if he is one, he can defeat nine, and even kill them without much effort! Almost invincible! But even so, under the suppression of the law of heaven that year, he was besieged to death.

Hasn't it fallen?

Why are you still here!


"He cannot be Yang Yan!"

"I remember clearly, Yang Ye didn't look like this, and his breath was not right at all!"

At this time, the Wudang tribe was the master of the universe. He has seen Yang Ye's face with his own eyes, not so. Especially the breath is more different. The opponent's combat power is sky-high, and he is extremely confident with every move.

But now, this young man is so slumped, and even has the spirit of energy, but it is not at all a level with the war **** of the day.

How could he be Yang Yan.

"Yeah, I don't think he can be Yang Yan, is he all dead?"

Someone echoed.

"Yes or no, don't you know if you let him show up?"

Regarding appearance, change it if you want to change it. Many of them are masters of the universe, and many of them will know the secrets and transform them into other types. Therefore, judging from the appearance, it is not necessarily possible to determine whether this young man is Yang Yan.

But when it comes out, it's too easy to judge.

You know, the **** of war Yang Ye had a famous stunt and cultivated a peerless supernatural power.

Through the sky, look down at the third eye of Jiuyou!

Under the light of this eye, it can melt your bones, and the combat force is hardly half-pressed. Even what secrets do you have, what is in the space ring, under the light of this third eye, Nowhere.

"That is, the King of Meizu, let him show his true body! We have to see if he is really Yang Yan." There is also the Lord of the universe to Meizu King.

"That is, that is, the King of Meizu, hurry up!" Someone nodded in agreement.

"Okay." Meizu Wang nodded, and she also wanted to know who the young man was. This reflected on one hand how much truth and falsehood he had just said!

"Appear the true body!" Meizu Wang runs the secret method and keeps talking in Yang Yan's ears.



This time was a bit long, and Yang Yan's eyes were clearly struggling.

But in the end, his body flickered. A great young man wearing three-color armor, wearing a gold crown, riding flying boots, and holding a trident appeared in front of everyone.

"Yang Jian."

"It's Yang Ye!"

Someone exclaimed.

Because of this appearance, it was really Yang Ye of the year, and there would be no mistake!

just. .

"His eyes, why is his third eyebrow gone?"

Just to everyone's shock, this Yang Yan's forehead, the third eye that he became famous, is gone now! And there was an obvious deep impression, as if it had been dug out by people.

"He's really the God of War Yang Yan."

"His third eye seems to have been snatched away!"

Someone exclaimed.

"Yeah, his eyes have been dug out, no wonder it is."

Someone nodded in approval.

Don't think about it, all know that this third eye consumed a lot of Yang Qi's energy and combat power to condense. Now being dug away, it is equivalent to robbing most of his essence blood, and the combat power will certainly decrease.

It's no wonder that it will change from the Nine Masters of the Universe back to the eighth Masters of the Universe today!

"Who took away his eyes?"

"This message is hidden deep."

At that time, almost all the masters of the universe thought that Yang Yang was dead, but did not expect that not only did not die, someone was secretly digging his eyes.

This man is definitely a strong man who besieged the earth.

Just hidden so deep.

After so many years, no one has heard such news, and never heard anyone use this third eye.

From the moment I heard that the other was the **** of war, Yang Yan, there were three people who were most concerned and shocked.

Not others, but the three black robes of the Mech clan.

Of course they knew who had taken away Yang Yan's eyes, that is, their patriarch Demon Lord! But in this universe, except for the three of them, no one will ever know who did it.

This is another big secret hidden in their patriarch Demon Lord.

After all, this is a very powerful tool.

Critical period is life-saving!

"Meizu King, ask him who has taken his eyes away. This man is hiding so deeply! I have never heard the news for so many years!" The Lord of the Universe said to Meizu Wang.

"That is, Meizu King, ask him who took his eyes." Someone nodded in agreement.

"Well." The Meizu king also wanted to know who did this thing, it was really deep.

Just a moment later, the answer from the **** of war Yang Yan made them frown.

do not know.

This Yang Ye did not know who had taken his eyes away.

The other party also did this when he was fainted. Even the other party may have thought that he was dead at that time. Otherwise, how could he let him beheaded and killed!

"Unfortunately, he didn't even know who did it."

All Lords of the universe sighed in their hearts.

How good it would be if he could give the other's name.

At least people know that the master of the universe has hidden so deeply that he has dug out Yang Yan's eyes without revealing any information.

Note: The third change today.

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