Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1794: All-round dark clouds

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The huge rune fell on top of the Jiutian Red Flame Gun, and saw the Jiutian Red Flame Gun emitting a golden light surrounding it. After a while, a golden armor giant was formed. As soon as it appeared, it grabbed the Cangyu directly ahead. go with.

"So strong fighting power!"

Cang Yun looked at the person in front of him in horror, and at the same time judged the gap between the two, and couldn't help regretting his temporary care.

The other party is the eighth segment of the universe, and he is only five segments!


"The situation here must be reported to the strong within the clan, otherwise ..."

The Cangyu who had done a good job in his heart did not care about the other peoples above him. He was full of energy. Cangyu controlled his hard tentacles and drew into the sand under the speed.

He is confident that after drilling into the sand, even if the opponent's combat effectiveness is higher than himself, he will no longer find himself. Even if they are really found, the other party will not catch up with themselves. Under the desert, their magic sand clan is born with a soil dungeon method better than any race.

"Hum, it's not so easy to escape."

When Wu Dao Xuan Leng hummed, he saw a giant hand with a giant armor. When the other party was about to enter the yellow sand, a strong vortex erupted in the palm.


Cangyu's body was quickly sucked out by a strong suction. Due to his struggling, he was born in the desert, dragging a huge sandpit channel up to one million meters long.

"How can it be?"

"He has three masters of the universe, how can he summon the existence of five masters of the universe!"

Cangyu was caught in the huge palm, and his face was shocked.

He could see that everything was just the reason for that Fuyu, but he didn't know what that Fuyu was.


With the hands of the giant gold armour, the huge energy directly collided with the strong body of Cangyu. Suddenly, Cangyu's body sunk at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

The Mosha tribe on the edge, fleeing wildly at this moment, are going to leave here.

It's a pity that the giant armor opened his mouth directly and sucked his mouth wide. He swallowed all the frosted clan, leaving only a live mouth of Cangyu, but the original red skin of Cangyu was already pale at this moment. A lot went, and the pale blue pupils remained frightened.


Suddenly, Wu Daoxuan controlled the armor of the golden armor giant to control the other's consciousness, and forcibly began to read the memory.


After the silence lasted for a while, Wu Daoxuan's consciousness was forced to retreat from the unrecognizable sea where Cangyu had been hit.

"No information from the master ..."

Wu Daoxuan swallowed a spit in his throat, and his face began to condense. His eyes had also moved away from the already demented Cangyu, and then he stared coldly into the void and meditated.

However, although there was no trace of the master, I got a more important news, that is, knowing why this frosted clan stayed here, what treasures appeared in this oasis.

Moreover, this treasure is not an ordinary treasure, and it concerns many races in Cang Mo Hai sand.

Even at this moment, many people of the Mosha clan rushed towards this place.

This oasis is just the first batch!


Wu Daoxuan's pupils tightened again.

Because Cangyu's memory shows that due to this strange treasure, after one hundred years, the Mosha tribe will no longer be bound by this desert sea sand, which means that they can go to any place in the universe!

You know, because of its geographical location and its own physical conditions, Cang Mo Haisha's combat effectiveness is generally much higher than that of ordinary martial arts. The number of masters in the universe is even more explosive than any race outside.

Add up, there are hundreds or even thousands!

If they were allowed out of here, the forces of the universe would probably reshuffle the cards soon.

But now, the hidden treasure in this oasis is most likely related to this !!

As for the relationship between the specific treasure and the seal, it is not known at the level of Cangyu.

What shocked him most was that this strange treasure in Cangyu's consciousness was actually related to a mysterious and powerful planet in ancient times. Which planet is only known by the strongest men in the clan.

"Ancient and powerful planet?"

As a Dao Xuan who has survived billions of years ago, naturally knows what this planet means.

Because these description words can only be used to describe one planet billions of years ago, that is the planet of the absolute strong then-the earth!

"This treasure is actually related to the earth ..."

Wu Taoxuan's tightening pupils tightened again to the size of the eye of a needle, and her heart was constantly astonished.

"Can they use this treasure to land directly on the earth?"

"Or, is this treasure left here by a strong man on Earth?"

It is a pity that Cangyu is not in a high position in the magic sand clan.

He didn't know the real secret.

But I know that the treasures of this oasis have something to do with getting out of the secret place of Cang Mo Hai sand.

It is a very important treasure about the magic sand clan!


A thunderous thunder passed down from the clouds of the sky, a sudden blast, interrupted Wu Daoxuan's thoughts.

At the same time, it also surprised Dao Xuan, which usually happens occasionally, but there will be some warnings in advance, and it will not be as thunderous as this time without any warning.

He lifted his head, but saw that, above the clouds in the sky, a very dense energy was constantly fluctuating, like a tide, and waves were spreading out on all sides.

The accidentally leaked energy will condense under the clouds into a loud noise, which will exert a certain pressure on the creatures below.

"This scene, I'm afraid ..."

Looking at this scene in the sky, Wu Daoxuan took a breath of cold air and murmured in his heart.

The mutual friction between the clouds has led to a continuous stream of hot smoke, and a black cloud of about tens of thousands of light years has gathered in the huge sky.

"The legendary dark clouds in the desert!"

Wu Daoxuan knew from the beginning that every now and then, a large amount of dark clouds will gather over the entire desert sand.

And this black cloud is covered in all directions.

Cang Mo Hai Sha will not escape anywhere!

Comprehensive coverage!

At that time, the thunder in the air will be split to any place in the desert.

Wu Daoxuan could not help but jump, and looked at the clouds with much caution. If he was bombarded by the dark clouds, the horrible energy inside would be enough for him to drink a pot.

This is still the best result he envisioned under the strength of his Master of the Universe. If the strength of the Master of the Universe is below, the physical body will probably be directly destroyed by ashes and dregs.

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