Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1795: Blue energy

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"If the horrible energy in this black cloud invades the body, it will be very difficult to remove like an epidemic gangrene ..."

Wu Daoxuan said, his face was constantly changing, and at the same time, he was constantly making guesses about the power of this dark cloud.

He had only heard it before, but had never touched it.

It seems that precisely because of the existence of this cloud, there is no existence below the Lord of the universe in the desert sand!

It is lower in combat power than the Lord of the Universe!

He thought it was just a legend, but he didn't expect it to be true!

As the black swirls in the sky's clouds continue to accelerate, the sky above Wu Daoxuan's head is violent again.

A wave of energy is like a viper, adsorbed on the black vortex, and constantly walks, and finally endlessly drilled into the interior of the vortex.

With the acceleration of the swirling speed, a hurricane also appeared in the clouds out of thin air.

Immediately, the hurricane was raging in the clouds, like a blade, agitating the clouds and cracking cracks of different sizes directly in the clouds.

In the sky, the area of ​​black cloud swirls is getting larger and larger, and the energy contained in them is also becoming more and more terrifying.

In a moment, the black clouds rotating to the extreme speed finally gradually slowed down, almost as if still.

"His, stop, it looks like it's about to explode."

Wu Daoxuan looked at the sky, took a sip of cool air, his tight pupil stared at the black cloud, and kept judging the direction it might fall, so that he could make a choice in the fastest time.

Immediately afterwards, the black clouds were driven by a hurricane, like a fired shell, mixed with a powerful sound of breaking wind, and fell quickly towards the area of ​​Wu Daoxuan.

"Damn, I can pick a place ..."

The thick essence came out of Wu Dao Xuan's body without any reservations, and the giant wings behind him also unfolded abruptly.

He chose a direction at will, and increased the speed to the extreme with the cooperation of giant wings. He wanted to escape from this area as soon as possible, and even if he could not escape the explosion circle, he should minimize the damage to him.

He can survive from hundreds of millions of years to the present, and naturally understands the circumstances under which he should choose to advance and retreat. If it has been hard-hitting, he will not have the current achievements.

Standing here is like a rock. It is not a wise choice to choose hard resistance without any action. At that time, the behavior of the reckless husband was more important. The horrible energy carried by the black cloud really made him jealous.

The moment the black cloud touched the sand on the desert, everything was as if still, suddenly, a horrible energy burst out!


The powerful light generated by the explosion almost illuminated the entire sky, and the strong man from the bottom up directly penetrated the sky and it was still spreading at a very fast speed.

At the moment where the strong flashes flashed, the center of the black cloud also shook suddenly.

Immediately, a huge column of energy with millions of feet, like an atomic bomb, burst out with a blast of noise, and its target is the area of ​​millions of light years centered on the energy column.

Under such a horrifying beam of energy, Wu Daoxuan, who fled quickly, also condensed the essence of the body into a substantial energy hood, which wrapped the whole body up and down.


The speed at which the beam of light burst was extremely rapid. When he hit the room, he fell fiercely on Wu Daoxuan, who had fled tens of thousands of feet away.

Immediately, a huge amount of energy suddenly rushed towards him, and the energy shield formed by the essence of gas was finally unable to resist, and the cracks continued to appear, and even finally collapsed directly.


For a moment, Wu Dao's blood spewed out, and the body directly followed the direction of energy diffusion, and was involuntarily spun out.

After Zhenfei's body fell on the sand, he rubbed hundreds of feet away. Wu Daoxuan only stabilized his body slightly and stopped.

A moment later, as the aftermath of the explosion completely dissipated, this area was completely silent. Only the occasional gale proved that it had recovered as usual.

And at the same time.

The entire Cang Mo Hai sand is experiencing such a horrible thunderstorm.

Not two beams of light, but tens of millions and hundreds of millions!

The entire Cang Mo Hai sand, like a large dish, is cleaning the existence of the combat power lower than the universe master.

Wu Daoxuan was so horrified that he was bombarded, not to mention those who were less effective than him.

It's just that the combat power is not as good as the Lord of the Universe, and they will be wiped out directly.

at the same time.

A young man with dark hair and black pupil, and a girl also stepped into this Cang Mo Hai sand a while ago.

"I rely!"

"What the hell!"

Ning Tianlin was directly shocked by the endless black cloud thunderstorm, directly sacrificing invincible golden light, and also collected Bo Wen into the Holy Spirit space.

Otherwise, he doesn't feel like he can rush through in this thunderstorm.

But with the invincible Jinguang's bodyguard, he didn't delay too long, and flew towards a certain position in this boundless thunderstorm.

And Wu Daoxuan's side.


"This desert sand is really horrible. Before I saw the master, I was blown up like this ..."

Wu Daoxuan, who was exploded because of terror energy, looked at the remaining energy on his body and couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, Wu Daoxuan felt that the terrifying energy had been mixed with his own blood, and blood bubbles continued to emerge from the bursting blood vessels in his body.

The sticky blood was mixed with the blue horror energy attached to the body, and there was also a burning smell caused by the explosion on the surface of the body, which slowly exuded.

"Fortunately, it runs fast, otherwise it will be fried, but this energy is mixed with the blood, and it will be troublesome. Without many adjustments, it is difficult to recover."

Wu Daoxuan just mobilized his vital energy to fly fully, and then suffered a severe blow. Now his body is like a collapse, and he feels a bit difficult to move.

What's most astounding to Wu Daoxuan is that after a short rest, the vital energy in the body can't be mobilized. More precisely, it is difficult to penetrate the blue energy left in the body after the thunderstorm.

This blue energy, like the boundless starlight, feels like being lost in a maze. It has no energy but can't find the exit to go out. It can only linger in it constantly.

Although the qi in the body is still difficult to penetrate the blue energy, but Wu Daoxuan still can vaguely feel that his blood qi does not mix with the blue energy, but is blue. Energy is absorbed!

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