Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 780: Deprivation and integration!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Moreover, Ning Tianlin had not just crushed the Chiyan Black Dragon's bones directly, but replaced it one by one. He was worried that he would kill the Chiyan Black Dragon with too much force at once.

At that time, he wasted so much mind, but he did it for nothing!

Although it is not yet known where this Chiyan Black Dragon came from and why there is no Dragon Ball, it is not so important now.

Since there is no Dragon Ball, I will give you one!

He Ning Tianlin also wanted to see what creatures he could create when he would be resurrected.

For this reason, he even gave away the life of the bone dragon!

The bone dragon just now, without bones, has of course disappeared between heaven and earth!

"Also, the soul of Castle Peak I paid for a million dollars was also destroyed by myself."

The bone dragon is controlled by the Qingshan soul, and the two have been merged into one body. It stands to reason that the bones are all connected to the Chiyan black dragon, and the Qingshan soul will also cover the black dragon.

But for the success of this experiment, Ning Tianlin killed the soul of Qingshan himself. He didn't want the soul of Qingshan and disturbed the spirit of this Chiyan black dragon.

just in case.


Thinking of it, a wave of the hand, a glittering dragon ball, suspended in the void, wandering between the heavens and the earth, the entire sky and the earth according to the picture are golden.


"what is this?"

"What is this sphere?"

Suddenly, the eyes of all Huaxia humans appeared shocked again.

Because this golden ball is too dazzling, just like the sun in the sky. If you do n’t just watch it through the screen, you may not see anything in this golden light.

This Ning Tianlin, the means are getting more and more strange!


In the attention of everyone, Ning Tianlin drank a little, and put the dragon ball into the hollow center of the bone dragon's **** center. Although he did not touch the skeleton, the glittering golden light still moisturized the bone.

And just for a moment, the bones on this side glowed golden light.

Even Ning Tianlin has an illusion. These bones are excited and excited about these golden lights. Even couldn't help, these white bones began to tremble and tremble, as if they had met their loved ones!


Somehow, Ning Tianlin's mind suddenly came up with such a word.

"It seems that this dragon ball and bone are still intimately connected!"

The two are originally one, but separated for thousands of years, even in the tomb of Ge Hong in Luofu Mountain, one in the magma center and one in the cave.

When the two meet, of course, there will be a feeling of firewood.


The influence of Dragon Balls is getting bigger and bigger, and the golden light on the bones is more and more flashing, and Ning Tianlin even noticed that wherever the Golden Lights of Dragon Balls flashed, the periphery of this keel began to generate golden flesh.

Even constant blood seeps from these flesh and bones.

"Blood regeneration!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed and he was excited!

This was the result he wanted, but it was also somewhat unexpected!

He was also planning to exchange some flesh and blood to regenerate the dragon ball and bones! But I didn't expect that just for a moment, this bone began to give birth to flesh and blood.

There are even meridians!

"What is he doing!"

"What is Ning Tianlin doing!"

"He's going to resurrect this black dragon?"

Countless Chinese people were shocked, because just a moment later, the whole body of this black dragon had almost recovered. Except for the front body and bones, the rest already had physical bodies.

Moreover, even the front body is constantly being reborn!


"This Ning Tianlin is not our savior, he is going to resurrect the Black Dragon!"

Many people trust their eyes blindly, because at this moment only this explanation can work.

After all, a living dragon floats between heaven and earth!

It was just a black dragon more than 600 meters long, but now it is a golden dragon more than 200 meters long!


"It's getting bigger!"

"This golden dragon is getting bigger!"

Innumerable people were shocked that this reborn black dragon was constantly getting bigger and bigger, it was just 210 meters, and in the blink of an eye it became 230 meters and 240 meters!

Not even a short while later, it rose to more than 300 meters!

After ten minutes, her body shape was more than 500 meters!

At 13 minutes, its body size has reached the original black dragon's body size, more than 600 meters!

It's just that its eyes are always closed, and no one else knows what happened inside its body.

"Sure enough!"

"Looks like I guess!"

Ning Tianlin looked at all this without panic, because everything was expected. Now that Dragon Ball has reborn this physical body, there is nothing wrong with making it bigger.

Because the bone dragon's bones originally contained 100,000 combat power!

This was in Rover Mountain that day, the combat system told him.

If he did not use Qingshan Soul that day, but instead spent 30 million points of energy and directly exchanged it for a Red Mountain Soul, he would have a 100,000 fighting force in a split second!

But at that time, 30 million points of energy was a huge sum for him, how could he have it!

Even now he has none!

If he had predicted correctly, the final shape of this Chiyan black dragon would surely reach more than a thousand meters! More than a hundred meters is almost equivalent to 10,000 fighting points.

"Seven hundred meters!"

"800 meters!"

"Nine hundred meters!"

"One thousand!"

"One thousand and fifty meters!"

When the Chiyan Black Dragon completely stopped growing, its body size had reached more than 1,000 meters, and it hung in the sky like a Changhong.

And Ning Tianlin also noticed that the dragon ball in the Chiyan black dragon's body had become a bit slack at the moment. But from the inside out, it is full of vitality.


At the same time, the eyes of the long-closed Chiyan black dragon suddenly opened wide, emitting a fine light, the eyes that were originally red, but now turned black. It is almost the only black outside the entire golden dragon.


At the same time, opened his mouth wide and yelled at the sky for a long time, as if celebrating his new life! And under this roar, the clouds in the sky were scattered.

Later, his body swept through his body, rolled in the sky, and landed next to Ning Tianlin, spitting his voice, "Master!"

With a respectful expression, he was nothing like the Chiyan black dragon who just killed him.

"the host?"

"This golden dragon, call this Ning Tianlin the master!"

"My God, what's going on?"

Too many people are aggressive, even Ning Tianlin's parents and family are a little confused. This seems to be more powerful than the Chiyan black dragon. Now he calls Ning Tianlin his master!

Like the bone dragon just now!

(End of this chapter)

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