Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 781: Hello everyone, this is Ning Tianlin!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"It seems that these twelve golden men are probably not ordinary!"

Ning Tianlin guessed.

After all, it can be so uniform, each one can increase 10,000 combat power, which is a bit unbelievable. You must know that the more you increase the combat power by 10,000 points, the more difficult it will be!

With each level of Ning Tianlin, he still needs more energy points!

These 12 gold men, however, can guarantee a combat strength of 10,000 points. It is certainly not a mortal thing. When Qin Shihuang ordered people to cast him, he must have used some means.


After doing all this, Ning Tianlin loosened his hands and released Bai Qi from a distance. The Golden Man got his hands, and there was no need to keep him here.


When Bai Qi started to recover his body, he was about to say something immediately, and even prepared to ask, but when he saw Ning Tianlin's cold eyes, he closed his mouth obediently.

He is not a fool. Of course, he knows that he does not have the ability to bargain with Ning Tianlin at all. He is weak and strong. This is the unbreakable truth. He never knew how many times he had done it.

He said now, I'm afraid the other party would pin him to death!

The other person's finger can make him unable to move, killing himself, it is not easy!

"Seeing that you almost lost your life for Huaxia, let you go today."

Ning Tianlin looked at Bai Qi lightly. As soon as his hand was stretched out, a red elixir appeared on his palm, and then he flung it away towards Bai Qi's body. Although the speed was fast, but there was not much strength It was very easy to be picked up by Bai Qi.

At the same time, "This is the lifting of Dan, which can lift the restraint in your body! In other words, from now on, your fighting power is restored!"

"Anytime, anywhere, you can use the kind of combat power you had when you were in the 100,000 Mountains."

"Eh?" Bai Qi took it, and looked at Ning Tianlin incredulously. He didn't know what he meant, but he didn't believe that the other party would be so kind and restore himself to the peak fighting power of the past.

In addition, he took a breath of cold air in his heart. This Ning Tianlin, since he dared to let him recover his fighting power in the 100,000 Mountains, shows that his own fighting power is already more than he was in the 100,000 Mountains. high!

This growth rate is too scary!

You know, one of his men at the time could kill this Ning Tianlin!

"Unban Dan?"

"Peak strength?"

"Is this white, and the combat effectiveness has been banned before? When he fought against the Black Dragon, he didn't exert all his strength?"

Many people heard what Ning Tianlin said, and they were all stunned. In vain, the original combat effectiveness has been banned? And it seems to be related to Ning Tianlin!

Why is this Ning Tianlin sacred!

Bai Qi was so aggressive that he was banned by him!

"Of course I won't give it to you for free." Ning Tianlin said, "From this moment, you can't step into the tomb of Shihuang again!"

"And I'll give you three days to miss China's great mountains!"

"After three days, you must leave Earth! Go to another planet!"

"If not, you know the consequences!"

Ning Tianlin's voice was cold and there was no negotiating tone. He was already very kind. Whoever made this happen in vain was regarded as a guardian of Huaxia.

Then, Ning Tianlin once used Bai Qi as an idol. A decisive decision, a generation of famous men, is also a character.

Now, letting him leave the earth is considered to be more kind.

Switch to someone else, it has been beheaded!

"Leave the earth!"

"Ning Tianlin, let Bai Qi leave the earth!"

"Oh my God!"

Countless Chinese people were shocked again when they heard this simple conversation. Everyone knows that there is endless starry sky outside the earth, but no one knows whether there are any aliens. Now that Ning Tianlin asked Bai Qi to do this, did he let him look for aliens?

Or did Ning Tianlin already know that there are aliens in this universe, and did he want to live there in vain?

Also, is it so bad that it is so bad that you can leave the earth without riding the legendary spaceship?

"Leaving the earth?"

"You let me leave the earth!"

Bai Qi himself was shocked. He thought of countless possibilities, but never thought of such possibilities! This Ning Tianlin, should he let him leave the earth?

He played in vain, and just knew what the earth was in his travels a while ago! Know the starry sky outside!

Now, Ning Tianlin wants him to live there!

"In my case, I don't want to repeat it again!"

Ning Tianlin did not affirm or deny, but said coldly.

"Three days!"

"If I find you here three days later, I will kill you!"

With a wave of his hand, a surge of force struck Bai Qi's body, allowing his body to fly straight into the distance, and in a moment, he disappeared into this sky.


"This is in his hands, and he has no resistance at all!"

"How terrible is Ning Tianlin's fighting power!"

"Who is he?"

Countless people are becoming more and more curious about Ning Tianlin's identity at this moment. When did such a person emerge from the earth! So awesome!

And you are so powerful, why don't you come out early and kill the black dragon, but only when he destroyed countless humans!


It was only in their doubts that the footage of the live broadcast kept getting closer. Originally, Ning Tianlin was suspended in the blue sky, but at this moment, he has become Ning Tianlin.

And Ning Tianlin's image is extremely clear!

"Hello everyone, this is Ning Tianlin."

Suddenly, when everyone was wondering what was going on, Ning Tianlin's voice sounded in the picture, very clear, echoing in everyone's eardrum. And with a smile on his face, he was completely different from the fierce **** just now.

"I am Chinese!"

"Now I am studying at Siyuan College in Beijing!"

"If Siyuan College, I still recognize my student status!"

Immediately after, Ning Tianlin revealed his identity. He smiled.

Since he did not let the combat system block this live broadcast, he also exposed everything to the eyes of countless Chinese people. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to show everyone a showdown.

Let people know who he is Ning Tianlin!

Maybe it won't be long before he will leave the earth. There is no need to hide all this.

Also, only when people see this crazy, fabulous side, will they not pay much attention to technology. He will use his own practice to open up a new sky for everyone.

Let them know how important martial arts, combat power, in the world, in the universe, and in today's sky!

He is sure that from now on, there will be many people who will try crazy ways to improve their combat effectiveness!

(End of this chapter)

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