Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 872: God, turned out to be a Samsung ship!

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Ning Tianlin nodded, and waved his hand to signal the departure of this intelligent life.


"It's almost time to the planet of life!"

"It won't be boring!"

Ning Tianlin hasn't reacted too much, but the beautiful girl beside her, Bo Wen, has already opened her eyes and laughed softly. "Now, something is finally done."

"Yeah, it's finally here."

For three months, it ’s not long or short. Ning Tianlin does n’t have much feeling, but he still has expectations for the next trip. After all, this is also the closest life planet to Earth.

On the first day he left the earth, he went to the moon and also landed on other inanimate planets. There was only one feeling, that was desolation, vastness, completely dead.

However, it is not without gains.

On one of the planets, I accidentally discovered some unknown metal. Although I don't know what name, but in the combat system, I have also exchanged a lot of energy points.

Three million points!

Although not much for today's Ning Tianlin, it can be considered a surprise.

Can't help but close your eyes and keep your soul. There was some excitement in my heart.

Three days later.

Cuttlefish star.

Outer space port.

Cuttlefish is a planet that has entered the galaxy system and has been officially recognized by the galaxy. It has a clear orientation and position on the galaxy map. Therefore, commerce and mutual trade are not a problem.

There are also ports where spacecraft are docked.

However, its scale is too small in the Milky Way, not even the level of "town", at most compared to the level of small villages in Huaxia, and it still has the status of a remote village.



"In the afternoon, be sure to load these goods, I'll get on board!"

At this moment, a shabby spaceship is parked in this outer space port of Cuttlefish. In terms of volume, it is only the size of a football field. Estimated cargo load, Lian Ning Tianlin now wears a large space ring on his hand.

And the surface is dirty, a little tattered, and there is no star rating.

Those who have a slight status in the galaxy can see at a glance that this spacecraft is not even a starship. It is estimated that there is only the B level in ABCD, which is very low.

But even so, this spaceship is still one of the few spaceships of Cuttlefish, responsible for sending the properties on Cuttlefish to other planets, hoping to sell them for a good price and earn some Galaxy coins.

At this moment, the inhabitants of Cuttle Star are coming and going, carrying boxes and boxes of goods back and forth, and transporting them on top of this spaceship. In the cargo, it is this specialty of cuttlefish star, cuttlefish!

It is also because the planet is rich in cuttlefish.


"Don't worry about it this afternoon, you all wait to drink the northwest wind!"

The ship's pilot, Kabbala, was responsible for the shipment. A big man with a lot of fluff on his face. Moreover, he has another level of identity, the cousin of the owner of the spaceship!

At this moment, wearing black strong clothes, he politely scolded these workers at the port.

His eyes were cold and airy.

No way, who made him the cousin of the owner of this spaceship! Although only a cousin, few people can provoke him here on Cuttlefish!

Have a sense of superiority, that is a must!

This spaceship is nothing else, but here it is a sign of success! There are no more than ten cuttlefish in the entire squid! Is responsible for driving, which is not a hero.


However, a moment later, the big man kicked his head sharply and struck a small man beside him, because when he was just starting, he was probably too tired, and it was too slow. Shaky, almost all will carry cuttlefish boxes and give them to the ground.

And this Kabbalah was not polite, and he kicked him with a kick, and fell the thin man directly to the ground. He couldn't hold back and squirted a lot of blood.

Even the container with his hands fell to the ground, scattered scattered.

The container is very large, five or six meters wide and fifty or six meters high. Each of them contains exactly one cuttlefish, and each person is responsible for carrying one.

Although this squid star is still a remote planet, on this planet, the average combat effectiveness of ordinary people has reached 50, which is much higher than that of Earth people. Moving a box of several hundred pounds can still be done.

"Give shameless things!"

"Don't have enough food!"

"Don't do it!"

"Standing in the pit without shit, I don't know how many people are waiting for this job!"

The **** man Kabbalah took a sip on the ground, and he didn't care whether the other party would hurt or not, would he die. Nothing else, because this planet is also a planet of weak meat and strong food.

If you are dead, you can only pay for some money, and sometimes even stronger, you do n’t even need to pay.

Moreover, he Kabbalah, but a warrior with three hundred combat capabilities. Those of them with more than fifty points of fighting power, in front of his eyes, did not dare to put one. He alone can lay down everyone here!


It was just as he was about to teach each other a lesson, his eyes narrowed sharply, and even his expression was unbelievable.

Because I don't know when, not far from him, a giant figure has flown over him. It's big, long, and he can't see his head at all! In front of this figure, not only him, but also the spaceship he is proud of, are like ants.

Even in the harbor, these hard-working people can't help raising their heads, because the top of their heads is completely dark, and even the lights of the harbor seem to be blocked, reflecting a huge reflection.

Covering the sky, the entire upper part is full of coercion.


Involuntarily, Kabbalah swallowed dryly and his legs spun involuntarily.

Because he had seen the huge three golden stars printed on the surface of the ship!

No one knows what that means, but how can he not!

Samsung spaceship!

This suddenly appeared, it turned out to be the Samsung spaceship! A Samsung spaceship with more than 300,000 combat capabilities!

No wonder they will appear above their heads without warning. This type of spacecraft, not to mention combat effectiveness, is technology, and can completely crush their planet! Not to mention advent, they bombarded their planet in the dark, and they didn't know what was going on!

"Samsung spaceship!"

"How can a spaceship of this class come to us on Cuttlefish."

After panic, Kabata was already thinking.

After all, this situation, I don't know how many years have not happened, how can such a big Buddha appear on this remote planet! It's like driving a Ferrari in a poor ditch, of course, it feels weird.

And let alone their cuttle star, that is, many planets around them, and very few spacecraft of this level have arrived.


In his attention, a golden light suit was shot directly below the spacecraft, and then two figures slowly descended from the golden light column, floating in the void.

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