Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 873: Where's the chef?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"grown ups!"

"Sir, are you?"

"What do you do to our planet?"

"What can I help you with?"

Ning Tianlin and Bowen had just landed, and Kabata hurriedly rushed to the two. They asked indignantly, their bodies were bent involuntarily, and they were almost on the ground.

With a charming look, he looked respectful.

It is completely different from the fierce **** who treated the workers just now.

After talking, he smiled and looked at Ning Tianlin eagerly, waiting for a reply. Just turning his mind and making various conjectures.

"Passing by."

"Supply it."

Because of the combat power system, Ning Tianlin can easily understand the opponent's language. Even Bo Wen's body also carries an intelligent language translator, which is also a must-have for the universe.

For a simple reason, Ning Tianlin set his sights on the dock where the cargo was being loaded. During the turning of the mind, he found that the containers moved by the loading workers were filled with black creatures.

In appearance, it is similar to the fish on the earth, with a flat body and large eyes, with twelve tentacles. It just lies in a concentration box and shakes its tail from time to time. Although the vitality is not vigorous, it is not difference.

Obviously, this creature does not need water to survive.

"By the way, my surname is Ning."

Said, across the road to Cabata.

"Oh, Lord Ning!"

"Master Ning, hello, my name is Kabata, and I am the person in charge of the spaceship on the side."

Perhaps when he saw Ning Tianlin set his gaze on his spaceship, Kabata quickly explained, "We are now loading and we will ship these cuttlefish to the nearby Purple Flower Star for sale."

As he said, his eyes rolled and he said, "I don't know what Master Ning needs?"

"If it's a general sun and moon product, you can order the little ones, and the little ones will be happy to help and send them to your spaceship."

For the big men, Kabata is always thinking about all kinds of knots. Maybe if he accidentally climbs high branches, he can immediately turn into a phoenix. Whether it is a local big man, or like Ning Tianlin, he is the same.

Some scum exposed from the other hand may benefit you for a lifetime.

You know, these two people, although they do n’t know which planet they are, but the spaceship they just took, but the Samsung spaceship!

There are no Samsung ships with thousands of planets!

The identity of these two people is absolutely noble!

According to legend, those who own the Samsung spacecraft are all super big families with four or five million combat experts at home. The two of them can drive it, and they must be direct children of this family.

Also known as the elder brother!

Didn't see that Master Ning, who was speaking for the master, was accompanied by everyone Jiao Didi!

As for the other party to plunder themselves? Loot the planet?

How can this be possible!

Adding all the resources of this planet, it is estimated that one cockpit of the other's spaceship is not valuable! How can the other person see it! Moreover, although this planet is small, it is also a planet recognized by the galaxy and is officially sheltered by the galaxy! Not the kind of indigenous planet that hasn't been recognized!

That kind of planet will be plundered without being punished by the laws of the galaxy, but their planet is different. If anyone dares to plunder, they will be captured by the galactic patrol.

But if it is not a rush to rob, but a family or two, those patrols, it doesn't matter if they are arrested.

"no need."

"Some things I prefer to buy by myself."

"Besides, it has been flying for a long time, and it comes out to be breathable."

With a wave of his hand, he put the huge spaceship he just took into his space ring.

"No ... not right!"

It's just that Kabata on the side, seeing this scene, his eyes widened, the boss almost protruded from his eye socket, and his mouth murmured, "

"Master ... Lord, where is your spaceship?"

"No ... wouldn't it ... would you put it in your space ring, right?"

Although his combat effectiveness is not high, he can still sense something with his spirit. The spacecraft just now is by no means invisible, but really disappears! He couldn't feel it!

In other words, the huge, overwhelming, breathless Samsung spacecraft disappeared under his eyelids!

Then there is only one case, that is, the young man in front of him puts his own space ring!

But this is too scary!

This spaceship is larger than their planet, so it is put into the space ring of the young people in front of them, that is, the ring of the other party can hold a planet!


He has never heard of such a large space ring in this world!


"It's in my space ring."

Ning Tianlin replied lightly.

Although the tone is light, but my heart is a bit proud. He knew that the Promise Ring he wore on his fingers was a little different, but he didn't expect it to be so different. When it was unsealed for the last time, the space inside it had expanded to be larger than the earth.

It really surprised him at the time.

A ring with such a large space, he also saw it in the exchange platform of the combat effectiveness system, but that all required tens of billions of points of energy.

And this ring is not only a space ring, but also a combat ring!

At the time, this Promise Ring was a reward for novices. He really made a lot of money!

"Let's go."

"Let me see, what's in your container?"

With that said, Ning Tianlin took a step towards the workers who were loading in front. Bo Wen, who had not spoken on the side, followed afterwards. It was just eyes that seemed to see extremely delicious food.


It was only Cabata, looking at Ning Tianlin's back, and involuntarily swallowed saliva again, feeling a little dizzy.

It turns out that in this world, there really is something that you can't think of, and there is no one that doesn't exist. It seems that he is really a mud bun that can only be mixed in the countryside and sits in the sky watching the sky.

"I don't know if the Space Ring of the Lord of the Galaxy, is it like that ..."

"It's really an insight today."

Seeing that Ning Tianlin was about to go to his spaceship, shook his body, and quickly followed.

"Master Ning, this is our specialty of cuttlefish star, cuttlefish!"

"A delicious food!"

"If Lord Ning likes it, I can immediately find a chef for you to try."

Kabata said attentively.

It was just that Ning Tianlin hadn't answered yet, but Bo Wen beside him had already waved excitedly, "Okay!"


"Must try!"

"But what chef is needed!"

"Isn't it better!"

With a wave of his hand, a container floated in the air and flew towards her quickly.

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