Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 874: Ten thousand galaxies?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

In Kabata's horrified eyes, Bowen, who was just a beautiful beauty, had a big mouth, much bigger than her body! It's exactly the same as a toad whose proportions don't match.


The cracking sound sounded, and the entire container was swallowed directly by Bo Wen! There was a rattling noise.

Three seconds later, a huge tongue, a roll, rolled out a container again, and stuffed it into his belly. But this time when she was over, and she was about to swallow again, Ning Tianlin stopped her.

"All right."


"If you want to eat, you will eat later. Don't look like this."

Ning Tianlin was a little helpless. This Bowen claimed to be his maid, but he never thought of himself as the master. He always gave a big grin in front of himself, and he ate before he spoke.

"You look at you, what scared him!"

Ning Tianlin pointed to Kabbata, who had been rolling to the ground with his fingers on the ground, shaking his legs constantly, and his crotch was wet. Even the workers who loaded the cargo shouted, "Monster!"



"You coward."

He closed his mouth and saw Kabata on the ground, and laughed. It was just the corner of her mouth that still had a trace of blood, which proved that there was indeed a living creature that had just disappeared into her mouth.

"Well, don't eat if you don't."

"It's a bit indecent."


Bo Wen skimmed her lips, and at last she stuck out her tongue, and then licked her lips.

She is a zombie, a family of ancient beasts, and she loves food, and food is the root of her continuous evolution. Therefore, when she encounters food, she is generally more excited.

"I'm up, I won't eat you again, see if you're afraid!"

Laughing at Kabbata on the ground.

"Hurry up, let your men and women prepare some of these cuttlefish for me, this girl is going to eat!"

"This cuttlefish was just fine."

"Let ’s do this first, and give me five hundred!"

Bo Wen's measurement is a match with Manzulu, but in detail, it is worse than Manzulu, because Bowen will swallow too much and feel supportive. And Wanzuo, no matter how much it swallows, never feels full.

Its belly is exactly like a bottomless pit.

In other words, it always swallows while digesting all its energy.

"Five ... five hundred ..."

Lying on the ground, Kabbata, who was just struggling to stand up, listened to a cricket on his hind legs, and lay directly on the ground. Five hundred, that is, he can't finish eating for a year! He ate such a piece for three or five days!

And this woman can eat so much in one meal!

In addition, these two are not necessary, five hundred, but the number is not small! It's nothing to his cousin, but to him, it's not a small expense.



"Grandma Aunt can't help it. Within half an hour, she will start eating."

"If you can't prepare it, I will eat you!"

After speaking, the original black eyes became red, and he looked at Kabata in a horrifying manner, opened his mouth, and scared his heart to throb.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"I'll get ready now!"

Kabata is going to leave here, he can't meet the nobles, it's almost the same as meeting the gods. He is so big, but he has never seen a human being.

And the mouth can grow so big! So much bigger than him!

"and many more."

Only at this time, Ning Tianlin opened his mouth, called him, and waved his hand, a stack of paper things, flew towards Kabata, and was taken over by the other hand.

"You hold it."

"Neither eat you for nothing."

"Find a good cook here, and find a better place for us to have a good meal."

What Ning Tianlin threw away was nothing else, but the Galaxy coins exchanged from the combat system! I don't know what the prices here are, but it still happens to be a stack of ten thousand galactic coins.

"If it's not enough, I'll tell you later, I'll supply you again."

Ning Tianlin thought about it and added one more sentence.

I do n’t know how much this 10,000 Galaxy Coins are worth here, but in the combat system, they are not important, and Ning Tianlin is not very concerned. Because of a little energy, I can exchange 10,000 galaxy coins!

Although it is a little less than a million yuan for one million yuan on the earth, it is also very good.

Ten thousand galaxy coins are just a little bit of energy.




"It's too much ..."

"Not needed at all."

Kabata, who reached out to take over the Galaxy coin, first froze, but when he saw what was in his hand, he was ecstatic, and even his hands were shaking involuntarily!

One hundred yuan worth of Galaxy coins!

And still a stack!

This thickness is not exactly one hundred!

One hundred pieces is ten thousand galaxies!


He swallowed again, his heart beating violently, and his blood was boiling. Ning Tianlin didn't know what the 10,000 Galaxy coins meant, but he knew about Kabata.

Ten galaxy coins are enough to buy a luxury home on their planet!

One hundred galaxy coins can buy a decent yacht!

One thousand galaxy coins can buy this B-class spaceship now!

Ten thousand galaxies are much higher than his cousin's net worth! Even more than the governing chief of this planet!

The price of their planet is converted according to tens of thousands of galactic coins. Their standard of living for a day is not enough for 0.1 galaxy! Even the cuttlefish just swallowed by Bo Wen, it is only the price of 0.55 galaxy coins!

The cuttlefish loaded on the entire spaceship is only a few hundred galactic coins!

This 10,000 galactic coins is a huge fortune to any of them on the planet!

Moreover, he would not doubt that the Galaxy coin is fake. Although he has not seen it in person, he has seen one hundred yuan face value in the Galaxy network. This is what it looks like!

The entire galaxy is not described as a counterfeit currency. Today's technology can be identified wherever it is identified. After all, this identification technology is common to the entire galaxy.

Moreover, no one dares to make fake coins in the galaxy, even dare not use them! The Lord of the Galaxy is extremely strict in this regard, for this reason I do not know how many people have been killed.

One planet one planet is gone!

Over the years, no one has ever appeared!

"As much as you can use."

"The rest is rewarding you."

Ning Tianlin waved his hand. "And you won't take the money for nothing. You will be asked to do it later."

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