Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 906: What kind of car do you have?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Hi boss!"

The woman bent down and greeted Ning Tianlin.

The sound was a little bit numb, which made Ning Tianlin sound when he was on Earth. A very famous movie star in China was also this kind of voice. Even more so, the looks of both are somewhat similar.

Speaking, before Ning Tianlin nodded, he stepped forward and held Ning Tianlin's arm, but his expression was unnatural, somewhat embarrassed, and obviously not very skilled.


Ning Tianlin frowned, shouting coldly.

I did not expect the other party to make such a move.


The woman was startled, took a step back, and looked at Ning Tianlin awkwardly.

what happened?

Do n’t men all like this?

Isn't it just hug when you come up!

What is the escort, isn't it a one-stop service?

Although she was doing it for the first time, but the rules in it were already taught to her by her "sisters" when she came, she still had some preparation in mind.

"Just follow me."

"What I let you do is what you do."

When Ning Tianlin was on the earth, he did not have much contact with women. Except for a few classmates, he generally spent time in improving combat effectiveness. Now, a strange woman makes such a move, making him a little uncomfortable.


The woman whispered a little, nodded, and looked at Ning Tianlin's figure who had moved forward, a little afraid.

A cold hum from the other side just now, although she didn't use much effort, made her feel a strong power, and even unconsciously, she felt that the surrounding temperature was reduced by one point.

She guessed that if she continued to hold each other's arms, they would dare to hit her!

Not like joking and pretending.



Seeing that Ning Tianlin had walked a few meters away, hesitated, but you quickly followed the broken steps.

no way.

Now that we've done this, we can't look back. No matter what the client's request or attitude, she has to suffer.

If this last guest complains to the boss, or says something is not good, her business will be done in vain, and she will even face the anger of the boss.

Although she only went to work on the first day, she also saw how the boss treated them behind the scenes.

It is possible to swear and scold, even kill!

Who made them just slaves!

The slave who sold this star from a distance!

"Know this planet, where is the biggest shop?"

As soon as the woman Xiaoman walked to Ning Tianlin, Ning Tianlin had already spoken and asked her, at the same time, he added, "It's everything that can be bought there."

"Oh." Xiaoman nodded. "I know."

"At the Changming Building."

"Everything is there."

Although she went to work on the first day, she was trafficked to the planet for five days. I still know a little about things on this planet and have also undergone a short geography training.

After all, their identities are tour guides, and they accompany the guests to play.

Some famous places they must know.

However, I only know about it. After all, they are not real tour guides. No one finds them for tourism. 99% of them are not all that kind of thing.

Escorted during the day, and accompanied at night.

"take me to."

Ningtian Forest Road. With that, with a wave of his hand, a black floating car appeared beside them.

"Hovering car?"

Xiaoman was startled.

I never imagined that a man could change this kind of thing!

Levitation vehicle is a tool for peers on this planet. And this car looks very tall, much taller than the rental suspension cars and private suspension cars of the surrounding peers.

Just this streamlined type, you know it is very expensive!

Most importantly, how did this car come? Space ring?

She has heard of a space ring that can hold such a large object, but she has never seen it, because there is such a large space ring, it is very precious! Hundreds of thousands, even millions of Galaxy coins!

She originally had a space ring, but that capacity can only be filled with cups, books and the like. Compared with this space, it is totally a sky and an underground.

"But my space ring is gone ..."

"That's a gift from my father ..."

Thinking of this, Xiaoman's look was a little bleak, and the scene of the family's destruction that day appeared before her, and at the same time, he couldn't help looking at Ning Tianlin's finger.

Sure enough, a ring was worn there, as deep as the night sky.


Ning Tianlin only said a word, and sat in.

This suspension vehicle, of course, was exchanged from the combat system. It only has five hundred points of energy. In the combat system, things that have nothing to do with combat are generally less expensive.

Ning Tianlin was planning to fly by.

But on this planet, human flight is forbidden, and only by means of transportation can we shuttle in the air.

Otherwise, it ’s easy to get messy for a while.

And some identities, who wants to fly alone. Just following the earth, who would walk or ride a bicycle after having a car?

What bike do you ride?

"Boss, you're a great car."

Xiaoman sat inside and slammed into his face with a thick luxurious nobility.

She never thought that a suspended car could be so!

The central control panel is a beautiful image of a smart robot. There is no steering wheel. The entire car is like a small room full of high-tech, even sofas, drinks, refrigerators and the like!

The main thing is that the surrounding cortex is obviously not made by ordinary skin! Not even artificial!

If she guessed well, these leathers are the fur of precious animals! She can even see the texture veins that belong to animal fur only!

Moreover, as soon as she sat down, she could see people pointing at the car. In that look, except for envy, there was only envy!

"Boss, how much is your suspended car?"

"What brand?"

"I've never seen it before."

Xiaoman originally had a good life, but he has never seen such a floating car in front of him. Sitting in the car, he looked at Ning Tianlin and asked.

Men like luxury cars, as do some women. Incense car beauty, this is a saying.


It was just that Ning Tianlin ignored her, and directed directly to the intelligent video of the center console.


Following the instructions of Ning Tianlin, the black suspension vehicle started on its own, with a light blue flame on its belly and tail, and flew into the air.

ten minutes later.

Already in front of a huge silver-gray building floating in the air.

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