Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 907: Give me all-inclusive!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"This building ..."

Although Ning Tianlin is relatively well-informed with the eyes of the people on the earth, after seeing this building, he was really a little surprised. Just hidden by him deeply, the woman on the side couldn't notice it.

This tall silver-grey building hangs all over! More than 500 meters off the ground! Like the legendary sky city in the earth!

"There are so many incredible things in this world!"

Ning Tianlin did not expect that a planet that is not so eye-catching and not even the center of the galaxy could have such a suspended city.

This exists only on earth and myth!

Now, such a building is just a mall!

"What a beautiful building ..."

Xiaoman on the side, at first glance at the building, was almost addicted.

In these days, when she was trained, she had heard of Changming Building and had seen its existence from the pictures, but compared with the real thing, those materials were completely paperless!

She didn't know how to describe her shock in words!

She was also captured from an outside planet and sold to the planet as a slave. She had never seen such a magnificent and shocking building on the original planet.

In front of this huge silver-grey building, she looked like an ant looking up at the sky.

"Hanging stones."

"This is the legendary hanging stone!"

"There is such a building in this world!"

Compared with Ning Tianlin, this Xiaoman's knowledge is still somewhat broad.

The planet she has lived in since she was a child has already entered the Milky Way and joined the Milky Way network. She has also seen this information, knowing that there are such buildings in this world.

And if you want to create such a building, you must build it from suspended stones!

Every piece of suspended stone is worthless!

This suspended stone can vary in size.

Large can have thousands of feet, or even a planet and a galaxy, while small ones can have one meter, one inch, or even one centimeter.

"Hanging stones?"

When Ning Tianlin heard Xiaoman's whisper, he raised his eyebrows, and at the same time he couldn't help distracting himself, immersed himself in this Changming building.


The information discovered by the spirit turned out to be this huge building, which is a whole! There is no building structure!

In other words, the entire Changming Building was dug out and rebuilt from a huge hanging stone!

It is a whole suspended stone in itself!

"Let's go in."

But it was only very soon that Ning Tianlin remembered his purpose here, and he was shocked by Xiaoman Road.



Xiaoman nodded, but the shock in her eyes also represented that her heart could not be restored for a long time.


A welcoming ceremony like the earth, a beautiful woman stood at the door and greeted them with a bow.

"so big!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked when he entered the door.

He did not expect that this building not only hangs on the outside, but also hangs on the inside! All items are placed on the suspended stone platform.

One by one, one by one.

Inside, there is no floor, but a fast-suspending stone platform that leads directly to the top floor of the building!

If people want to visit, they need to fly in the air!

However, Ning Tianlin also knows that after the combat power exceeds 10,000, everyone can fly autonomously, and flying is as easy as walking.

"Boss ... I'll find an aircraft."

Xiao Man's face looked a little excited, no different from a girl in a shopping mall. At the same time, he said carefully to Ning Tianlin.

All the goods here need to be checked up.

And she has no 10,000 physical combat power. She also saw that the left hand side of the mall's newly-entered door provided a free aircraft. As long as you step on this aircraft, you can fly autonomously.

And it is impossible to fall off the aircraft.

Because the aircraft will provide a protective cover, which will give you a rigorous package.

"it is good."

Ning Tianlin nodded. The purpose of looking for this woman was to ask her to help her pick things up and ask some things, but just now, the other's smile smiled to remind her of her sister on earth.

My sister also had this expression when she entered a large shopping mall.



It's the same as visiting the big garden.

Could not help but said to Xiaoman, "You go shopping by yourself, don't follow me."

"I'll call you when I leave."

Ning Tianlin even thought of a possibility. If there is nothing he wants in this mall, he will go to a place and find someone. There must be something not here!



Xiao Man smiled very happy.

Also think that this entertaining man is not as terrible as the sisters say! She even felt a different feeling from the man.

"Cold and hot?"


Is cold and warm!

Xiaoman nodded.

Originally, she thought that the other party would let her stay with her all the time, and she would let her visit by herself.

And this kind of shopping mall has never been seen on her original planet.


Just after she finished speaking, with a blink of her eyes, the man had lost sight of her. When she looked again, she had seen the other person standing by a suspended platform and staring at the contents.

"So fast!"

Xiaoman was a little stunned in his heart, and suddenly realized that the man was far from simple as he realized. It was only soon that she shook her head and smiled bitterly.

What does this root have to do with it?

He was just a slave.

After finishing this business, the next boss I met didn't know what it was like. Now, all I can enjoy is shopping.


Activate the aircraft and start your own visit.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

When Ning Tianlin appeared on a suspended stone platform, a shopping guide on the side asked him with a smile on his face.

Although these people are only shopping guides, all of them have combat effectiveness of more than 10,000.

"This one!"

"This one!"

"Wrap it all for me!"

"I want it all!"

Ning Tianlin didn't say much, pointing directly at the east and west inside the suspended platform.

Although these are not combat system layouts

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

When Ning Tianlin appeared on a suspended stone platform, a shopping guide on the side asked him with a smile on his face.

Although these people are only shopping guides, all of them have combat effectiveness of more than 10,000.

"This one!"

"This one!"

"Wrap it all for me!"

"I want it all!"

Ning Tianlin didn't say much, pointing directly at the east and west inside the suspended platform.

Although these are not combat system layouts

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