Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 911: Who did it

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


As soon as the lady had finished speaking, and her identity was completely demonstrated, Xiaoman had already slammed the trigger in her hand, and not once, but a dozen times in a row, hitting the other person's body randomly.

Until the noblewoman fell into a pool of blood, no more sound, and stopped when she no longer struggled to twitch.

"Sure enough, hatred is the biggest source of motivation."

Ning Tianlin believes that if he had just given the charge ion gun, Xiaoman would definitely make the opponent a horse honeycomb! Crazy shots.


"Dad, mom, brother, relatives of my uncle, I have revenge for you!"

"Although it only killed one of his wives, I can only do so much ..."

Seeing that the lady was dead, Yun Xiaoman sat weakly on the ground, and even landed with the ion gun in his hand. At this moment, only her parents and only her family are in her heart.

The scene that strangled her family appeared before her eyes.

Their uncle's family, not from this planet, is a nearby, not very powerful and prosperous planet, but one day, a big accident happened in the family, the whole family was copied, and the parents and brothers were killed within minutes.

If it weren't for her going out to play, not at home, and avoiding it, she would surely die too!

Afterwards, she also got the reason from other people's mouths. It was her father who hid the robbers, covered the crime, and was completely destroyed!

She has been living at home for so long. She never knew who her father had sheltered, and she never saw anyone at home! Her home is a three-bedroom, one-living room, slap bigger, who can't she hide it?

This cover crime is just bullshit! Sin to be added!

Also, even if you are sheltered, you don't have to kill the whole family! Just punish some money!

But the final result was violent resistance to the law, let alone kill!

She knew her father, an honest person, how could she bravely resist the law?

And her identity was quickly cancelled and turned into a black household. During the escape of the planet, she was caught as a slave and trafficked to this star.

When it came to Changxing, she knew what was going on.

It turns out that the black hands behind the scenes are all this general Wu!

Although Wu Wu is a general and the third strongest player in Changxing, he is also an extremely greedy person. For this reason, he also has a living and human trafficking! Interstellar human trafficking!

Catch some slaves from some other planets and sell them! But in this world, how can there be so many slaves? Under his high pressure, many people are treated as slaves for no reason!

It can be said that he said that whoever is a slave is a slave!

And her original planet ’s governor was just a puppet of this puppet general, who also secretly provided a slave for puppet! Her family was unfortunately mistreated as a slave, resisted and was killed when arrested!

However, she escaped, did not expect to be arrested again, and trafficked to Changxing, and finally was bought by a brothel, ready to be cultivated as a travel companion.

But it was here that she realized how her father died, and what happened!

Therefore, she attributed the source of everything to this ungeneral general. She had thought that revenge in this life would be hopeless. If she had no fighting power, how could she avenge such revenge!

But I did not expect that today, the slave trafficker's wife was edged!

"Master's wife!"

"This man actually killed Mrs. Wu's wife!"

As Chang's third general, Wu Ming's name is, of course, no one knows, no one knows. Now, there are people who dare to kill his wife, and the crowd still watching, one by one shocked.

At the same time, they backed away tens of meters away and did not dare to surround them. Otherwise, they will wait for the guard to come and treat them as a party. They will not regret it!

They are not afraid of blood splashing on their bodies, but they do not mean that they are not afraid of the generals!



It was also at this time, a sharp alarm sounded, and it was very urgent in the seemingly empty Changming Building, which caused Ning Tianlin to frown, and at the same time his mind flickered, and the alarm was controlled by his spirit to give Shock shattered.

He likes quiet and doesn't like noisy.

And this side movement, will also be full of energy, Xiaoman look confused and look back at the past to wake up. Turning his head, he saw Ning Tianlin staring at himself and said, "Boss, although I don't know what your name is yet, thank you."

"Thank you for saving me!"

"Also made me revenge!"

Xiaoman didn't say anything like revenge, because she had n’t reported the real hatred, not even the face of the enemy, but she was satisfied with the result.

General Wu, that's a heavenly figure, let alone a slave now. It was just a matter of saying that she wanted her to die while her parents were still there.

"Just, how do you know what's happening in my house?"

"Have we met before?"

After Xiaoman became a slave, she never told anyone about what happened in her family, especially in this Changxing star, only buried her in her heart, and she never remembered meeting the person in front of her.

How did she know what was going on at home?

Is this the enemy?

"What if you haven't seen it before."

"What I want to know is just a word."

Ning Tianlin said indifferently, he also installed a force. But it also surprised the woman Xiaoman. Did he investigate me?

It only took me a few minutes to see it, and the person knew the details of his investigation. . . . . . It's too scary.

Still, she said, "Boss, no matter what, I still thank you for making me avenge."

At the same time, I looked around and smiled bitterly, "Boss, you have to go quickly, this is nothing, it is definitely not a mess."

"Let's run away while they haven't come yet!"

"You are so capable, as long as you escape the Changxing star, presumably they are also beyond your control."

"If you don't wait for them to come, you can't go if you want to go."

Wu Xiaoman advised.

No matter what purpose the "boss" used to hold, at this moment, she sincerely hopes that the other party will run away, and don't let herself be burdened.

As for myself. . . . . .

Ha ha.

Would you live if you killed the widow?


At the same time as the two were talking, the entrance of the Changming Mansion burst into a crowd of people, dozens of them, and when they came up, they swarmed, heavenly, underground, that would be Ning Tianlin and Xun Xiao Man's body surrounded him.

Holding weapons, they looked at the two fiercely.

The crowd on the sidelines, however, immediately hid away and did not dare to stay close.

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