Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!




Along with the entry of these people, a middle-aged man with a tall, golden-brown, big-eyed eyebrows quickly walked in with a group of people arching.

Upon entering the door, Lengyan glanced at the noblewoman lying on the ground in a pool of blood, her frown slightly.

Looking at Ning Tianlin and Yun Xiaoman at the same time, he asked gently, "Who did it?"

Not much, just three words, but it makes people feel a strong oppression.

It is not others, it is this star who has the third highest combat effectiveness.


"I killed your wife."

"It has nothing to do with him."

At this moment, Xiao Xiaoman stood up abruptly, staring straight at Wu Wu, showing a forward-looking momentum all over his body, without the slightest fear, so that Ning Tianlin, who was standing aside, all looked at him.

Is this still the weak girl just now?

He even read thick hatred from the other party's eyes.

Also, the creator who wiped out the whole family is in front of her. She can't hate it!

However, at this point in the discourse, you can let yourself aside from the relationship, and assume that it is right that you have just helped.


Wu Wu gave Xiaoman a slight glance and snorted coldly, "A slave, is this capable!"

From start to finish, no attention was paid to whether the lady was really dead.

"Both of them killed me!"

"A piece of meat, cut it all!"

"Record a video!"

"After half an hour, I want to see it online!"

Wu Wu just glanced at Ning Tianlin and instructed the people around him. What's more, he didn't take Ning Tianlin into his eyes at all. He is too young. If he is too young, what combat power can he have?

And, rely on family history?

Ha ha!

He walked to where he is now, but he still cares about his family background!

Changxing is the most prosperous planet in the neighborhood. In Jiumu County, no one can match their Changxing except Jiumu Capital. He is ranked third in Changxing, which means that he is also ranked third in this neighborhood!

This young man has never seen himself, what family history can he have!

He knows all those who ca n’t offend the first and second. He has long remembered in his mind that there is absolutely no kid with this hair in front of him.

So why not kill it!

Moreover, it has been a long time since he played the video of his killing. Perhaps these people have forgotten his reputation!

As for his elder lady, then hehe, after all, the elder lady is just the elder lady, and there are the second lady, the third lady, the fourth lady, and even the eighteenth lady. Does he care?

If he died, he would marry again!

He doesn't lack women!

"Yes, general!"

The guard on the side cried loudly. At the same time, the body bowed and rushed towards Ning Tianlin and Yun Xiaoman.

Catch it!

Then Ling Chi!


"It's my boss that hurts ..."

Xiaoman looked at Ning Tianlin, with endless apologies in her eyes. This time, everything happened because of her, and it hurt her boss, which made her feel a little unhappy.

Although this person does not always smile and is solemn and solemn, she knows that the other party is good and helped her twice to get ahead for her, but now she is going to die with her.

It would be okay if he was all around, but he might escape, but now the general who has the third highest combat effectiveness is here. This boss is definitely unable to escape. She didn't believe it and didn't dare to think about it. Her "boss" 's combat effectiveness would be more powerful than the third-ranked combat power!

"Ha ha."

What just surprised her was that the "boss", not only did not panic in the face of the swarming guards, but smiled slightly, but did not see how he moved, but just stretched his right palm forward and then pressed it.

The rushing guards all fell to the ground, screaming and wailing loudly.

Not only was there blood, but even Xiaoman saw that the whole body of these guards collapsed all at once, like a puddle of mud, lying on the ground softly, and the sound was very bright except for the miserable.

"Did it?"

Xiaoman's eyes flashed a speculation, are these people's veins full? Only in this way can we explain what is happening right now!

"Good idea!"

"No wonder it's so hard!"

The words of Wu Wu, who stood aside, confirmed her suspicion, "Being quiet, it will make my subordinates worse off than they are in life, and they will not stand up in this life. Not only good means, but also ruthless!"

鲎 said boundlessly, the light scattered in his eyes.

He didn't think that his subordinates were not the enemy of this young man! As soon as they came up, they were all scrapped! However, he didn't care too much, after all, it was just some crap.

He can do it himself.

"What do you want this person to do?"

"Kill yourself?"

"Or am I here to kill?"

It was just that Ning Tianlin didn't look at him, but asked Qi Xiaoman with a smile. His tone was relaxed, and he pointed his fingers at Wu Wu, apparently he didn't take him at all.


Tong Xiaoman was shocked. She just thought that she was going to die. She would die without a corpse in the hands of these guards, but she did not expect that this young boss gave her another shock!

Even one move killed all the guards that came up!

Although not as **** as the headshot, the shock to myself was extremely strong.

Now, even ask yourself what to do with Wu Wu?

Does he think he is better than Chang's third strongest player?

This is the top three stars in Changxing, Jiumu County!

"court death!"

"Dare to disrespect our general!"

When Wu Wu's face became extremely gloomy and angry, some of the guards on the side responded and yelled at Ning Tianlin.

The Lord humiliated his subjects, and some people dare to insult their generals, aren't they hitting their faces!

Although some guards have been killed, there are always those who think they are more intelligent and rushed towards Ning Tianlin. These people are also capable and clean that Wu Wu believes more.




But this time it was even more bloody. When their bodies had not rushed out, they only burst with a small amount of movement, and they burst suddenly, just like a time bomb installed in their bodies.

Cracked into blood *** days pouring.

Even some minced meat splashed into the crowds watching in the distance, scaring these people to go backwards crazy.

It was only an instant, except that he had lost himself, and all the people who brought him died!


鲎 No face finally changed.

Although he can do this trick, he may not be much better than this young man.

Is this young man's fighting ability only slightly worse than him?

Or the difference is not big?

Even higher than yourself?

For a moment, his face became extremely solemn.

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